The Runway 35 pool in Conservatory Green.
*Visit our online calendar to view more events or submit events: FrontPorchNE.com > Events
To 7/1—Aurora Arts Festival. 12-8pm, Fletcher Plaza, 9898 E. Colfax, Aurora Arts and Cultural District. 100 artists, makers and creative businesses. www.auroraculture.org
To 8/25—Farmers’ Market at Northfield. Saturdays 8am-1pm. 47th Avenue and Main St. Spend $50, get $25 (including Farmers’ Market receipts). www.northfieldstapleton.com
To 8/24—Stanley Farmers Market. Fridays 9am-2pm. The Stanley Farmers Market takes place in The Field at Stanley every Friday this summer from 9AM to 2PM. http://stanleymarketplace.com/events/
To 10/10—The DeLaney Mobile Farm Stand at Stanley. The Plaza at Stanley Marketplace, Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30PM. http://stanleymarketplace.com/events/
7/20 Friday—Aurora Summer in the City. Aurora Municipal Center Great Lawn, 11:00am-2pm. Repeats 8/1, Mission Viejo Park. FREE. Healthy snacks, inflatables, board and field games, try golf and gymnastics and crafts http://www.auroragov.org/events
7/4 Wednesday—Truck Stop: Food Truck Rally. small-bite offerings, local craft beer, cocktail selections and a soundtrack of local music at Stanley Marketplace in Aurora with shade and seating. All day. https://www.truckstoprally.com/
7/5 Thursday—Thursday Night Bazaar at Stanley Marketplace. Shop and sip the 1st Thursday of the month, 5-10pm. www.denverbazaar.com
7/7 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. Free with admission. Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. 10am-2pm. Repeats 8/4. www.wingsmuseum.org
7/12 to 9/13—Career Program at Hope Communities, Inc. 7 week career program series on Thursday evenings beginning 7/12, culminating in a hiring event. 4919 E. Thrill Place in Park Hill.
7/11 Wednesday—Shelvis is in the Building! Lori Muha “Shelvis” transforms into the rock and roll superstar Elvis. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Bvd. July 11 at 6:30 p.m. https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/shelvis-building
7/12 Thursday—Sam Gary Knitting Circle. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other at the Sam Gary fireplace. Repeats 7/24. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, asksamgarylibrary@denverlibrary.org www.denverlibrary.org/event/knitting-circle-13
7/14 Saturday—Mile High Wine Festival. 3-8pm. Unlimited wine tastings from 25+ Colo. wineries, live music, retail and food vendors, etc. At The Shops at Northfield. Tickets: King Soopers and milehighwinefest.com
7/14 Saturday—How To Spot Fake News. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St., 80238 (720) 865-0325 2:00pm – 3:15pm. Learn the tricks and tools reference librarians use to evaluate the credibility of news stories. https://www.denverlibrary.org
7/15 Sunday—2018 World Cup Finals Watch Party. 8:45am. Dicks Sporting Goods Park, Free event limited to first 4500 people. 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, CO 80022
7/15 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary. 2:00pm – 3:00pm 2961 Roslyn St. Book club meeting at Sam Gary once a month on Sundays; rotates between fiction, nonfiction, and reader’s choice selections. https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/sam-gary-literary-2
7/21 Saturday— The Urban Farm Ice Cream Social and 20th Anniversary Celebration. 10am-12pm. Free ice cream with paid admission, $5 ages 2 and up. www.theurbanfarm.org
