Fall SUN Meetings and Event Topics

10/01/2015  |  by Amanda Allshouse

SUNlogoGathering Community Feedback on Changing the Name Stapleton

SUN will continue to work on measuring the community climate on the use of the name Stapleton to describe the entire region of development. A survey covering a range of topics is being considered and will likely be fielded after the October SUN board meeting (Oct. 20: 7:30-9pm, Central Park Rec Center). Members of the board have received letters with a range of opinions on the matter. Two methods of contacting the board include e-mailing StapletonUnitedNeighbors@Gmail.com or via the web page comment box at the bottom of our home page: www.StapletonUnitedNeighbors.org. Every board meeting begins with a period of public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Transportation Issues

The SUN outreach meeting for October (6:30-7:30pm, Oct. 20, Central Park Rec Center) will focus on transportation and traffic safety in the community, thanks to efforts by new SUN board member Greg Calderon who has taken on the role of chair of SUN’s Transportation Committee. Invited speakers include Angie Rivera-Malpiede, vice president at the Stapleton Foundation, RTD Board of Directors, director of Northeast Transportation Connections; and two additional speakers from RTD who will cover the status of the RTD park and ride at Central Park, what is in store for the Central Park station when the new commuter line opens in early 2016, and more about transited oriented development (TOD).

Expect the acronym “TOD” to be used heavily during the meeting. Also in attendance representing the City of Denver will be Justin Schmitz, Denver Public Works Department of Transportation. Schmitz will discuss an official City of Denver response to a resident-initiated Eastbridge petition, concerns about traffic near High Tech Elementary School, and traffic concerns from other schools. Schmitz will also discuss plans for managing traffic around the Central Park Commuter Rail Station TOD. Denver’s TOD strategic plan from 2014 is available online: https://www.denvergov.org/Portals/193/documents/DLP/TOD_Plan/TOD_Strategic_Plan_FINAL.pdf

Safety and Crime Prevention

Safety and crime prevention continues to be a priority for the community. The newly invigorated SUN Safety Committee led by Vic Bencomo met in late September to discuss a Community Watch FB page, a community flyer for Halloween, Lock Your Block and Safe package campaigns, a future DPD community public crime prevention meeting, and future safety and crime prevention ideas. SUN will dedicate the November outreach meeting (6:30–7:30pm, Nov. 17, Central Park Rec Center) to current efforts by residents to increase awareness through the use of social media. The “Stapleton Community Watch” program is a joint effort between SUN, DPD and Stapleton residents to link our current Neighborhood Watch programs. The Community Watch initiative will bring the entire community together, a single forum where all residents can report and monitor crime, receive tips for crime prevention, and awareness of future safety and crime prevention campaigns.

Education Expo

The fifth annual Stapleton Education Expo will be held Thursday, Nov. 5 from 6:30-9pm at High Tech Elementary (8499 Stoll Pl.) in Conservatory Green. There will be an informational presentation with updates on issues specific to Stapleton starting at 6:30pm. The expo begins at 7pm and features local preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. The expo is designed to give parents new to the area exposure to our local school options and to allow students in transition years to meet with staff from schools in the choice boundary.

Amanda Allshouse is on the Stapleton United Neighbors Board of Directors. Other contributing authors include Rebecca Loy (SUN Education Committee), Greg Calderon (SUN Transportation Committee chair), Vic Bencomo (SUN Safety Committee) and Mark Mehringer (SUN president).


SUN Meetings:

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 6:30–7:30pm—October SUN Outreach Meeting, Central Park Rec Center; Discussion of transportation and traffic safety issues

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 7:30–9pm—October SUN Board Meeting, Central Park Rec Center; Discussion of a survey on Stapleton name change and other topics

Thursday, Nov. 5, 6:30–9pm—Stapleton Education Expo. High Tech Elementary, 8499 Stoll Pl., Conservatory Green; Meet staff from in-boundary schools

Tuesday, Nov. 17, 6:30–7:30pm—November Outreach Meeting, Central Park Rec Center; Discussion of using social media to increase awareness of safety issues


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