As the A Line train passed in the background, the view from the bridge over Sand Creek at the confluence with Westerly Creek mirrored the clouds in the sky on a recent sunny March day
City of Denver resources Dial 311: Operators ready to help you find any local resources you may need.
Colorado Crisis & Support Line Dial 1-844-493-TALK (8255) to connect with a trained counselor in your area.
Denver Health Nurse Line If you are ill call 303-739-1211
Denver Public Health For COVID-19 health related issues: 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911
National Domestic Violence Help 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado If you are a blind or low vision person in Colorado who needs assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic please call 303-778-1130 ex219 or email assistance@nfbco.org
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential. En Español 1-888-628-9454
United Way Worldwide Dial 211: Connecting people of all ages from all communities to essential health and human services you may need.
Denver Feed It Forward Providing support to the frontline workers during the COVID-19 outbreak. facebook.com/denverfeeditforward
Denver Mask Task Force A grassroots effort to create a supply chain for face mask-making to support Denver medical personnel. Volunteer to make critically needed personal protection equipment (PPE) facebook.com/groups/2627853554125813/
Help Needed in Denver Metro COVID-19 For Denver folks to offer to help our Denver neighbors in times of need. These services must all be volunteer. facebook.com/groups/516631032588738/
Lowry Coronavirus Help Group A safety net for at-risk Lowry Residents who are unable to get help through existing public/private services. facebook.com/LowryCoronavirusHelp, 312-515-3818, lowryhelp@gmail.com
Stapleton Cares A Stapleton area group for those in need to connect with those who can help. facebook.com/groups/199027428037856/
Find East Metro carry-out food options (and other areas, as selected) at ToGoDenver.com
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Saving lives and protecting people 24/7. cdc.gov
Children’s Hospital Colorado Parents’ top questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). childrenscolorado.org/about/news/2020/march-2020/coronavirus
City of Denver Small Business Grants and Loans For more information and how to apply for the various relief funding opportunities, please visit denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/environmental-health/news/coronavirus-info/support-services.html
Colorado Crisis Services Free, confidential, professional and immediate support for any mental health, substance use or emotional concern. 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255 to speak to a trained professional. coloradocrisisservices.org
Colorado COVID-19 Business Resource Center State and Federal COVID-19 announcements, programs and information relevant to Colorado businesses. choosecolorado.com/covid19/
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Up-to-date information on the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Colorado. Covid19.colorado.gov
Coronavirus Online Therapy $50 online therapy sessions for healthcare professionals, first responders, grocery store employees, and those serving us during this pandemic. For sessions or to volunteer counseling services go to coronavirusonlinetherapy.com
COVID-19 Facts for Coloradans colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/COVID-19-Facts-for-Coloradans
COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities Plain language booklets with photos in English and Spanish. Gmsavt.org
Connect for Health Colorado An emergency, special enrollment period for health insurance has been opened up thru Friday, April 3. connectforhealthco.com
Denver Department of Public Health & Environment Support services at denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/environmental-health/news/coronavirus-info/support-services.html
Denver Dept of Human Services Apply for benefits (food, cash, medical, child care assistance, RTD Live); report changes; submit documents; check benefits status; pay child support; access info about rental assistance; download applications for energy assistance and property tax relief. 8am–4:30pm, Monday–Friday. denvergov.org/humanservices or 720-944-4DHS (4347)
Denver Public School Food Resources Free breakfast and lunch to students and their families at 12 locations throughout the city and dinner at Hiawatha Davis Rec Center (3334 Holly St) from 3:30–5:30pm thru Friday, April 17. 720-423-3200, dpsk12.org/coronavirus/#food