7/23 Monday—Pollinator Basics. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.(720) 865-0325 2:00pm – 3:30pm Learn about different types of bees and wasps—honeybees, native bees, friendly wasps, useful wasps, defensive wasps—and how to help them out. Ages 10 and up. www.denverlibrary.org
8/5 Sunday—Ice Cream Social & Community Resource Fair. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St., 80238 (720) 865-0325 1:30pm – 3:00pm Meet neighbors and how to get involved in your community. Ice cream, a photo booth, and games. www.denverlibrary.org
To 8/5—City Park Jazz. Sundays 6-8pm thru 8/5. City Park Pavilion. FREE. www.cityparkjazz.org
7/2 Monday—Old Fashioned July 4th Celebration. 5-10pm. A modern take on an old-fashioned 4th of July celebration. 715 S. Forest St. 720.865.0800. www.fourmilepark.org
7/3 Tuesday—Independence Day Eve Celebration in Civic Center Park. 8pm. FREE community concert with patriotic favorites by Colorado Symphony. Lightshow and fireworks show. Denver Civic Center Park. www.civiccenterconservancy.org
7/4 Wednesday—2016 Freedom Run 5K. 8am. Day of registration opens 6:45am. Evergreen Middle School, Evergreen. www.freedomrunrace.org, www.mtevans.org
7/4 Wednesday—9th Annual Park Hill 4th of July Parade and Street Fair. 1:30pm Park Hill, 23rd Ave. from Dexter to Kearney. Street fair on Kearney after the parade between 22nd and 23rd. www.parkhillparade.org
7/4 Wednesday—Aurora 4th of July Spectacular. Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda P’kway. live music, fireworks at dusk. www.auroragov.org
7/4 Wednesday—Colorado Rapids vs. Seattle. Fireworks after game. Family fun zone 5pm, game 7pm. www.coloradorapids.com
7/4 Tuesday—Denver Outlaws vs. Boston Cannons. 7pm. Sports Authority Field. Fireworks after game. www.denveroutlaws.com
7/4 Wednesday—Elitch Gardens. Fireworks at dusk.
7/4 Wednesday—Evergreen 4th of July Celebration. Evergreen Music Festival, art show, free kids’ activities. 10am-7:30pm. Tickets $10. 12 and under free. Evergreen Lakehouse. www.evergreenmusicfestival.org
7/4 Wednesday—Liberty 4 Mile and Firecracker Kids Run. 8:30am. Washington Park. www.liberty4mile.com
7/3 to 7/4— Fireworks at Hudson Gardens. Concert featuring Neil Diamond tribute band “Super Diamond” and Firefall with fireworks following. Tickets www.hudsongardens.org
7/4 Wednesday—Olde Town Arvada Spirit of America 4th of July Festival. Free family events. Fireworks at dusk. www.arvada.org
7/14 Saturday—Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America. 10am at the Be3 Church, 1195 Newport St. Discussion of Nov. election and what you can do to help get gun-sense candidates elected throughout the area. momsdemandaction.org, everytown.org
Arvada Center Summer Concert Series. See website for lineup and dates. www.arvadacenter.org
To 8/13—Film on the Rocks-. 7 pm. Red Rocks Amphitheater. Live music and movie select Monday evenings thru summer. Tickets from $15. Schedule: www.redrocksonline.com
To 8/26—Shady Grove Concert Series. Wednesdays through 8/26. Four Mile Historic Park. 6:30pm. www.swallowhillmusic.org, www.fourmilepark.org
To 8/5—Colorado Renaissance Festival. 8 weekends. Larkspur. www.coloradorenaissance.comvv
To 8/6—Monday Movie Madness at Infinity Park. Free Movies, Infinity Park, select Mondays, Glendale. Gates open 7pm, movies 8pm. www.infinityparkatglendale.com
To 10/13— Free composting classes. Wednesdays and Saturdays thru mid-Oct. Classes at Denver Compost Demonstration Site, Gove Community Garden, 13th Ave. and Colorado Blvd. Sign up: 303.292.9900 or www.dug.org/compost.
