Swainson’s Hawk—photographed at Bluff Lake Nature Center. The Swainson’s Hawk migrates here from Argentina yearly to nest and raise youngs in April and returns to Argentina with the juveniles in September. Average adult weight is 1.8 lbs. (30 oz) for males and 2.5 lbs. (40 oz) for females. Wingspan is 49 inches. See end of events for George Ho’s hummingbird photos.
Please double check event dates and times using contact info provided

Oneida Park Farmers Market
Every Sunday Thru 10/10—Central Park Farmer’s Market. Colorado-grown produce, baked goods, meats, and more at The Green (29th Ave & Roslyn) 9am–1pm. mca80238.com
Every Thursday Thru 9/30—Park Hill Farm & Flea. A Thursday Night Market featuring local makers, food purveyors, live music, and more. Oneida Park, 2231 Oneida St., from 4–8pm. parkhillfarmandflea.com
Every Friday Thru 8/27—Stanley Farm & Flea. 9am–1pm. 2501 Dallas St, Aurora, in the Southeast Plaza. stanleyfarmandflea.com
Every Saturday Thru 10/30—City Park Farmers Market. 60+ Colorado-based vendors offering locally-made produce and products. 8am–1pm at 2551 E. Colfax Ave. cityparkfarmersmarket.com
Saturdays—Bluff Lake Welcome Booth & Family Adventure Day. Free giveaways, scavenger hunts, field equipment rentals, games, and activities for both kids and adults. Later end-time, fire pit, and s’mores on select weeks. 11255 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. blufflake.org
8/1 Sunday—City Park Jazz. 6–8pm. Nelson Rangell performs at City Park Pavilion, 1700 N. York St., cityparkjazz.org
8/1, 8/22 & 8/29— Sunday Summer Music Series at Stanley West patio at Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. 1–4pm. stanleymarketplace.com
8/3 Tuesday—National Night Out. 5–8pm. Village Place park, 4662 N Carson St. For more info, email danae.baskall@denvergov.org
8/5 Thursday— MoJaBlu Concert series: Hot Lunch Band. Conservatory Green (49th & Valentia.) Begins at 6:30pm. mca80238.com
8/6 Friday—Outdoor Movie Series: Raya and the Last Dragon. The Green (29th Ave & Roslyn St). Movie starts at dusk. mca80238.com
8/7 Saturday—7th Annual Run for the Ring. Supporting The Guild of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, Anschutz Medical Campus, 1775 Aurora Ct, Aurora. childrensdiabetesfoundation.org
8/7 and 9/4—Bird Walk Around Bluff Lake. 8–10am. Join our birding experts on this free walk, everyone is welcome. Bring your own binoculars or we can loan you a pair. 11255 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. blufflake.org
8/12, 8/13 & 8/14—Theatre on the Green with Central City Opera. The Green (29th Ave & Roslyn St). Begins at 6:30pm. mca80238.com
8/21 Saturday—Bluff Lake Two Hour Guided Walk. 8–10am. Open your senses and engage with nature in a deeper way. 11255 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. blufflake.org
Through 8/22—Five Guys Named Moe. A musical featuring the works of jazz legend Louis Jordan. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora. vintagetheatre.org
8/29 Sunday—Qigong and Mindfulness Walk around Bluff Lake. 7:30–9am. Led by Joann Calabrese, mindfulness, and qigong instructor. 11255 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. blufflake.org
Through 9/6—SummerSkate. The Shops at Northfield Stapleton. $10, includes skate rental. shopsatnorthfield.com
Through 9/26—Van Gogh Alive. A large-scale, multi-sensory experience to entertain the whole family. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. Tickets at denvercenter.org

City Park Farmers Market
Active Minds Seminars. Check out the schedule for webinars in August, some in-person. Denver metro area events at activeminds.com
8/3 Tuesday—CF Climb Denver. Empower Field at Mile High Stadium. Stair climb benefits Cystic Fibrosis. 5:30pm. In-person and online options. Register by 8/2 at cff.org/rockymountain/
8/4 and 8/11—Mixed Taste Lecture Series. Return of this popular DCPA, off-beat series, online or in-person at the Seawell Ballroom. Tickets at denvercenter.org
8/6 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Art District on Santa. 5:30–9:30pm. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
