The Palamares Racing Stapleton Criterium took place on July 22 in the Conservatory Green neighborhood. The final men’s and women’s races of the day-long event were a “Miss and Out” criterium on a short and challenging course. This is a novel race where the trailing rider is eliminated every two laps until only one is left. The Texas Road House team prevailed in the men’s event. (Photo by Duane Pearson)
Visit our online calendar to view more events or submit events to: FrontPorchNE.com > Events
Tuesday, August 7
Cops Ask You To Hold A National Night Out Block Party
Neighbors are encouraged to host a National Night Out block party to get to know each other and create partnerships between the police and the community. These partnerships help send a message to criminals that the neighborhoods are organized to counter crime. District 5 neighborhoods can register their events with Officer Marika Putnam at 720-913-1405 or Officer Jeannette Dominguez at 720-913-1417.
Saturdays to 8/25—Farmers’ Market at Northfield. Saturdays 8am-1pm. 47th Avenue and Main St.. www.northfieldstapleton.com
Fridays to 8/24—Stanley Farmers Market. Fridays 9am-2pm. The Stanley Farmers Market takes place in The Field at Stanley every Friday this summer from 9am to 2pm. http://stanleymarketplace.com/events/
Thursdays to 9/13—Career Program at Hope Communities, Inc. 7-week career program series on Thursday evenings beginning 7/12, culminating in a hiring event. 4919 E. Thrill Place in Park Hill.
Wednesdays to 10/10—The DeLaney Mobile Farm Stand at Stanley. The Plaza at Stanley Marketplace, Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30pm. http://stanleymarketplace.com/events/
8/2 Thursday—Thursday Night Bazaar at Stanley Marketplace. Shop and sip the first Thursday of the month, 5-10pm. www.denverbazaar.com
8/2 and 8/9—Two-Part Teen Digital Art Workshop. Sam Gary Library, 4-6pm. Use Wacom drawing tablets to create your own digital art pieces with option to include work in a printed anthology book. Open to students entering grades 6-12. Register at https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/teen-digital-art-workshop. 2961 Roslyn St., 720-865-0325
8/4 Saturday—Your Soul’s Movement Block Party to Celebrate Denver Days. 9am-8pm. Free. Music, demo classes, food trucks and family fun. 3825 Newport St. www.yoursoulsmovement.com
8/4 Saturday—Councilman Herndon’s Family Bike Parade. At 9am the Route begins at The Green at 29th & Roslyn in Stapleton and ends at Smiley Campus, 2540 Holly St. where celebration continues until 11:30am. Food, music, free games and family fun.
8/5 Sunday—Ice Cream Social & Community Resource Fair. Sam Gary Library. Come meet your neighbors and learn about ways to get involved in your community. Ice cream, a photo booth, and games.2961 Roslyn St., 720-865-0325 1:30pm – 3:00pm www.denverlibrary.org
8/7 Tuesday—I Get Around: North of 50 Transportation Fair. Maintaining your independence and staying connected requires reliable, accessible and safe modes of travel. Explore, experience and engage in dialogue on getting around with Reaching Older Adult Drivers (ROAD), BikesTogether, Walk2Connect and Northeast Transportation Connections. Denver Public Library, Park Hill Branch, 4705 Montview Blvd., Denver. 4pm. FREE! Tara Bannon, 720.865.0250. tbannon@denverlibrary.org. https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/i-get-around-north-50-transportation-fair
8/8 Wednesday—Concert: Odessa Rose West. 6:30pm. Outdoor concert at the Park Hill Branch Library. Odessa Rose West is a Denver-based Americana Swing band specializing in classic Tin Pan Alley era jazz favorites and original compositions. Bring a camp chair or a blanke. 4705 Montview Bvd. Denver, 720-865-0250 https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/odessa-rose-west
only due to adult content. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Bvd. Denver, CO, 720-865-0250 https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/underground-comedy-club-deacon-gray