7/6 to 7/8—Cherry Creek Arts Festival. www.cherryarts.org
7/6 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. www.denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
7/6 Friday—Mozart Under Moonlight at Arvada Center. Presented by Colorado Symphony. 7:30 pm. www.arvadacenter.org
7/7 Saturday—Denver Dumb Friends League Catwalk. 21 and older beer tasting event at the Quebec Street Shelter. Tickets $20. Waived adoption fees for adult cats 1 year and older the week before Catwalk. 6am-9pm. 2080 S. Quebec. 303.751.5772. www.ddfl.org
7/13 to 7/15—Colorado Irish Festival. Largest Irish celebration in Rocky Mountains. Traditional Irish music, dancing, drama, storytelling, games, food/drink. Littleton, Clement Park. www.coloradoirishfestival.org
7/13 to 7/15—Colorado Black Arts Festival. City Park West. www.colbaf.org
7/13 to 7/15—Slow Food Nations. Workshops, tastings, tours, kids’ activities. Select events are free, open to public. Various locations: Larimer Square, Union Station, Tattered Cover, etc. www.slowfoodnations.org
7/14 Saturday—Drums Along the Rockies. 6:30pm. Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Tickets: www.ascendperformingarts.org
7/15 to 7/19—Denver County Fair. National Western Complex. www.denvercountyfair.org
7/19 Thursday—Happy Birthday Mrs. Brown Garden Party. Molly Brown House. Celebrating Molly Brown’s 151st birthday. 6-8pm. $20, recommended for ages 12+. Music, lawn games, cake and punch. www.mollybrown.org
7/21 to 7/22—Evergreen Summerfest. www.evergreenarts.org
7/26 to 7/29—Arapahoe County Fair. Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, Aurora. www.arapahoecountyfair.com
7/26 to 7/29—Buffalo Bill Days. Wild West show, car show, mutton bustin’, arts/crafts. Parfet Park, downtown Golden. www.buffalobilldays.com
7/27 to 7/29—Denver Post Underground Music Showcase. S. Broadway. 400+ bands play in 30+ venues. www.theums.com
7/27 to 7/29—Evergreen Jazz Festival. www.evergreenjazz.org
7/28 to 7/29—Denver Dragon Boat Festival. 14th annual. Denver’s Sloan’s Lake Park. www.cdbf.org
7/14 Saturday—Sand Creek 1/2 Marathon and 5K/10K. Stapleton Central Park. www.featonthestreet.com
7/15 Sunday—World Soccer Celebration 5K. 8am, Dick’s Sporting Goods Park. www.dickssportinggoodspark.com
7/17 Tuesday—An Evening with Harry Connick, Jr. and Jill Connick. Free event to educate people 50 and older on colon cancer and early detection, 6-8pm. The Cable Center. Space is limited. All event registrations must be confirmed in advance at New50.com/Denver. Hors d’oeuvres and desserts.
7/21 Saturday—Barre on the Rocks. Red Rocks, 7-8am. $14. Tickets: www.redrocksonline.com
7/21 Saturday—CF Climb Denver. Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium. Stair climb benefits Cystic Fibrosis. 8am. www.cff.org/rockymountain/
7/21 Saturday—Scibabe’s Guide to Bad Science Detection. This giggle-inducing talk will ensure you never need to waste another minute or dollar on bad science. Lowry Conference Center, 7:00 pm. Secular Hub members: $12 in advance, $15 at the door, Nonmembers: $20 tickets at https://www.secularhub.org https://www.secularhub.org
7/29 Sunday—4th Annual Dash for Smiles Walk/Run. Stapleton Central Park. www.dashforsmiles.org
8/4 Saturday—Run for the Ring 5K & Kids Fun Run. Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, 1775 Aurora Ct Denver 80045 www.runsignup.com/runforthering
Memorial Day to Labor Day—History Colorado Kids Free Admission. Free admission for youth 15 and under when wearing a baseball jersey. www.historycolorado.org
July—Denver Puppet Theater. Rapunzel. www.denverpuppettheater.com
To 8/11—Denver Public Libraries Summer of Reading. Free activities, suggestions for summer reading, incentives for Denver kids, 3 age groups. FREE. www.summerofreading.org
7/7 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. www.homedepot.com
Sam Gary Library Events for Kids, Families and Teens
Sam Gary Branch Library, 2961 Roslyn St., 80238. 720.865.0325 asksamgary@denverlibrary.org www.denverlibrary.org. Some events require registration, please check website.