8/6 and 8/13—B-Side Music Fridays. Rooftop, garden performances. 1485 Delgany St. Details at mcadenver.org
8/11 to 8/14—Cherry Creek North Food & Wine. Celebrate the diverse and sophisticated tastes of Cherry Creek North dining. 2401 E. 2nd Ave. ccnfoodandwine.com
8/12 Thursday—Shady Grove Summer Concert. Eef and The Blues Express, all ages. 6:30pm. Swallow Hill at Four Mile Historic Park. Tickets $10-20 at swallowhillmusic.org
8/14 Saturday—Jonathan Saraga Quintet. New York trumpeter featuring a band of CO based artists for this one-night-only occasion. 1330 27th St. nocturnejazz.com
8/14 Saturday—Carabiner Comedy Show. Stand-Up Comedy & Craft Beer with stand up comedian Zac Maas. 14er Brewing & Beer Garden 3120 Blake St. eventbrite.com/e/carabiner-comedy-show-tickets-163796552899
8/16 Monday—Wild Fire: A theatrical concert inspired by real Colorado stories. Real life stories from 2020’s East Troublesome Fire and songs written by folk artists. denvercenter.org
8/19 Thursday—Riverfront Park Summer Sessions. Music, food, and art. Free entry. Commons Park, 15th St. & Little Raven St. riverfrontparkevents.com
8/21 Saturday—MCA Denver’s 2nd Annual Parade for the People. Begins at 1pm at the City of Cuernavaca Park, ends at the Museum of Contemporary Art with food trucks, performances, and free admission to the museum. 1485 Delgany St. mcadenver.org
Weekends Thru 8/22—Colorado Renaissance Festival. Larkspur. coloradorenaissance.com
8/24 Tuesday—Active Minds presents: The Challenges of Mexico. In-depth look at our neighbor to the south. 1:30-3:30pm, Free. Garden Plaza of Aurora, 14221 E Evans Ave, Aurora. activeminds.com
8/28 Saturday—Broomfield Plane Pull. Join Special Olympics, presented by The Smile Generation at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport. 11755 Airport Way, Broomfield. specialolympicsco.org
8/28 to 8/29—Firefly Handmade Summer Market. 100+ indie artisans, cocktails, beer, and wine, Live music, Local shops, restaurants, and bars. Free admission. 1000 Block of S Gaylord St in Wash Park. fireflyhandmade.com
8/29 Sunday—Affordable Arts Festival. 160 Colorado & national fine artists selling art discounted to $100 or less. Arapahoe Community College, 5900 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton. $12 tickets help raise funds for scholarships. Affordableartsfestival.com
Through 8/30—Evenings al Fresco. Concerts Monday/Wednesday evenings at Denver Botanic Gardens. 1007 York St. Tickets at botanicgardens.org
9/2 Thursday—SipCity Fundraiser. A gourmet food and wine tasting benefiting the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. 5:30–8:30pm. The Cable Center, 2000 Buchtel Blvd. coloradocoalition.org
9/4 to 9/6—Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Relocated to the creekside area of the Cherry Creek Shopping Center. Sat & Sun, 10am–8pm; Mon, 10am–6pm. Free but reserve timed tickets at cherrycreekartsfestival.org
Through 9/16—Movies and Concerts at Infinity Park. Free. Movies start at 7:30, concerts at 3:30. Infinity Park, Glendale. Schedule at Infinityparkatglendale.com

Central Park Farmers Market
8/4 Wednesday—Mornings at the Museum. Ages 3–6, 10:30–11am. Aurora History Museum,15051 East Alameda Pkwy. auroragov.org
Through 8/7— Parade of Playhouses One-of-a-kind children’s playhouses. Raffle to benefit Junior Achievement programs. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St, Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com
Through 8/13—Learn to Row Summer Programs for teens. Join the Mile High Rowing Club on Cherry Creek reservoir. Six, one-week programs. milehighrowing.org
8/14 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am–2pm. Get a close up look! Wings Over the Rockies Museum. wingsmuseum.org
8/15 Sunday—Sensory Friendly Morning at Wings. 10–11:30am. For people with sensory processing sensitivities and their families. Wings Over the Rockies Museum. wingsmuseum.org
Through 8/21—Denver Public Libraries Summer of Adventure. Activities that will help you to read, make, and explore! For Denver kids birth to 12th grade. Free. denverlibraryadventures.org
