If you recall the days of sweating over paper applications, the bell of your parents’ IBM Selectric as you reached the end of a line, and visiting a lonely guidance counselor whose office was located deep in the bowels of your high school, know that your child will have a very different experience.
Bill Roberts School Celebrates Award
Bill Roberts ECE-8 in Central Park celebrated being named a National Blue Ribbon School in the category “Exemplary High Performing Schools.”
Leaders Behind the J&W Transformation
Thanks to the vision and persistence of leaders at Denver Public Schools and the Urban Land Conservancy, the redevelopment of the former Johnson and Wales complex in East Park Hill will uphold and broaden the historical mission of the campus, while ensuring that it becomes more diverse and inclusive.
Northfield Students Walk Out and Speak Out about Sexual Harassment
Student leaders at Northfield High School who organized the Sept. 20 rally against sexual harassment say they had concerns even before School Board Member Tay Anderson was censured by his fellow board members for comments “unbecoming” a board director.
…NE News Updates
This month: 1) William (Bill) Roberts ECE-8 School Selected as a National Blue Ribbon School; 2) 301 Apartments To Be Built near Central Park Rail Station; 3) 9/11 Memorial Dedicated at DIA; and 4) Crime Stats.
Our New Superintendent & DPS Issues that Lie Ahead
Closing the achievement gap—which leaves boys who look like Marrero dangling at the bottom—will of course prove to be one of Marrero’s biggest challenges in DPS.
New Life for Johnson & Wales Campus
An innovative partnership between an urban conservation group, Denver School of the Arts (DSA), two public housing organizations, a culinary incubator, and a private K-8 school will transform the Johnson and Wales campus in east Denver over the next twelve months.
Principals Optimistic about 2021-22
If you call 2020 “a lost academic year,” Susan Miller-Curley, the incoming principal at Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment, will be quick to point out the positive.
SchoolChoice Waitlists
Families who are unsure about how they can best use Round 2 SchoolChoice for their own circumstances should call the SchoolChoice Hotline at 720-423-3493 and request a conversation with the director or a supervisor, says Laurie Premer, Director of Enrollment Services.
2021 Grad Parade
The Central Park community celebrated 2021 graduates with a car parade on May 16 that featured approximately 300 participants from multiple schools.
NE SchoolChoice Outcomes
According to DPS, 83% of transitioning students took part in SchoolChoice and 89% were placed in their number-one choice.
Local Teacher Selected for National Honor
Denver Green School Northfield teacher Justin Barney was selected for recognition by Honored, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping great teachers in the classroom and to inspiring a new generation of talent to pursue teaching.