11/01/2024 | by George Ho
A family of Swainson’s hawks dines on a bull snake at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. The three juveniles await their turns as an adult eats first.
Left: A young red-tailed hawk holds a live snake in its talons at Bluff Lake Nature Center, but loses it (right) due to inexperience. It flies away hungry with only grass in its talons.
One juvenile hawk tries to snatch the snake from its parent’s talons.
The lined snake is distinguished from the common garter snake
by the half-moon markings on the white underside
Bird Walks
Nov. 2 and Dec. 7 from 8–10am. Walks are free but you must RSVP at www.blufflake.org/birdwatching. All are welcome. Bring your own binoculars, or borrow a pair from your guide. 11255 MLK Blvd.
Search www.FrontPorchNE.com for “Bird Sightings” to see all the past bird stories and photos from George Ho.