Ladies of the 80s – Sisters of Rock are shown here performing on June 8 on the Green in Stapleton’s 29th Ave. Town Center. On July 6, That Eighties Band will perform on the Green. Look for the MoJaBlu Concert series at Conservatory Green in July and August.
Events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using contact info provided.
Every Sunday thru 8/4—City Park Jazz. City Park Pavilion, 1700 N. York St. 6–8pm. Go to cityparkjazz.org for this season’s bands.
Every Thursday thru 8/29—Park Hill Farm & Flea. A Thursday Night Market featuring local makers, food purveyors and more. Every Thursday this Summer in the Oneida Park. 4–9pm. parkhillfarmandflea.com, 2231 Oneida St.
Every Thursday thru 8/29— Free Summer Music Series at Stanley. On the West Patio from 7–9pm. stanleymarketplace.com
Every Friday thru 8/30—Stanley Farmers Market. 9am–1pm. In the Southeast Plaza. stanleymarketplace.com
7/4 to 8/13—Sistine Chapel Reproductions. Open daily at The Hangar at Stanley. $16 for general admission; $12 for seniors, active military, and students with valid ID; and $10 for groups of 10 or more. Same-day tickets available. chapelsistine.com. 2501 Dallas St., Aurora.
7/4 Thursday—Truck Stop: Food Truck Rally. Small-bite offerings, local craft beer, cocktail selections and a soundtrack of local music at Stanley Marketplace in Aurora with shade and seating. All day. truckstoprally.com
7/7 Sunday—2019 Women’s World Cup Finals Watch Party. Dicks Sporting Goods Park, Free event. 8:30am. 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City. dickssportinggoodspark.com
To 7/7 Aurora Summer in the City. 11am-2pm. Free, fun events at various Aurora park locations – for exact dates and locations, go to auroragov.org/events
7/11 & 7/25—Knitting Circle. 5:30–7:30pm. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/12—Summer Street Jams at Northfield. The Shops at Northfield Stapleton. northfieldstapleton.com
7/16 Tuesday—Greater Stapleton Business Association Monthly Meeting. 8am. An association of businesses in the Stapleton area whose purpose is to support each other and our neighbors. stapletonbusiness.com, 7350 E 29th Ave, Ste 300.
7/20 Saturday—10th Annual Stapleton Beer Festival. Free concert and ticketed festival includes tastings from over 40 breweries. stapletoncommunity.com
7/18 Thursday—CORRECTION—NO MEETING of Park Hill Golf Course Citizen’s Advisory Committee. This event was uploaded for a 2018 meeting but inadvertently 2019 dates got entered.
7/21 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. 2pm. July Title: anything you want! denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/2 Tuesday—Rockies vs. the Houston Astros at Coors Field. 6:10pm. Fireworks display after the game. mlb.com/rockies
7/2 Tuesday—Four Mile Historic Park’s Old Fashioned July 4 Celebration. 5–10pm. Old-fashioned games, historic demonstrations, live music, horse-drawn wagon rides and more. Free entry. Stay and watch the Glendale fireworks. 715 S. Forest St., 720-865-0800, fourmilepark.org
7/2 Tuesday—Glendale Fireworks Show. One of the largest and oldest displays in Denver. Starts at dusk. For best parking and viewing info, go to milehighonthecheap.com/denver-fourth-of-july/
7/3 Wednesday—Independence Day Eve Celebration. FREE concert by Colorado Symphony. Light & fireworks show. Denver Civic Center Park. civiccenterconservancy.org
7/4 Thursday—Stapleton Pancake Breakfast and Parade. Annual Independence Day breakfast & parade. Founder’s Green. Supporting the Stapleton swim team and Stingrays. stapletoncommunity.com
7/4 Thursday—10th Annual Park Hill 4th of July Parade. Floats, music, classic cars, community groups, costumed characters and more! The parade runs along 23rd Ave. from Dexter St. to Krameria St. parkhillparade.org
7/4 Thursday—Aurora 4th of July Spectacular. 6-10pm. Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda P’kway. live music, fireworks at dusk..auroragov.org
7/4 Thursday—Colorado Rapids vs. New England Revolution. Fireworks after game. coloradorapids.com
7/4 Thursday —Denver Outlaws vs. Chesapeake. 7pm. Sports Authority Field. Fireworks after game. denveroutlaws.com
7/4 Thursday —Elitch Gardens. Fireworks at dusk.
