The full display of Stapleton’s 29th Ave Town Center holiday lights will remain lit up until Jan. 1, when the Menorah and Christmas tree will be removed. Street trees and decor will remain up through the Stock Show, and overhead lights will stay til Valentine’s Day.
Please double check dates and times using the contact info provided.
Events submitted by the 17th of the month are considered for printing as space allows. FrontPorchNE.com > Events
ideaLAB: What do you want to make? Denver Public Library is building their sixth ideaLAB makerspace in the Sam Gary Branch Library in 2019. It will be filled with tools, equipment, and people eager to help. From sewing to 3D printing to audio recording to painting, we try to fill our labs with the tools the community needs.
More info: denverlibrary.org/idealab.
1/3 Thursday—Escape From Narnia: A Family Escape Room Event. The adventure begins when you enter the wardrobe. It ends when you escape. Work together as a family to discover clues, break codes, and solve puzzles to help you. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/10 Thursday—Vitalant (formerly Bonfils) Blood Drive at Stanley. 11am–3pm. Please bring a photo ID, eat a substantial breakfast and lunch on this day, and be well-hydrated. Complete your health questionnaire before you come to the drive: bloodsystems.org/health.aspx. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St, Aurora.
1/10 & 1/24 Thursday—Knitting Circle. 5:30–7:30pm Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/18 Friday— Family Classics Film Series – The Wizard of Oz. 7pm, The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. stapletoncommunity.com
1/19 Saturday—4th Annual Speakeasy Soiree. Live music, vintage vendors, cash bar, Charleston dance lessons, etc. Tickets from $25. The Hangar at Stanley, 2501 Dallas St., Aurora. speakeasysoiree.com
1/20 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. Meets once a month on Sundays and rotates between fiction, nonfiction, and reader’s choice selections. 2pm. January Title: Beartown, by Fredrick. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/23 Wednesday—Write & Talk for Teens with Lighthouse Writers. 4–6pm Are you interested in exploring the world of creative writing? Join local author Whitney Gaines to try a new genre or topic each month. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/25 Friday—Fancy Nancy Tea Party. 4–5pm. Join us for an afternoon of games, crafts, and fanciness. Ideal for ages 3 to 6 – accompanied by an adult. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/25 Friday—Family Game Night at The Cube. 6–9pm. Come to the Cube for family game night! The MCA will be hosting an open house game night featuring a variety of different board games for the community to play. Bring your family and friends for this free event. The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. stapletoncommunity.com
2/1 to 2/2— Harry Potter Lock-In. 2:30pm Friday–10am Saturday. For Witches and Wizards, grades 2–5. The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. Last day for online registration: Jan 29, 12pm at stapletoncommunity.com
Additional events outside of Denver can be found at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Set filter for Seasonal/Holiday Events.
To 1/1—Denver Botanic Garden’s Blossoms of Light. 5–9pm. A dazzling and ever-changing display of light and color. 1007 York St. 720-865-3500, botanicgardens.org
To 1/6—Denver International Airport’s Ice Skating Rink. 9am-9pm. Free; complimentary skates available. denevents.flydenver.com
To 1/6—Zoo Lights. 5:30-9pm. Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele St. 720-337-1400. denverzoo.org
To 2/3—Downtown Denver Rink at Skyline Park. FREE ice skating; bring skates or rent: $6/kids 12 and under, $8/13 and older. downtowndenver.com
Through February—Winter Skate at Northfield. Admission includes complimentary skate rental. 8368 Northfield Blvd. Info, prices, hours at 303-449-3137 or bceproductions.com
1/2 to 2/28—Robert Anderson Gallery Native American Artist Exhibits. Opening reception, Friday, Jan 18, 5–8pm. 3321 East Colfax. robertandersongallery.com
1/4 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum District. www.denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
1/8 to 1/27—National Western Stock Show and Rodeo. The premier livestock, rodeo, and horse show in the nation. National Western Complex. Tickets for all events at nationalwestern.com