8/9-8/15 —Neighborhood Schools Incoming/New Moms Movie Night Out. Join fellow moms for a summer night out! We will be viewing the action comedy, “The Spy Who Dumped Me” starring Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. 8/9 Bill Roberts, 8/13 Swigert 8/14 High Tech, 8/15 Isabella Bird, 8/15 Westerly Creek. Tickets are $25. Location: Harkins 18 Northfield. All attendees receive a swag bag with offers from local businesses and for this event, $8 from every ticket will be donated back to the school of your choice. Please see website for times and to purchase tickets. www.momsnightout.buzz
8/9 Thursday—Sam Gary Knitting Circle. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace. Repeats 8/23. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, asksamgarylibrary@denverlibrary.org www.denverlibrary.org/event/knitting-circle-13
8/11 Saturday—Denver Police Department Safety Expo. Saturday, August 11 from 10 am – 2 pm in the parking lot near GameWorks. Bring the kiddos and join us for a fun and informative day with the Denver Police. learn more about the bomb robots, canines, horse patrol, safety vehicles to include: bomb unit, crash car, fire engines and more! There will be some food vendors and other sponsors! https://www.northfieldstapleton.com/event/Denver-Police-Department-Safety-Expo/2145504698
8/19 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary. 2:00pm – 3:00pm 2961 Roslyn St. Book club meeting at Sam Gary once a month on Sundays; rotates between fiction, nonfiction, and reader’s choice selections. https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/sam-gary-literary
8/24 Frday—In Stitches Quilting Meeting. Monthly meeting of In Stitches, a “Grands” sewing, quilting and friendship group. This volunteer group makes quilts for Children’s Hospital, University Hospital and the community. Meetings are the 4th Friday of the months January through October at 9:30 a.m. at 5273 N. Beeler Street, Denver, CO 80238. Contact: Cheryl at 720-498-3823
8/27 Monday—Pack 34 Join Night for the Cub Scouts. Swigert International School 3480 Syracuse St. More info: Bridget Weaks 520.444.1716 or bweaks@gmail.com
9/1 Givetoberfest. Oktoberfest meets charity event at Stanley Marketplace. 4-9pm. German bands, beer, stein hoisting contests, face painting and balloon artists for kids and more. Commemorative mug $25. Benefits Impact360. www.givetoberfest.com
9/8 to 9/9 Stanley Arts Festival. Produced by CherryArts. Opening night kickoff party Sept 7. 100 national juried artists, family activities, live performances, interactive art. Free admission Sat and Sun. StanleyArtsFestival.org
To 8/6—Monday Movie Madness at Infinity Park. Free movies, Infinity Park, Glendale. 8/6 Black Panther Gates open 7pm, movies 8pm. www.infinityparkatglendale.com
To 8/14—Governor’s Mansion Tours. Tuesdays. Free tours of Governor’s Residence at Boettcher Mansion. 1-3pm, 400 E. 8th Ave. No reservations required. Tours every quarter hour for 45 minutes. www.colorado.gov
To 8/26—Shady Grove Concert Series. Wednesdays through 8/26. Four Mile Historic Park. 6:30pm. www.swallowhillmusic.org, www.fourmilepark.org
To 8/5—Colorado Renaissance Festival. 8 weekends. Larkspur. www.coloradorenaissance.comvv
To 8/7—Film on the Rocks. 7pm, Red Rocks Amphitheater. Live music and movie select evenings. Tickets and schedule: www.redrocksonline.com
To 10/13—Free composting classes. Wednesdays and Saturdays thru 10/7. Classes at Denver Compost Demonstration Site, Gove Community Garden, 13th Ave. and Colorado Blvd. Sign up: 303.292.9900 or www.dug.org/compost.
8/1 Wednesday—Colorado Day at American Museum of Western Art. All tours free, 10am-4:30pm. 1770 Tremont. www.anschutzcollection.org
8/3 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. www.denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
8/4 to 8/12—Denver Days. Weeklong celebration of Denver neighborhoods with block parties, festivals, etc. www.denver.org
8/4 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. Free with admission. Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. 10am-2pm. www.wingsmuseum.org
8/5 Sunday—City Park Jazz. 6-8pm. City Park Pavilion. FREE. www.cityparkjazz.org
8/9 to 8/26—Parade of Homes. Neighborhoods in metro Denver Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 11am-6pm.
