February SUN News

02/01/2020  |  by

Community Screening of The Mask You Live In

In partnership between the Stapleton MCA, the Greater Stapleton Business Association (GSBA) and Stapleton United Neighbors (SUN), a community screening of the documentary The Mask You Live In will be hosted at The Cube Thursday, February 20th, 2020 at 5:45pm. This award-winning film documents America’s narrow definition of masculinity, and its impact on adolescent boys. Most importantly, it illustrates how we, as a society, can raise a healthier generation of boys and young men. Screening will be followed by a 1-hour panel discussion. Panelists include Derek McCoy www.projectpave.org and Stacey Hervey, Criminal Justice and Sociology Professor; both have worked extensively with young men and will talk about the impact of sports on male development as well as the increase in suicidal ideation in young men.

Central Park Blvd Bike Lane Symbol Design

SUN is seeking community suggestions for a unique stylized bike lane symbol design for the comfort bike line along Central Park Blvd between Montview and 35th Avenue. All submissions are required to meet general design parameters regarding size and recognition. The RINO District in Denver is an example, where a modified design has the appearance of a rhinoceros (a cyclist with horns on head, and squared-off feet and hands). Designs should be 40-inches wide by 72-inches tall. All images submitted will be judged on their adherence to the general graphic portrayal of a bike and rider and implementation of elements that reflect the unique history and flavor of the Stapleton Community. With questions on technical elements, please contact Rick Leuthold at rleuthold@sandersonstewart.com or 406-698-6910. Please see SUN’s web site for further details. www.stapletonunitedneighbors.org.

Please submit designs by February 29. Community voting will take place electronically from March 1-28, with a final recommendation made to the city of Denver at the end of March. Final approval of images shall be at the sole discretion of the City of Denver Public Works Department.

CPAC for the DPS 2020 Bond and Mill Levy Planning Committee

DPS has selected 75 community members to comprise its Community Planning and Advisory Committee (CPAC) for the Denver Public Schools (DPS) 2020 Bond and Mill Levy Planning Committee. CPAC members are tasked with examining the needs of schools across the district and working together to prepare recommendations on updating buildings and play spaces, improving technology and other essential investments that will ensure quality learning environments for all students. Final recommendations will be made to the DPS school board in June, and if approved, Denver Voters have final approval during the 2020 fall election. Among 19 members from District 4 (the location of Stapleton in Denver), is SUN board president Amanda Allshouse (full list: http://bond.dpsk12.org/cpac/). SUN will be seeking community input this spring to inform the process.

Seeking Diverse Candidates for the SUN Board

At the Annual Community Forum (2020 May 13th) a slate of 8 candidates will be presented to the community for a vote to begin a 2-year term on the SUN board of directors. SUN seeks to have a board diverse in geography within Stapleton, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, rental/ownership status, and professions. In addition to attending SUN’s monthly meetings, (SUN meets in the Central Park Rec Center on the 3rd Tuesday of most months from 6:30pm-8:30pm), interested candidates should contact Nominations Committee Chairs Geoff Horsfall (geoff.horsfall@gmail.com) and Mark Mehringer (mehringer@gmail.com) with questions, and to submit a biography of 250 words describing interests and relevant experiences. Interested candidates should have a passion for civic engagement, public service, and community. SUN is comprised solely of volunteers and is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.

Annual Community Forum: Wed., May 13, 6–8:30pm (The Cube)

In May of 2020, SUN’s Annual Community Forum will be held at The Cube on Wednesday May 13th (in lieu of a 3rd Tuesday monthly SUN meeting for May). At this community meeting, the agenda will begin with SUN’s annual elections, followed by development updates on retail and housing from Brookfield and other area developers. Other speakers to be announced.


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