Bird Sightings: Mississippi Kite

10/01/2021  |  by George Ho, MD

Mississippi Kite

Avg Weight: 9.4 oz.
Avg Wingspan: 35 inches

This medium-sized raptor breeds in the Southeast and the southern Great Plains between May and September—and it winters in South America. It can be found in Colorado’s eastern plains, but is rare in Denver—so bird watchers have been visiting the corner of 33rd and Fillmore in Park Hill in the past month to see a nest with a fledgling and two parents.

The Mississippi Kite is an insectivore and feeds on insects such as beetles, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, and dragonflies—but it will also feed on a variety of frogs, lizards, snakes, songbirds, small mammals, and bats. With acrobatic dexterity they extend one or both feet to grab prey from the air with their talons and often eat their prize while still flying.

Once fledged, the youngster remains near the nest as the parents continuously bring food to it. Soon the family will leave for their winter home in South America.

Read the picture story of the Park Hill Kite family to your kids HERE.

Photos and information by George Ho.

Bird Walks

Oct. 2, and Nov. 6, 8 –10am. Join George Ho and other bird experts for a free guided walk around Bluff Lake. All are welcome. Bring your own binoculars or borrowed ones will be available. 11255 MLK Blvd.


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