Free tour newly designed model homes, custom homes, and luxury “Dream Homes.” www.paradeofhomesdenver.com
8/10 to 8/12—Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival. Anderson Park. Fireworks Fri., Parade Sat. 9:30am. 38th Ave. Aames to Upham. Zoppe Italian Circus, petting zoo, chili cookoff, midway rides. www.thecarnationfestival.org
8/11 Saturday—Hops in the Hangar. Dozens of Denver metro area’s best breweries at WWII-era hangar for evening of friends, food and great local beer. Tickets include unlimited beer tastings, a meal, access to games, activities, aircraft cockpits, music, etc. Wings over the Rockies, Lowry. http://wingsmuseum.org/event/hops/
8/18 Saturday—Global Fest. International festival of food, cultural experiences and art. 1-7 pm. Aurora Municipal Center, Great Lawn, 15151 E. Alameda Pkwy. www.auroragov.org
8/18 to 8/19—Golden Fine Arts Festival. 11th St. and Arapahoe St., 10am-5pm. www.goldenfineartsfestival.org
9/1 to 9/3—A Taste of Colorado. Food, music, arts/crafts. Fireworks and carnival rides. Civic Center Park. www.atasteofcolorado.com
8/4 Saturday—Run for the Ring 5K & Kids Fun Run. Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, 1775 Aurora Ct Denver 80045 www.runsignup.com/runforthering
8/13 Monday—10th Annual High Hopes Golf Tournament. Benefits the programs of The Guild of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation, Columbine Country Club. /www.childrensdiabetesfoundation.org
8/19 Sunday—Cancer League’s Race for Research. Race-day registration in Washington Park opens 8 am, race starts at 9 am. Race-day registration fees slightly higher. For more information contact Holli Hartman holliR4R@gmail.com 303 912-7837 or Lin McHaley at linnardo4@aol.com or 303-840-9966. http://race4research.com
8/5 Sunday—Tri for the Cure. Women’s sprint triathlon race benefits Susan G. Komen Foundation. Cherry Creek State Park. www.triforthecure-denver.com
8/18 Saturday—29th Annual AIDS Walk Colorado. Cheesman Park. www.aidswalkcolorado.org
8/7 to 8/28—Storytime for Preschoolers. Tuesdays at 10:30am, Free. The Bookies bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Avenue (303) 759-1117 info@thebookies.com www.thebookies.com
Through Labor Day—History Colorado Kids Free Admission. Free admission for youth 15 and under when wearing a baseball jersey. www.historycolorado.org
August—Denver Puppet Theater. Anansi, African Animal Tales. www.denverpuppettheater.com
To 8/11—Denver Public Libraries Summer of Reading. Free activities, suggestions for summer reading, incentives for Denver kids, 3 age groups. FREE. www.summerofreading.org
8/4 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. www.homedepot.com
To 8/28—Tuesdays in August– Four Mile Historic Park Small Settlers. Ages 2-5 accompanied by parent/caregiver. 9-10am. $5/child, adults free. Members free. 715 S. Forest St. Advance register: 720.865.0814 or education@fourmilepark.org. www.fourmilepark.org
8/5 Sunday—Junior Rangers. 1:30-3pm. Ages 6-12. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. Reservations required. 303.739.9428, www.auroragov.org/nature
8/10 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Hay Bales and Tall Tales. 12-1pm. 715 S. Forest St. 720.865.0800. Free with park admission. www.fourmilepark.org
8/24 to 9/3—Colorado State Fair. Pueblo Fairgrounds, Pueblo, CO. www.coloradostatefair.com
8/4 Saturday—Denver’s Historic Mountain Parks System. W. Bart Berger, President and founder of the Denver Mountain Parks Foundation will give a historic overview of the creation of this unique park system along with its predicament’s and potential. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview. www.denverlibrary.org
8/7 Tuesday—Lowry Speaker Series Presents: An Evening with Bird Conservancy of the Rockies to promote a love and understanding of birds. A talk about the importance and wonders of birds including: typical birds in our backyards and how to identify them; bird banding and its importance in conservation; extracting felt birds from a mist net and collecting data from the birds (weight, wing and tail measurements, etc.). No live birds. 7-8:30pm, Eisenhower Chapel, 293 Roslyn Street, (in Lowry). Free, no RSVP needed. Info: Karen House 720-955-8833.