7/4 Thursday —Evergreen 30th Annual 4th of July Celebration. Music festival, art show, free kids’ activities. 10am-7:30pm. Tickets $15 for 19 and over, $5 for 13-18, 12 and under free. Evergreen Lakehouse. evergreenmusicfestival.org
Various Mondays—Movie Madness at Infinity Park. Free, gates open 6:30pm, movies start at 7:30. 7/1- Wizard of Oz, 7/15- Coco, 7/26- Lego Movie 2, 8/12- Princess Bride. Infinity Park, Glendale. Details at: Infinityparkatglendale.com
Weekends thru 8/4—Colorado Renaissance Festival. Larkspur. coloradorenaissance.com
7/5 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
7/5 to 7/7—Cherry Creek Arts Festival. cherryarts.org
7/7 Sunday—Candyland Community Pool Party. Candyland-themed pool party at the Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center outdoor pool. All welcome including non-members. jccdenver.org. JCC, 350 S. Dahlia St.
7/12 to 7/14—Colorado Black Arts Festival. 33rd annual celebration of African American art and culture, free and open to the public. City Park West. colbaf.org
7/12 to 7/14—Colorado Irish Festival. Irish music, dancing, drama, storytelling, games, food/drink. Littleton, Clement Park. coloradoirishfestival.org
7/13 Saturday—Drums Along the Rockies. 6:30pm. Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Tickets: ascendperformingarts.org
7/13 Saturday—Denver Dumb Friends League Catwalk. 21 and older beer tasting event at the Quebec Street Shelter. Tickets $25. 6-9pm. 2080 S. Quebec. 303.751.5772. ddfl.org
7/19—Best of Open Stage. A showcase of five artists, chosen from previous open stages. Free event, all ages. 7pm. Swallow Hill Music, Tuft Theatre, 71 East Yale Ave. swallowhillmusic.org
7/19 to 7/21—Denver County Fair. Goat yoga, unicorns and petting farm. Carnival rides, games and more! Grounds admission tickets starting at $10. denvercountyfair.org, National Western Complex, Denver
7/19 to 7/21—Slow Food Nations. Workshops, tastings, tours, kids’ activities. Select events are free, open to public. Various locations: Larimer Square, Union Station, Tattered Cover, etc. slowfoodnations.org
7/20 to 7/21—Evergreen Summerfest. Family-friendly festival of art, crafts, music, and adult beverages. evergreenarts.org
7/25 to 7/28—Arapahoe County Fair. Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, Aurora. arapahoecountyfair.com
7/25 to 7/28—Buffalo Bill Days. Wild West show, car show, mutton bustin’, arts/crafts. Parfet Park, downtown Golden. buffalobilldays.com
7/26 to 7/28—Denver Post Underground Music Showcase. Weekend pass $50. 400+ bands play in 30+ venues. theums.com
7/26 to 7/28—Evergreen Jazz Festival. 18th year, 5 stages. evergreenjazz.org
7/27 to 7/28—Colorado Dragon Boat Festival. Races, marketplace, food & entertainment. Denver’s Sloan’s Lake Park. cdbf.org
To 10/12— Free composting classes. Wednesdays and Saturdays thru mid-Oct. Classes at Denver Compost Demonstration Site, Gove Community Garden, 13th Ave. and Colorado Blvd. Sign up: 303.292.9900 or dug.org/compost.
Wellness Wednesdays 07/03, 10, 17 & 24 – Summer@DEN. A different class each week from 11:30am-12:30pm. On the Denver International Airport open-air plaza, between the terminal and the Westin. flydenver.com, 8500 Peña Blvd.
