A new name has been selected, now what?
On August 1, SUN announced the final name that emerged from the community-driven process for choosing an alternative to the name Stapleton. That name can be viewed at StapletonUnitedNeighbors.com.
For SUN to change the organization’s name, it must act in accordance with SUN’s bylaws Article VII, which will include explicitly stating the new name in the title, preamble, Article I section 1, and elsewhere. To make those changes in the bylaws, SUN would need a petition signed by 100 members of SUN* requesting this set of changes. This petition will be available for signatures later in August on SUN’s web site: www.StapletonUnitedNeighbors.org
After collecting 100 signatures on a petition, SUN will propose a date on which members of SUN* could vote on this change, and the mode(s) by which votes may be cast. A notice of 30 or more days is required for this vote. Finally, SUN will host the community meeting for the vote to take place, and determine the results of the vote.
SUN’s bylaws are available online, as will be the proposed revisions. https://sites.google.com/site/sunwebsite1/Home/sun-board/sun-bylaws
*A member of SUN is defined as an adult renting or owning in the footprint of SUN Denver.
SUN’s August Monthly Meeting: Tues. Aug.18, 6:30pm-8:30pm (hosted virtually on Zoom)
SUN’s monthly meetings begin with updates from community partners (Denver Police, Northeast Transportation Connections, Denver Public Library, and Denver City Council District 8), followed by announcements, after which a speaker or topic is featured. In August—that speaker will be Dana Hoffman, Transportation Project Manager at City and County of Denver, with discussion on the subject of safe streets for cyclists, pedestrians, and cars.
Seeking Candidates for a Diverse SUN Board
In the summer months, several community members have expressed interest in one of three open seats on the SUN board of directors. SUN welcomes all who are interested to join monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of most months from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Central Park Rec Center if in-person, or during physical distancing via Zoom.
An interested candidate should consider how their background would enhance SUN’s role in the community, and should submit a brief biographical statement (up to 250 words) describing interests and relevant experiences. SUN seeks to have a board diverse in geography within Stapleton, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, rental/ownership status, and professions. Interested candidates should have a passion for civic engagement, public service, and community. SUN is comprised solely of volunteers and is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.
Each May at SUN’s Annual Community Forum a slate of candidates is elected to begin a 2-year term on the SUN board of directors. Any candidate brought onto the board off-cycle would be filling in a term that ends in May of 2021, and would be up for reelection at that time. Potentially filling currently open seats will be discussed at the September 2020 meeting, or later.

Parks, particularly with the recent cool evenings and colorful sunsets, have become a popular place for small-group, (somewhat) socially-distanced outdoor gatherings.