Eastbridge Town Center Stores Announced

10/01/2015  |  by Carol Roberts


The above plan shows the expected stores in the north building with one smaller space yet to be determined. Not all names are listed because some contracts are not yet final. Tenants for the south building are not yet determined but the developers say they expect one will be a coffee-mercantile-type tenant.

Plans for Eastbridge Town Center are moving along said Tyler Carlson, Stapleton resident and Evergreen developer, at the September Zoning and Planning Meeting. Their plans were well received by the Stapleton Design Review Committee, and Evergreen was expecting their site plan approval process with the city to be completed in September. They are getting bids and project they will close escrow at the beginning of December. If all goes as planned, they think they can start moving ground after the first of the year.

Evergreen has leases or letters of intent for the whole north building except one smaller space. In the south building they have a deal with Pilates Evolution and are in discussions with other retailers and restaurants for the remainder of that building.

Facing the buildings inward creates an opportunity for place-making in the central plaza. To create interest on the backs of the buildings Evergreen is looking at screens that are partially transparent and may have historic Stapleton photos, which will be combined with landscaping, different materials and patterns to create an attractive streetscape.


A view of the Eastbridge Town Center from the west shows the main plaza gathering area has a free-standing ice cream kiosk since ice cream was the most requested item in neighborhood focus groups. A wide stairway adds additional seating and landscaping will help create a buffer from traffic.

A view from the parking area shows the plaza at the east end where the developers are looking at putting a fire pit in the gathering area along with seating and landscaping. As shown on the plan below, the plaza narrows in the middle and then widens again at the west end.

A view from the parking area shows the plaza at the east end where the developers are considering a fire pit in the gathering area, along with seating and landscaping.


  1. Julie

    Where exactly is this complex going to be located?

    • Carol Roberts

      The entire development will be located on the land where east and westbound Martin Luther King Blvd. splits, a few blocks west of Havana. The King Soopers will be located on the east side of Geneva and the retail town center will be located on the west side of Geneva. Geneva will continue to connect the east and westbound lanes of MLK.

  2. Swoops

    Does King Soopers have to start development before this can start? Just wondering when they are going to break ground. I read somewhere that KS needs to begin development by the beginning of 2016


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