8/7 Tuesday—Active Minds (Free) – Puerto Rico. 10:00-11:00 am. Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St www.activeminds.com
8/10 to 8/31—Different Perspectives, Civil Dialogue. Challenged by talking with others whose opinions differ significantly from your own? Want to reap the benefits of learning from those differences? Explore a foundational key to dialogue success and revisit two key power tools you already have in your toolkit. Denver Public Library, Park Hill Branch, 4705 Montview Blvd., Denver, CO 80207. August 10, 17, 24, 31 at 4:00 PM. FREE. Tara Bannon, 720.865.0250. tbannon@denverlibrary.org https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/different-perspectives-civil-dialogue-2
8/23 Thursday—Active Minds (Free) – The River Nile. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. www.activeminds.com
8/23 Thursday—Active Minds (Free) – The Great Depression. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. www.activeminds.com
8/29 Wednesday—Stories in Stone: The Enchanted Russian Gem Carvings of Vasily Konovalenko. 6pm. The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is home to 20 remarkable gem-carving sculptures by Vasily Konovalenko. Join Park Hill resident and author Steve Nash for an exuberant trip through time to learn more about this remarkably artistic resource. Konovalenko’s story includes Cold War intrigue and stunning twists and turns. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org
Memorial Day thru Labor Day—Play Ball! A Celebration of America’s game. Kids 15 and under wear a baseball jersey for free admission. History Colorado Center, 1200 Broadway. www.historycolorado.org
To 8/5—Drawn to Glamour: Fashion Illustrations by Jim Howard at the Denver Art Museum. Special exhibit included with museum admission. www.denverartmuseum.org
To 9/3—Dead Sea Scrolls. Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Separate ticket required. www.dmns.org
To 9/16—New Territory: Landscape Photography Today. The Art of Summer. Denver Art Museum www.denverartmuseum.org
To 1/20/19—“Eyes On: Shimabuku” at the Denver Art Museum. “Eyes On: Shimabuku” will showcase a video by Japan-based artist Shimabuku titled “Do snow monkeys remember snow mountains?” This video illustrates the adaptation of a group of Japanese snow monkeys living in a Texas desert sanctuary since they were brought to the U.S. in 1972. Initially featured at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017, this film analyzes the displacement of the monkeys from their natural habitat in the snow-capped mountains of Japan. The film also symbolically explores human migration and reconnection with environment through genetic memory and ancestral history. Ticket required, www.denverartmuseum.org
8/1 Wednesday—Colorado Day at History Colorado Center. Celebrate Colorado’s birthday with music, dancing, food and free admission
8/9 Tuesday—Drop-In Drawing at the Denver Art Museum. 2md Tuesday of the month, 1-3pm. Free with museum admission. All levels of experience welcome. Drawing materials provided or bring your own, restrictions apply see website. www.denverartmuseum.org
8/16 Thursday—Science Lounge. Cocktails/entertainment 3rd Thurs. monthly. 6:30-9:30pm. $8/members; $10/nonmembers.
8/31 Friday—DAM Untitled Final Friday. 6pm-10pm, Cash bar, DJ, light munchies. Members free, nonmembers $8-$13.
8/7 Tuesday—Children’s Museum Free Target Tuesday. 4-8pm. www.cmdenver.org
8/4 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. SCFD Free day. www.denverartmuseum.org
8/13 Monday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day. SCFD Free day. www.dmns.org
8/10 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Free Day. SCFD Free 2nd Friday, 12pm-4pm. www.fourmilepark.org
8/31 Friday—Clyfford Still Museum. SCFD Free day. Free admission last Friday every month all day. Free admission Fridays 5-8pm. 1250 Bannock St. www.clyffordstillmuseum.org
8/4 Saturday—Denver Firefighters Museum Free Day. SCFD Free day. 1326 Tremont Pl. www.denverfirefightermuseum.org
8/29 Wednesday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. SCFD Free day. www.botanicgardens.org
9/1 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. SCFD Free day. www.denverartmuseum.org
9/4 Tuesday—Children’s Museum Free Target Tuesday. 4-8pm. www.cmdenver.org
8/4 Saturday—Kids Photography Workshop. 9:30-11am. Kids ages 6+, must be accompanied by an adult. Bring camera.
8/5 Sunday—The Masked Bandit. 10-10:45am. Learn about refuge’s black-footed ferrets. Free, reservations required, 303.289.0930
8/11 Saturday—Amazing Antlers—The Velvet Tour. 8:30-noon. Learn about antler growth then spend time in field photographing. Repeats 8/31. Free, reservations required, 303.289.0930
8/11 Sunday—Kids Fishing Clinic. 10am-noon. Bring a pole or borrow one. Kids 6-12. Free, reservations required, 303.289.0930
To 8/5—The Bridges of Madison County. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
To 8/12—Colorado Shakespeare Festival. University of Colorado Boulder. www.coloradoshakes.org
To 8/5—Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. Garner Galleria Theater, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, 14th and Curtis. www.denvercenter.org
To 8/18—War of the Worlds: The Panic Broadcast. John Hand Theatre 7653 E. 1st Place www.lostandfoundproductions.net
To 8/5— Les Miserables. Buell Theatre, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, 14th and Curtis. www.denvercenter.org
8/3 to 9/9—The Sunshine Boys. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
8/30 to 10/13—The Cake. Curious Theatre Company, 1080 Acoma St, www.curioustheatre.org
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. www.ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1532 Galena St., Ste. 380. 720.460.1393