Cocktails for a Cause: Women’s Event to Benefit Children

06/01/2015  |  by Madeline Schroeder

Enjoy cocktails and giving to people in need? Cocktails for a Cause is an all-women group that gives products (not money) to local charities and will host an event on June 17 at Wings Over the Rockies, their new permanent location.

“It’s a wonderful way to give back. You know what you bring is actually going to help,” says founder Rene Harding who has always wondered where her money is going when she writes a check for a charity.

She started Cocktails for a Cause when she read stories about babies getting sick from wearing dirty diapers because their parents couldn’t afford to buy them. Being an avid hostess, she invited her girlfriends over and instead of bringing wine or appetizers they brought diapers and baby wipes.

Cocktails-for-a-cause-sidebar“I just love the power of women and what we can accomplish when we put our minds together. I loved knowing that those diapers were going to a child in need,” she says. The attendance grew (and continues to grow) astronomically, now including about 400 participants ages 21-88. They give to 501(c)(3) charities around Colorado and this will be their 24th event in June, this time for the Tennyson Center.

The Tennyson Center for Children is a treatment center and K-12 school for children who have been neglected, abused or have a mental or learning disorder. Cocktails for a Cause is asking for a variety of items to donate to the Tennyson Center, including arts and crafts, bath towels, footballs, or stress-relief toys like stress balls, items asked for by the center.

Events by Cocktails for a Cause are free and welcome to all women, no matter how much an individual is able to donate from the charity’s items list. “Women come and mingle and hear about a charity for about a half-hour. Then they enjoy the wonderful food and wine and friendship,” Harding says.

RSVP is required. The event will take place from 5:30–10pm at Wings Over the Rockies in Lowry, 7711 E. Academy Blvd. For more on requested items to bring or to RSVP, visit


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