7/10 Tuesday—The Funny Bunny Magic Show with Magician and Educator Connie Elstun. 45 minute interactive magic show starring a live magic rabbit and dove.
7/11 Wednesday—Ceramic Painted Mugs. 2:00pm-3:00pm. ages 9 to 17. Registration is required and space is limited.
7/17 Tuesday—Animal Adaptations w/ Safari Sally. Meet a variety of live animals up close; Invertebrates and reptiles from around the world are featured.
7/18 Wednesday—Tie Dyed T-Shirts. 2:00pm-3:00pm. registration required, space is limited.
7/20 Friday—Movement Storytime w/ Colorado Ballet. 2:00-3:00pm. Movement games, songs and basic ballet vocabulary. Students will learn about a variety of dance concepts, and the class will develop spatial awareness and problem solving, while strengthening the body and brain.
7/24 Tuesday—LocoMotion: The Science & Circus Arts Show. 2:00-3:00pm National Juggling Champion Peter Davison performs amazing juggling, balancing, unicycle riding, and clowning
7/25 Wednesday—Cupcake Decorating w/ the Church of Cupcakes. 2:00pm – 3:00pm. Learn the basics of cupcake decorating. Ages 9-17. Registration is required, space is limited.
7/31 Tuesday—All American Street Organ Jamboree. 2:00-3:00pm Master magician Mark Strivings brings the entire family a festival of music, laughter, fun, magic and more.
8/2 to 8/9—Teen Digital Art Workshop. A 2-part workshop series on digital art creation for ages 11-18 or grades 6-12. Participants will use Wacom drawing tablets to create their own digital art pieces. Registration required.
7/3 to 7/31—Storytime for Preschoolers. Tuesdays at 10:30am, Free. The Bookies bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Ave (303) 759-1117 info@thebookies.com www.thebookies.com
7/3 to 7/31—Tuesdays in June– Four Mile Historic Park Small Settlers. Ages 2-5. $5/child, adults free. Members free. 715 S. Forest St. Advance register: 720.865.0814 or education@fourmilepark.org. www.fourmilepark.org
7/6 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Hay Bales and Tall Tales. 12-1pm. 715 S. Forest St. 720.865.0800. Free with admission. www.fourmilepark.org
7/8 Sunday—Junior Rangers. 1:30-3:30pm. Ages 6-12. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. Reservations required. 303.739.9428, www.auroragov.org/nature
7/3 to 8/28—Tuesdays in July and August– Four Mile Historic Park Small Settlers. Ages 2-5 accompanied by parent/caregiver. 9-10am. $5/child, adults free. Members free. 715 S. Forest St. Advance register: 720.865.0814 or education@fourmilepark.org. www.fourmilepark.org
7/21 Saturday—Denver Botanic Gardens Lavender Fest at Chatfield Farms. 9am-5pm. 800+ blooming lavender plants. Free admission, farm tours, music, kids’ activities, and food for purchase; educational programs on lavender for additional charge. Pre-register on website or day of if space available. 8500 W. Deer Creek Canyon Rd. www.botanicgardens.org
7/19 Thursday—Youth Journalism Day. 4th–8th-grade students, 7:30am-5pm. Metropolitan State Univ., Denver. Spend the day with professionals learning about story writing, interviews, writing tips and photography. 303.954.3974 or www.ColoradoNIE.com
7/28 to 7/29—Rocky Mountain Train Show. Forney Transportation Museum. 80+ tables of trains, all scales and gauges. 4303 Brighton Blvd. www.rockymountaintrainshow.com
7/3 Tuesday—Active Minds Presents: Putin’s Russia. Jewish Community Center, 350 S. Dahlia St. Denver 80246 10am-11am. Free. http://activeminds.com
7/12 Thursday—Active Minds Presents: The Future of Bees. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. www.activeminds.com
7/21 Saturday—Tales from an Uncertain World: What Other Assorted Disasters Can Teach Us About Climate Change. Author L.S. Gardiner will share her quest to learn how people deal with disasters as we attempt to quell the climate catastrophe and be resilient. Books available for sale and signing. 2:30 p.m. at the Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. /www.denverlibrary.org