1/9 to 1/12—Colorado RV Adventure Travel Show. Tickets: $12. 12 and under free. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. gsevents.com
1/10 Thursday—National Western Parade. The parade starts at Union Station at noon and continues on 17th St, ending at 17th & Tremont. nationalwestern.com
1/10 to 1/13—Denver International Sportsman’s Expo. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. Tickets $16, active military and youth 15 & under are Free. Thurs/Fri 11am–8pm, Sat 10am–7pm, Sun 10am–5pm. sportsexpos.com
To 1/11/19—Denver Treecycle 2019. Your tree must be placed at your trash pick-up location by 7am on your scheduled trash collection day, no pick-up on 1/1/19. More info at DenverGov.org/treecycle or call 311 (720-913-1311)
To 1/11/19—Youth at DAVA Holiday Show and Sale. Downtown Aurora Visual Arts youth exhibit. Handmade holiday gifts for sale. 1405 Florence St. davarts.org
1/18 to 1/20—Denver Boat Show. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. Tickets: $13.50; 16 and under free. 1/18 12-9pm, 1/19 10am-9pm, 1/20 10am-5pm. Non-perishable food item discount is available at the box office. denverboatshow.com
1/18 to 1/20—38th Annual Indian Market and SW Showcase. Fri 1–7 pm; Sat 10am–7pm; Sun 10am–5pm. Denver Merchandise Mart, 451 E. 58th Ave. indianmarket.net
1/18 Friday—Hats and Boots Extravaganza. Dust off your cowboy boots and eat, drink and dance to country songs with BBQ for purchase and a cash bar. 4303 Brighton Blvd, Bldg 1. info@youthconnect.org or cbryouthconnect.org/hats-boots-extravaganza
1/19 Saturday—The 2019 Womxn’s March Denver. Listen to those who have been silenced. Unite under the banner of anti-oppression. Act with intention. Rally first followed by the March. Denver’s Civic Center Park, Colfax and Bannock. Info at womxnsmarchdenver.org
1/20 Sunday—Rocky Mountain Bridal Show. Colorado Convention Center, Mile High Ballroom.11am–4pm. Tickets $10-15, kids 12 and under are free. rockymtnbridalshow.com
1/21 Monday—Martin Luther King Jr. Marade and Program. Largest in U.S. Gathers in City Park at Colfax and Columbine, and march to Civic Center Park. Program starts at 9:30am, Marade starts at 10:45am sharp from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Dream Memorial in City Park. drmartinlkingjrchc.org
1/25 to 1/26—Denver Winter Brewfest. 7pm. Mile High Station, 2027 West Lower Colfax Ave. General admission $40-50. Benefits Swallow Hill Music. denverbrewfest.com/winter
1/28 Monday—Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America meeting. Join Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America at 6:30pm to be a part of planning our 2019 legislative goals. Eloise May Library, 1471 S Parker Rd. chuckles.whit@gmail.com, Momsdemandaction.org
Starting 1/2—Fitness Classes at Augustana. 5000 E. Alameda. Class info: 303.388.4678 or augustanadenver.org
1/5/19 Saturday—The Resolve 1M, 5K, 10K. Denver City Park. featonthestreet.com
1/15 Tuesday—Milk Donation and Outreach Center opening. Hygge Birth Center to open as Donation and Outreach Center for Mothers’ Milk Bank. Eligible moms, who have more milk than their baby needs, can donate their milk to help fragile babies across CO. 8111 East Lowry Blvd, Ste 230. 720-464-7599, hyggebirthandbabydenver.com
1/31 Thursday—9th Annual be well Awards and Community Celebration. 6-8:30pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 3203 Quebec St. RSVP by 1/28: SValeriano@stapletonfoundation.org, 303.468.3226 or bewellconnect.org
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. Every Tuesday for a half hour of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
1/3 to 3/3— Denver Puppet Theater. Two folktales, the Fisherman and His Wife and The Three Wishes. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
1/5 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am–12pm. FREE how-to clinics 1st Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
1/12 Saturday—2019 Denver Preschool Showcase. The 7th annual Preschool Showcase is a free, one-stop opportunity for Denver families to connect with quality-rated programs and learn about early childhood resources, including tuition support through the Denver Preschool Program. Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele St. 720-287-5055 ext. 180, dpp.org/news/showcase-2019
1/12 Saturday—Hands on History Family Fun Day. 11am–3pm. Explore and create your own history, art, and culture through hands-on, immersive activities like adobe brick making, building log cabins, live performances, and role playing in our exhibits. History Colorado Museum. historycolorado.org.
