Bluff Lake Test

06/01/2016  |  by Anne Hebert

Bluff Lake’s 100-year-old leaky dam that usually results in a dry lake bed part of the year is about to be rebuilt. The dam will undergo excavation and reinforcement to prevent a breach. The result will be a permanent dam that will retain water and ensure that the area will continue to attract and protect wildlife and many species of birds. Improvements around the shoreline will include new native plants. At 123 acres, Bluff Lake is the largest nature center in Denver.
The Bluff Lake Project Groundbreaking and Donor Appreciation Event was held Saturday, May 14th and the construction is scheduled to begin June 6th. It is slated to last two to three months. During the construction, the trail over the dam will be closed. The other trails in the nature area will remain open. Visitors interested in construction progress can best observe by taking the trail on the south side of the dam.
Erika Walker, President of the Bluff Lake Board says, “It’s exciting to give a gift for the future. The dam will be here for generations to come.” Bluff Lake is located at 3400 Havana Way.


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