7/26 Thursday—Active Minds Presents: The Year 1968. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. www.activeminds.com
8/4 Saturday—Denver’s Historic Mountain Parks System. Historic overview of the creation of this unique park system along with its predicaments and potential. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview. www.denverlibrary.org
Memorial Day thru Labor Day–Play Ball! A Celebration of America’s game. Kids 15 and under wear a baseball jersey for free admission. History Colorado Center, 1200 Broadway. www.historycolorado.org
To 8/5—Drawn to Glamour: Fashion Illustrations by Jim Howard at the Denver Art Museum. Special exhibit included with museum admission. www.denverartmuseum.org
To 9/3—Dead Sea Scrolls. Denver Museum of Nature and Science.Special exhibit, Separate ticket required. www.dmns.org
To 9/16—New Territory: Landscape Photography Today. The Art of Summer. Denver Art Museum www.denverartmuseum.org
7/6 Friday—Conversation with Curator—Ganesha: The Playful Protector at the Denver Art Museum. Conversations with Curators feature lively discussions with different curators on the first Friday of the month. Free with admission. www.denverartmuseum.org
7/10 Tuesday—Drop-In Drawing at the Denver Art Museum. 2md Tuesday of the month, 1-3pm. Free with museum admission. All levels of experience welcome. Drawing materials provided or bring your own, restrictions apply see website. www.denverartmuseum.org
7/13 Friday—Meditation in The Museum at the Denver Art Museum. An hour of mindfulness meditation in the galleries. Chairs, yoga mats, and meditation cushions provided. No registration necessary, but space is limited. www.denverartmuseum.org
7/19 Thursday—Science Lounge. Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Cocktails/entertainment every 3rd Thurs. of month. 6:30-9:30pm. $8/members; $10/nonmembers. www.dmns.org
7/27 Friday—Untitled: Gregg Deal at the Denver Art Museum. Monthly late night program for adults featuring workshops, performances and tours. College students with valid ID receive 2-for-1 admission to Untitled Final Fridays. www.denverartmuseum.org
8/1 Wednesday—Colorado Day at History Colorado Center. Celebrate Colorado’s birthday with music, dancing, food and free admission.
7/3 Tuesday—Children’s Museum Free Target Tuesday. 4-8pm. www.cmdenver.org
7/7 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. www.denverartmuseum.org
7/13 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Free Day. 12pm-4pm. www.fourmilepark.org
7/19 Monday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. www.botanicgardens.org
7/27 Friday—Clyfford Still Museum. Free admission last Friday monthly all day. Free admission every Fri. 5-8pm. 1250 Bannock St. www.clyffordstillmuseum.org
8/4 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. www.denverartmuseum.org
8/7 Tuesday—Children’s Museum Free Target Tuesday. 4-8pm. www.cmdenver.org
7/5 Thursday–Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day, 4-10pm www.dmns.org
To 7/7—Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. www.aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 7/8—Agnes of God. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
To 7/14—Elizabeth Rex. Bug Theater 3654 Navajo St. www.lostandfoundproductions.net
To 8/5—The Bridges of Madison County. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
7/27 to 8/18—War of the Worlds: The Panic Broadcast. John Hand Theatre 7653 E. 1st Place www.lostandfoundproductions.net
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. www.ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1532 Galena St., Ste. 380. 720.460.1393