CAB Supports Pursuing a Cycle Track on 26th Ave.

12/01/2015  |  by John Fernandez

CAB expressed support for continued investigation of a “cycle track” on the south side of 26th Avenue from Westerly Creek to Moline Street.

A cycle track, also referred to as a protected bikeway, is a relatively new kind of bicycle facility intended to provide increased protection for cyclists. The proposal in this instance is to place a two-way bicycle lane on the south side of an expanded 26th Ave., located between the curb line and a row of on-street parking. CAB endorsed the proposal at its September meeting. The proposal originated with Northeast Transportation Connections (NETC), Stapleton’s transportation management association.

However, Stapleton Aurora received final approval from the Aurora Planning and Zoning Commission on Oct. 14 for separate bike lanes on each side of 26th Ave. The planned street has two through lanes, a turn lane at some intersections, parking, on-street bike lanes plus a curb lawn and detached sidewalk on both sides of the street. Steve Rodriguez, city of Aurora case manager, noted that changing the roadway design now would require an amendment to the site plan and to an intergovernmental agreement between the two cities.

In a Nov. 2 letter to the city of Aurora, Forest City said, “We do not feel 26th Ave. is an appropriate location for such a facility (cycle track). We feel the proposed on-street traditional bike lanes in conjunction with the off-street 10-foot-wide concrete pathway through the park and open space provide wonderful bikeway options for the public to use.”

NETC Director Angie Malpiede told CAB her organization will survey 26th Ave. residents to determine the level of support for the cycle track despite the fact that Forest City “turned us down.” Several CAB members expressed continued support for the cycle track, noting the opportunity to connect several schools, the Stanley Marketplace and, eventually, downtown to the Fitzsimons/Anschutz Campus.


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