Bird Sightings: Small, Medium, and Large Shorebirds

06/01/2024  |  by George Ho

Along a mudflat, a willet (right) walks past a stationary lesser yellowlegs.

Small, Medium, and Large Shorebirds

As the weather warms, the shorebirds appear on sandbars and mudflats. They come in various sizes—small, medium, and large. At the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge’s Lake Ladora, the least sandpiper, lesser yellowlegs, and willet gather and share the shoreline.

The least sandpiper is the smallest of the “peeps” or small sandpipers. It has yellow legs and a slim black bill.

The lesser yellowlegs is a medium-sized shorebird. Its legs are bright yellow and the bill is straight and equals the length of its head.

The willet is the largest of the three. A chunky gray/brown bird, its wings show striking black and white in flight.


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