Bird Sightings: Welcoming Spring

05/01/2023  |  by George Ho

Western Meadowlark

Male Red-winged Blackbird

Welcoming Spring

Daylight has been lengthening since the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2022. March 20, 2023 marked the Spring Equinox. Spring signifies renewal, awakening, and the beginning of new lives. Birds exhibit behaviors that welcome spring, such as singing, courtship, and migration. The songs of the American Robins become ubiquitous, Western Meadowlarks sing, and the Red-winged Blackbirds join in the chorus. Spring reveals the vibrant colors of their plumage: the rich rufous breast of the robin, the bright yellow of the meadowlark with the black V on the neck, and the vivid red and yellow on the blackbird’s wings.

Song Sparrow singing continuously

Even the drab Song Sparrow welcomes spring with constant singing.

The mornings still begin below freezing during March. But Denver’s bright sunshine with the cloudless blue sky soon warms up the day to hasten the blooming of spring flowers. Indeed, spring seems to start the cycle of life as ice melts, days lengthen, and birds sing and procreate.

Bird Walks

May 6 and June 3. Two options: 8–10am or 7:30–10am (choose a 2-hour or a 2.5-hour walk.) Both walks are free but you must RSVP at All are welcome. Bring your own binoculars, or borrow a pair from your guide. 11255 MLK Blvd. Search for “Bird Sightings” to see all the past bird stories and photos from George Ho.

Great Horned Owl sitting in nest

American Robin

Great Blue Herons nesting and mating


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