1/15 & 1/16—STEAM: Time. Learn about the weird science of time! Make a sun dial and memorialize the New Year by building a time capsule. Registration required. 4–5pm. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/19 Saturday—LEGO Building Workshop. 9–10am. Build the LEGO City Arctic Ice Glider Kit, best for ages 5–12. Then tour part of our Colorado Stories exhibit before it opens to the public. Cost is $35 (members $30). Includes one adult/one child admission and the LEGOs. History Colorado Museum. historycolorado.org
1/21 Monday—Environment Investigators: SPREE Holiday Camp. The best way to get up close with nature is by going undetected. Learn sneaky nature skills with SPREE to go undetected while observing animals in nature! SPREE= South Platte River Environmental Education. 610 S Jason St. camp@greenwayfoundation.org, thegreenwayfoundation.org
1/29 Tuesday—Let’s Build It – Invisible Crayon Paintings. 4–5pm. Create a beautiful painting using watercolors and special crayons. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
2/1 Friday—Neat Nesters: SPREE Holiday Camp. Birds aren’t the only nest architects of the South Platte River. Join SPREE to learn about different animals that build nests in our city! SPREE= South Platte River Environmental Education. 610 S Jason St. camp@greenwayfoundation.org, thegreenwayfoundation.org
1/8 Tuesday—Active Minds presents: Italy. Join Active Minds as we review the rich history of Italy and its current turmoil, after a contentious election, including the possibility of leaving the European Union. 10–11 am. Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St. 303-316-6359, activeminds.com
1/10 Thursday—Active Minds: Puerto Rico. 1–2pm. Join Active Minds as we review the history of this important U.S. Territory, including how U.S. policies have impacted its economy and its people. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/12 Saturday—Conversation for the Ages: Justice. What do we owe to each other? Monthly discussions using classic and contemporary texts for talking about pressing issues. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. 720-865-0250, activeminds.com
1/15—New Adult Art Classes begin at Denver School of the Arts. Fun, no-stress classes with a variety of materials and techniques. Class size is limited for personal attention and all levels are welcome. Ages16+. Design and Color: 4 weeks, Tues 6–8pm, Jan 15, 22, 29, and Feb 5. Printmaking Sampler: 5 weeks, Wed 6–8pm, Jan 16, 23, 30, Feb 6 and 13. DSA is located at 7111 Montview, at Quebec St. More info at debrosenbaum.com/current classes.
1/22 Tuesday—League of Women Voters Denver Presents: Dreamers: View the Movie and Meet the Dreamers. This 30-minute documentary tells the story of five Dreamers who are no different from our own young relatives except they have no stable status in our country. Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St., McCollum Room. info@lwvdenver.org
1/23 Wednesday—“Eighth Grade” Film Viewing + Open Forum Discussion. To understand what middle-school kids are facing, join fellow parents for a film viewing of “Eighth Grade” + open forum discussion with specialists. The Infinite Monkey Theorem (Stanley Marketplace), 2501 Dallas St, Aurora. campbell@momsnightoutproductions.com, tickettailor.com/events/mnop/211218
1/24 Thursday—Active Minds: South Africa: From Apartheid to Global Citizen. 6:30–7:30pm We will discuss the pivotal role played by Mandela, the impact of immigration/colonialism, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and other important aspects of this story. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
1/26 Saturday—Good Music: What It Is and Who Gets to Decide, with Author Jack Sheinbaum. Jack Sheinbaum proposes that good music can be playful rather than serious, diverse rather than unified, engaging to both body and mind, in dialogue with manifold styles and genres, and collaborative. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. 720-865-0250, denverlibrary.org
1/29 Tuesday—Boomers Leading Change. Our mission is to mobilize, connect and empower adults 50+ to utilize their skills and experience. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. 720-865-0250, denverlibrary.org/event/boomers-leading-change/
1/30 Wednesday—Conflict in our Daily Lives. Conflict is a part of every relationship, whether it is between family members, coworkers, neighbors, or friends. Learn about how to address conflict as an opportunity for strengthening relationships and for growth through problem solving. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. 720-865-0250, denverlibrary.org
To 1/6—Winter Break at the Denver Art Museum. Winter Break at the Denver Art Museum means fun for the whole family. The Print Studio, Create-n-Takes, Gallery Games, A Walk in the Woods, and much more are open every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-913-0130, denverartmuseum.org
To 1/6—“Rembrandt: Painter as Printmaker” at the Denver Art Museum. Showcasing about 100 prints from Rembrandt van Rijn’s career spanning from 1625 to 1665. The DAM will be the sole venue for this exhibition. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-913-0130, denverartmuseum.org
To 1/6—“Claes Oldenburg with Coosje van Bruggen: Drawings” at the Denver Art Museum. 39 drawings and one sculpture spanning the artists’ careers from 1961 through 2001. Giving an insightful look at works by two extraordinarily innovative modern artists. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org
