June Events in Stapleton

06/01/2016  |  by


Theatre on The Green–The Wedding Singer
Thursday–Saturday, June 2–4, 7–9pm
The Aurora Fox Theatre and the MCA will be presenting three showings of The Wedding Singer. It’s 1985. Junk bonds, Michael Jackson, New Coke, trickle-down economics, wealth. Robby Hart sings in the band at the local reception hall; his dreams of becoming a singer/songwriter are long gone, replaced by a burning desire to get married. He and his friend Julia, a waitress who works at the reception hall, are both engaged, but to the wrong people. Robby gets left at the altar and fortune intervenes to help them discover each other. Showings will be held on The Green at 29th Ave. & Roslyn St. All showings are free and open to the public.
MoJaBlu Concert Series
Every Thursday, June 9–30, 6:30–8:30pm
Join the Stapleton MCA and Jazz@Jack’s Thursday evenings for an evening of Motown, Jazz and Blues on The Green located in Conservatory Green at 49th Place and Valentia St. These are free concerts open to the public!
Movie on the Green-Inside Out
Friday, June 10, At Dark
Join us on The Green (29th & Roslyn) for the first Movie on the Green of the summer! The first outdoor movie will be Inside Out. Each movie will feature a concessions stand to benefit a local nonprofit organization. The concessions stand will sell fresh popcorn, candy, sodas and bottled water. All movies are free and open to the public.
New! Beers & Cheers–Beer Tasting Series
Friday, June 17, 6–8pm
The MCA will be hosting a series of outdoor beer tastings at the Plaza in Conservatory Green. Each month will have a different theme and variety of beers. Tickets are $15 for residents and $20 for nonresidents. Buy your tickets at stapletoncommunity.com.
Concert on The Green-Soul School
Saturday, June 18, 7–9pm
Join the MCA for the first Concert on The Green of the summer! The concert will feature Soul School on The Green (29th & Roslyn) starting at 7pm. Concerts are free to attend and open to the public.
Denver Arts Festival
Saturday & Sunday, June 18 and 19, 10am-6pm
The Denver Arts Festival is a fine arts and fine crafts festival that continues to be dedicated to supporting Colorado artists while also showcasing a select group of national artists. The Denver Arts Festival, previously held downtown, will now hold its annual premier event at Conservatory Green Plaza.
Teen Night at Runway 35
Saturday, June 18, 7–10pm
The Stapleton MCA is hosting the best pool party of the season for teens ages 12–15 at Runway 35! A DJ will get the party going with music while the pool will be set up with the diving board, glow lights and water games. To top it off, the concession stand will feature a sundae bar. The fun starts at 7pm and goes till 10. To register, call 303.388.0724 or visit stapletoncommunity.com.
Farmers Market
Sunday, June 19, 8:30am–12:30pm
The first Farmers Market of the season on The Green (29th & Roslyn). The market will run every Sunday through October 16.
Movie on The Green-Divergent
Friday, June 24, At Dark
Join us on The Green (29th & Roslyn) for Movie on the Green featuring Divergent.
Friday Night Flights–Wine Tastings
Friday, June 24, 6–8pm
The MCA and the Grape Leaf are excited to present the first wine tasting of the summer! The first Friday Night Flight will be held on Fri., June 24 at the West Crescent. Tickets are $15 for residents and $20 for nonresidents. Visit stapletoncommunity.com to purchase your tickets today!
Family Night at the Pools
Family Night will begin on Monday, June 6. Each pool will have a designated night of the week where they extend their closing times. Jet Stream’s night will be on Mondays, PJ on Tuesdays, F15 and Maverick on Wednesdays, and Aviator on Thursdays.
Active Minds Seminar
This is a free, no-reservation-needed public program brought to you by the Stapleton MCA. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St.
Thursday, June 9, 6:45-7:45pm
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power has a checkered history that includes the Chernobyl disaster, Three Mile Island, and the more recent incident after the earthquake in Japan. Advocates, however, point to advantages such as zero carbon emissions and cite the example of France, which produces over 75 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and is the world’s largest exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation. Join us as we evaluate the pros and cons of this controversial source of power.
Thursday, June 23, 6:45-7:45pm
Renewable Energy
Energy from renewable sources (solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, etc.) is an important part of the future of energy in the U.S. and the world. The issues involved are complex, with technical challenges, economic issues, as well as environmental, political and social factors. Join Active Minds as we survey the current state of renewable energy and look at the various forces that will influence how these resources will evolve in the future.

For more information about Stapleton events visit StapletonCommunity.com,  call the MCA office at 303.388.0724, or contact jolsen@stapletoncommunity.com.



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