Free Internet For Low-income Customers New Comcast customers will get complimentary internet essentials service for 60 days. Internetessentials.com
Hunger Free Colorado Food resources during the COVID-19 outbreak. hungerfreecolorado.org/covid-19/
Telehealth for Uninsured Coloradans Clinica Colorado is offering $10 virtual health visits via phone or video call in English or Spanish. clinicacolorado.org
Workforce Services, City of Denver A virtual job fair where job-seekers can access the same job opportunities they would be able to at our in-person job fairs. Info. at denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/environmental-health/news/coronavirus-info/support-services.html
World Health Organization Live updates and all your questions answered about the COVID-19 pandemic. www.who.int
Organizations are in dire need of volunteers under the age of 60 right now
A Little Help We’re increasing our efforts to all our older members during this time. Sign-up to volunteer or contact us for help. Alittlehelp.org
Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management For individuals and businesses go to ColoradoResponds.communityos.org
Denver Emergency Food Network Delivering free, prepared meals to homebound families and elderly individuals in need during. Sign up to receive a no-cost food box of 4-16 meals. Denverdelivered.com
Denver Rescue Mission Meals, shelter, program services at Lawrence St Community Center (2222 Lawrence St) and The Crossing (6090 Smith Rd.) Volunteers, donations and supplies needed. Denverrescuemission.org
Food Bank of The Rockies Volunteer, donate and get assistance at foodbankrockies.org
The Gathering Place Meals – breakfast, lunch and snack (no snack on Tuesday); laundry facilities; showers and restrooms; nap beds; mail pick-up; emergency clothing and food bags. tgpdenver.org
Greater Park Hill Community Emergency Food Pantry Mondays and Wednesday food distribution, 10am–1pm and food donations 9am–3pm.For a full list of what is needed, go to greaterparkhill.org/donate
Meals on Wheels Delivery routes are available Monday–Saturday throughout the Denver metro area. Donate, volunteer or get help at: voacolorado.org/gethelp-denvermetro-foodnutrition-mow
My Community Partners Helping those of a certain age, and/or disability who are disproportionately at risk of contracting COVID-19 during necessary daily tasks. Volunteer or get help at mycommunitypartners.org
Project Angel Heart Meal delivery and more for seniors and those who are immunocompromised or have a long-term illness: projectangelheart.org
State of Colorado COVID-19 Response Looking for volunteers, donations, supplies, blood donation and providing childcare for first responders and help for organizations in need of funding. covrn.com
United Way Volunteer, make a donation, find help. unitedwaydenver.org/covid.relief
Cosmic Kids Online kids yoga and mindfulness activities. cosmickids.com
Denver Virtual Art Offerings From art museums to a local ceramics company. theknow.denverpost.com/2020/03/19/denver-art
Free Educational Subscriptions Comprehensive list and links to education companies now offering free subscriptions. kidsactivitiesblog.com
Kahn Academy Online learning for every student. Khanacademy.org
Museum Virtual Tours travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries
National Park Virtual Tours totallythebomb.com/heres-33-national-park-tours
Rocky Mountain PBS STEAM-focused content, educational PBS KIDS programming or the free PBS KIDS Video or Games apps. For specifics and how to access channels based on location, visit rmpbs.org/channels
Scholastic Learn At Home Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing. Organized by grade level. scholastic.com/learnathome
The Social Distancing Festival Celebrating art from all over the world, showcasing amazing talent, and coming together as a community. Socialdistancingfestival.com
King Soopers Stores only open to seniors and other at-risk customers from 7–8am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Revised store hours: 7am–8pm.
Safeway Stores only open to senior citizens and other at-risk populations, such as pregnant women or those with compromised immune systems from 7–9am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Revised store hours: 7am–8pm.
Target The retailer will reserve the first hour of shopping each Wednesday for vulnerable guests. Revised store hours 7am–9pm.
Walmart Hosting an hour-long “senior shopping event” every Tuesday for customers aged 60 and older. one hour before opening thru 4/28. Revised store hours 7am–8:30pm.
Whole Foods Market All stores will let customers who are 60 and older shop one hour before opening to the public (7am.) Revised store hours 8am–8pm.