To 1/13—Above and Beyond. The ultimate interactive flight exhibition – Presented by Boeing at the Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum. Exhibit included in the price of admission. 7711 E. Academy Blvd. WingsMuseum.org/Beyond
1/14 Monday—Educators Night. 6–9pm. Your chance to play before you bring these experiences into your classroom. Cash bar, light appetizers. Reserve free tickets at dmns.org
To 1/20—Cuba! Be immersed in the extraordinary biodiversity, cultural traditions, and daily life of this intriguing country. Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. Free with admission. dmns.org
To 1/20—“Eyes On: Shimabuku” at the Denver Art Museum. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-913-0130, denverartmuseum.org
1/25 Friday—Teen Lounge: Things That Glow. 7–10pm, ages 13–18. Reserve free tickets at dmns.org
To 3/3—“Dior: From Paris to World” at the Denver Art Museum. Showcasing 70 years of the House of Dior’s enduring legacy and its global influence. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
Monday thru Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday thru Sunday—Aurora History Museum. Closed January 1. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
1/5 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free First Saturday. Free general admission tickets are available on-site starting at 10am. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
1/7 Monday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day. dmns.org
1/8 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum of Denver Free Day. mychildsmuseum.org
1/10 Thursday—Denver Zoo Free Day. denverzoo.org
1/11 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Free Day. 12-4pm. fourmilepark.org
1/18 to 1/19—Denver Zoo Free Day. denverzoo.org
1/21 Monday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. botanicgardens.org
1/24 Thursday—Clyfford Still Museum Free Day. clyffordstillmuseum.org
1/27 Sunday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day. dmns.org
2/2 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free First Saturday. Free general admission tickets are available on-site starting at 10am. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
2/3 to 2/4—Denver Zoo Free Day. denverzoo.org
2/5 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum of Denver Free Day. mychildsmuseum.org
1/4 to 1/6—Movie at the Symphony: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix™. The unforgettable score will be performed with a live symphony orchestra as the film is projected simultaneously on the big screen. Boettcher Concert Hall, 1000 14th St. Tickets $20-94: tickets.coloradosymphony.org
1/5 Saturday—Chad Prather. Prather is known for his way with words. He is a comedian, armchair philosopher, musician, and observational humorist. Paramount Theatre, 1621 Glenarm Pl. 802-255-1826, soundchronicle.com
1/5 Saturday—The Whiffenpoofs. World’s oldest and well-known acapella group, 14 Yale men. Newman Center for Performing Arts, DU campus. 2pm and 7:30pm. newmancenterpresents.com
To 1/6/19—Mary Poppins. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. vintagetheatre.org
1/16 Wednesday—Tenor Mark Padmore and Pianist Paul Lewis, presented by Friends of Chamber Music. 65th season, 7:30pm, Newman Center’s Gates Concert Hall, E. Iliff Ave. 303-388-9839, friendsofchambermusic.com
1/10 Thursday—The Dollhouse Thieves at Larimer Lounge. Larimer Lounge Presents a night of all female-fronted bands: The Dollhouse Thieves Nina and The Hold Tight Moses Mlady Doors: 6pm Show: 7pm. 21 and over $10 pre sales, $12 at door. 2721 Larimer St. 303-291-1007, larimerlounge.com
1/11 to 2/17—Betrayal. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. vintagetheatre.org
1/12 to 2/16—Gloria. Curious Theatre Company, 1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org
1/13 Sunday—Beatles vs Stones – A Musical Showdown. Tickets are $20–35 and may be purchased online at theorientaltheater.com, by phone at 720-420-0030 or at the Theatre Box Office. W 44th St. holdmyticket.com
1/15—MLK Jr. Tribute. 7:30pm. Presented by The Colorado Symphony. Boettcher Concert Hall, 1400 Curtis St. FREE event but tickets are required, request them at coloradosymphony.org
1/18 to 2/24—Last Night and the Night Before. Ricketson Theatre, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, 1400 Curtis St. denvercenter.org
1/25 to 2/24—Anna Karenina. Stage Theatre, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, 14th and Curtis. denvercenter.org
1/25 Friday—Wanda Sykes: Oh Well Tour. Wanda Sykes ranks among Entertainment Weekly’s 25 Funniest People in America. Doors open 6:30pm, show starts 7:30pm. Paramount Theatre, 1621 Glenarm Pl. paramountdenver.com
2/1 Friday—Silkroad Ensemble. Founded by cellist Yo-Yo Ma in 1998, the Grammy award-winning Silkroad creates music that engages difference, sparking radical cultural collaboration and passion-driven learning to build a more hopeful world. Newman Center for Performing Arts, DU campus. 7:30pm. newmancenterpresents.com
2/1 to 2/10—Colorado Ballet – The Wizard of Oz. Exciting premiere of The Wizard of Oz, featuring new sets, costumes and special effects. Ellie Caulkins Opera House, 14th Curtis St. 303-837-8888, coloradoballet.org
Denver Snow Buddy. Volunteers are paired with seniors within a 2-mile radius of one another, helping clear their walkways after two or more inches of snow has fallen. Application to volunteer at www.voacolorado.org/Volunteer/Snow-Buddies or contact Wayne Chitwood at 303-297-0408. Please note, there is a one-time fee of $25 for a background check.
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. www.ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1532 Galena St., Ste. 380. 720-460-1393