In this 1-day camp, Ninjas will learn about basic circuitry through experimentation both digitally...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...
Lego Robotics Club at Code Ninjas Denver/Lowry
Help your child take their creativity to the next level. Picture this: first they construct a LEGO...