High School Update–Boundaries and Construction

05/07/2014  |  by


School board representative Landri Taylor speaks at the May 7 community meeting about boundaries for the new high school in Stapleton.

School board representative Landri Taylor speaks at the May 7 community meeting about boundaries for the new high school in Stapleton.

Outcome of High School Boundary Meeting, Thursday, May 8

About 25 parents from Stapleton, Park Hill and Far Northeast Denver attended the meeting at DSST to give community input on boundaries for the new high school. The guiding principles in the decision making process are equity and inclusion for an integrated high-performing high school.

A decision needs to be made on what geographic area will be guaranteed a seat, how to ensure socioeconomic diversity, and what, if any, students will have priority for choice seats?

DPS representatives pointed out that setting aside a percentage of seats for free and reduced lunch (FRL—up to 40%) will ensure that the school will always be diverse.

 Some parents pointed out that Park Hill students who want to continue to high school with their middle school peers should be considered for priority.

Parents from far Northeast felt setting aside 40% of seats for FRL was unfair to non-FRL families in far northeast because they’d be at the bottom of the list. They pointed out that even without an FRL set aside, giving priority to far northeast families would bring diversity since that population had 82% FRL families in 2013.

The Monaco corridor (from Quebec to Monaco, with 46 9th graders in 2013 and now in the George Washington boundary) is currently being proposed, along with Stapleton, to be the boundary area that will have guaranteed seats.

 The Boundary Advisory Group will meet on May 14 at Westerly Creek to develop recommendations and there will be another community meeting on May 27 to share recommendations with the community.


 May 6, 2014, Construction and Bond Update from DPS

Dear Stapleton/Northfield Community Contacts:

The purpose of this message is to share an update on various elements of this high school development. We have appreciated your interest and engagement in this school’s design and development process.  The meeting(s) that you attended in February – March 2014 have been opportunities for DPS and the community to engage in dialogue and direction setting for the new school, specifically opportunities to introduce the Principal, Avi Tropper, and the school’s program plan; and to confirm and solidify the phase I elements of construction and funding under the 2012 Bond Program.
Below are some important updates that may be of interest:     

  • Construction activity is underway with a jobsite trailer on site, surveying of the site is being performed and building permits are being secured. The plans for this project presented at the March 24 community meeting are here – see slides 32 – 49 for phase I specifics.
  • The School’s Program plan was submitted on April 11th, see the Facebook page for more information.
  • The naming of the high school campus will be considered by the Board of Education at the June 12 meeting, as will the name of the high school’s academic program. The five names being considered for the campus are: John Denver, Justina Ford, Nelson Mandela, Northfield and Paul Sandoval.
  • The Boundary Advisory Group has been formed and the first community meeting to introduce the committee and potential boundary options will be Wednesday, May 7th, 6 – 8 p.m. at DSST High School Stapleton (2000 Valentia St, Denver, CO 80238).  The group met in late April, and affirmed guiding principles of equity and inclusion for the success of an integrated, high-performing high school.
  • There have been additional questions about funding for the commons building. The Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) is beginning work on a process to consider recommendations to the Board on use of 2012 Bond reserves if/when such funds are available.  The BOC does not have decision-making authority over bond funds. The Board of Education determines use of bond funds. The BOC has scheduled a work session on May 7th 4-5:30 p.m. (Emily Griffith Campus, 1860 Lincoln, room 735) to begin their review process. The BOCs next regular meeting will be on June 27th.  Updates from the BOC meetings are posted on the bond web site.

Thank you for your interest and involvement in this project.  Please contact me if you have follow up questions or require more information.

Benita A. Duran | Director, Bond Program Outreach/City Affairs
Office of the Chief of Staff │ Denver Public Schools
900 Grant Street, Suite 400A │ Denver, CO  80203
Cell:  303-350-6963  Office: 720-423-3785 / benita_duran@dpsk12.org
http://www.dpsk12.org | http://bond.dpsk12.org



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