Early Childhood Educator and Ladybug owner Elvan Goksu-Kaya works with a child, while teachers Lauren Rowe (left) and Jennifer Santos (right) interact with other students.
Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe gives customers a wide choice of classical and nostalgic toys that focus on open-ended, creative play without anything from the electronic world. Even the number of battery-operated toys is minimal.
“The store has a mindset and an atmosphere of nurturing the young kids’ hearts, bodies and minds,” explained Rosalyn Toves, general manager of the four Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe stores, which include Northfield. “We’re trying to appeal to the educational side of things, allowing the children to be individuals, free spirits, and express how they feel. Our toys bring back the old concepts of using hands and minds and running around outside instead of sitting in front of a TV or computer screen all day.”
The Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe lists its top-selling category as books. A wide variety of plush animals and tiny treasures priced in the $10 to $15 range are close behind. The shop offers items priced from 25 cents to $400.
The store is set up to provide both children and adult shoppers with toys to play with while they shop. Staff members, who are parents and/or grandparents, never eye a child with scolding eyes in the “please touch” atmosphere. Even a toy train set up in the center of the store is meant to be touched and played with by visiting children.
“If the parent is trying to shop and the kiddo has something to keep him or her busy, the parent doesn’t have to worry about whether something is getting broken,” Toves said.
Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe owner, Lynne Milot, chose the shop’s name to honor a special woman in her life. The friend’s children called her the Rabbit and her grandchildren called her Grandrabbit. Thus, Milot made her a part of the toy shop.
Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppes also are located in Boulder, Westminster and Broomfield. The Boulder shop has been voted the Best Children’s Store in Boulder by the Boulder Daily Camera every year for the past 30 years.
For those unable to visit a Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe in person, their inventory is available online. Online ordering was created as a service for grandparents who live far away from their grandchildren. Complimentary gift wrap and a high level of customer service are great draws to the shop, according to Toves.
Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe is located at Northfield across from the karate studio. It is open from 11am to 8pm,. Mon. through Thurs., from 10am. to 9pm, Fri. and Sat., and from 11am to 6pm on Sunday. The store manager is Lehshel Pond.
For more information, call 720.252.7955 or go to www.grtoys.com. Email Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe at northfieldstore@grtoys.com.