American Museum of Western Art. Advanced tickets required, admission is $5. 1727 Tremont Pl. anschutzcollection.org
Aurora History Museum. Advanced reservation is required, admission is free. 15051 East Alameda Pkwy. auroragov.org
The Byers–Evans House Museum. Timed tickets required, History Colorado members are free. 1310 Bannock St. Tickets at historycolorado.org
The Children’s Museum. Wed–Sun, by reservation only at mychildsmuseum.org
Clyfford Still Museum. SCFD Free Day Friday, Aug. 13. Reserve tickets in advance. 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
Denver Art Museum. SCFD Free Day Saturday, Aug. 21. Youth 18 & under always free. 100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org
Denver Botanic Gardens. Advanced tickets and member reservations required. 1007 York St. botanicgardens.org
Denver Firefighters Museum. Tues–Sat, 10am–4pm. 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
Denver Museum of Nature and Science. New exhibits including Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze. 2001 Colorado Blvd. Timed tickets required. dmns.org
The Forney Museum of Transportation. Thurs–Sat, 10am–5pm; Sun, noon–5pm. 4303 Brighton Blvd. forneymuseum.org
Four Mile Historic Park. Site of Denver’s oldest standing structure. SCFD Free Day Friday, Aug. 13. Open Wed–Sun, 10am–4pm. 715 S. Forest St. fourmilepark.org
History Colorado. Some exhibits are timed entry and free with museum admission. 1200 Broadway. More info at historycolorado.org
Molly Brown House Museum. Permanent collection plus this summer’s exhibit Looking Forward/Looking Back,1340 Pennsylvania St. mollybrown.org
Museo de las Americas. Newest exhibit thru 8/21: SOMOS: On Domestic Violence, Resilience and Healing. 861 Santa Fe Drive. museo.org
Museum of Contemporary Art Denver. Penny admission 1st Sat. of the month. 1485 Delgany St. mcadenver.org
National Ballpark Museum. Tues–Sat, 11am–5pm. 1940 Blake St. ballparkmuseum.com
The Urban Farm. Open Fri 9:30am–1pm, Sat & Sun 9am–1pm. 10200 Smith Rd. theurbanfarm.org.
Wings Over the Rockies Museum. Showing the National Geographic film Living in the Age of Airplanes. 7711 East Academy Blvd. wingsmuseum.org
Mentoring high performing, low income students. Minds Matter is recruiting our next class of college access mentors to help high-performing, low-income high school. mindsmatterdenver.org
Project Worthmore. Help bag and deliver fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, and household necessities to refugees in Denver and Aurora. projectworthmore.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. Stedman Elementary and Bill Roberts Middle School. More info at partnersinliteracy.org
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) For volunteer opportunities, email Cathy Law at claw@voacolorado.org
Ronald McDonald House Charities Volunteer. Go to ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Sand Creek Greenway Volunteer Opportunities. For more info, email cgarwood@sandcreekgreenway.org or go to sandcreekgreenway.org/upcoming-volunteer-opportunities/
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. svgd.org
Village Exchange Center Food pantry and summer camp volunteers needed. Sign up at villageexchangecenter.org
Volunteers of America Colorado Branch For volunteer opportunities, email bgulley@voacolorado.org

The Black-chinned Hummingbird was photographed in Central Park in the Bluff Lake neighborhood. This mother nested in the maple in front of photographer George Ho’s home last summer. She nested there again this summer and had two hatchlings. For Ho’s photo story from nest building to fledglings taking flight, CLICK HERE.
Average adult weight is 0.11 oz. Average weight of a hatchling is one-third the weight of a dime (0.02 oz). In less than 3 weeks a hatching grows to an adult-sized fledging. Wingspan is 4.3 inches. The nest is 1.5 inches in diameter (about the size of a golf ball). The eggs are half an inch long (about the size of a jellybean). Photos and information by bird watcher George Ho.