7/7 Sunday—World Soccer Celebration 5K. 8am, Dick’s Sporting Goods Park. dickssportinggoodspark.com
7/13 Saturday —Sand Creek 5K, 10K, Half Marathon. Stapleton Central Park, 6am. featonthestreet.com
7/13 Saturday —5K Panda Run. 8581 East Lowry Blvd. ocacolorado.org
7/13 Saturday—Barre on the Rocks. Red Rocks, 7-8am. $20. Tickets at redrocksonline.com
7/20 Saturday—CF Climb Denver. Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium. Stair climb benefits Cystic Fibrosis. 8am. cff.org/rockymountain/
7/28 Sunday —Bubble Run. FREE. Like running through Willy Wonkas’ factory. Great Lawn Park, 101 N Yosemite St. bubblerun.com
7/28 Sunday—Dash for Smiles 5K Walk/Run. Benefiting the cleft lip and palate programs in Colorado. Stapleton Central Park. dashforsmiles.org
To 8/1—Adult Early Morning Swim Conditioning & Lap Swim Upgrade. 5:30/6am-7am – Masters. 9am-10/11am – LSU. Our instructor-led adult programs offer two areas of concentration: Masters Swim and Tri-Training. stapletoncommunity.com. Stapleton pools.
8/3 Saturday—Run for the Ring 5K & Kids Fun Run. Supporting The Guild of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. childrensdiabetesfoundation.org. Anschutz Medical Campus, 1775 Aurora Ct, Aurora
To 8/27—Learn To Row Youth Program. 13-18 years. Mile High Rowing is offering Learn to Row Programs, morning & afternoon sessions available for 13-18 at Cherry Creek Reservoir. MileHighRowing.org, Creek Reservoir, Greenwood Village.
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. 30 minutes of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
Every Tuesday until 7/30—Tiny Trails at Four Mile Historic Park. Ages 5 and under with parent or caregiver. Activities always include story time and craft. $5 or free to members. 10am, 715 S Forest St. fourmilepark.org
Every Thursday—Star K Kids. 9:30 and 11am; kids 5 and under. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. auroragov.org
Storytimes! At Bookies. Every Tues. 10:30am, Sat. at 4pm. Free. The Bookies Bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Ave. 303.759.1117, thebookies.com
7/3 to 8/24— Denver Puppet Theater. The Day It Snowed Tortillas. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
7/6 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
7/8 Monday—Animal Expeditions with Denver Zoo. Learn about different habitats by exploring the world and learning about animals’ food, water, shelter and space. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/9 Tuesday—Crafternoon: Galaxies on Plexiglass. 2–3pm Be a space adventurer and create your own galaxy. All ages welcome. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/10 Wednesday—Family Film Night. An adventurous night of Disney magic with family and friends! jccdenver.org. Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center, 350 S. Dahlia St
7/13 & 7/24—Family Tour. 10:30-11:30am. Designed for ages 5–10 with a caregiver. Features games, interactive looking, and an art project to take home. Clyfford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
7/15 Monday—Connie Elstun’s Funny Bunny Magic Show. 3–3:45pm Magic show starring rabbits, doves, and participants from the audience! Ages 5–12, with an adult. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/22 Monday—We Are All Composers. 3–4pm. Introducing the basics of music composing while building positive self-awareness & strengthening self-confidence. Ages 5–12. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/23 Tuesday—Little Wings: Let’s Be Astronauts. 9-10am. Kids 2–4 with adult. Learn the difference between flying and gliding. Wings Over the Rockies Museum. wingsmuseum.org
7/25 Thursday—Family Concert with Andrew & Polly. Fun original songs and classic favorites that are smart, quirky, and full of heart. jccdenver.org. Graland Country Day School, 55 Clermont St.
7/30 Tuesday—Crafternoon: Painting on Canvas. 2–3pm. Discover your inner artist and create a painting on canvas. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
8/1 Thursday—Family Concert with Mikey Pauker. Join the JCC Denver’s Camp Shai, 5:30pm. jccdenver.org. Graland Country Day School, 55 Clermont St.
To 8/10—Denver Public Libraries Summer of Reading. Free activities, suggestions for summer reading, incentives for Denver kids, 3 age groups. FREE.. summerofreading.org
7/11 Thursday—Active Minds: Leonardo Da Vinci. 1–2pm. Inventor, artist, scientist, engineer, architect, philosopher and more. Leonardo da Vinci was a true “Renaissance Man.” denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
7/13 Saturday—Midcentury Design: A Closer Look at the Denver Art Museum. Three-session summer course for a deeper look at “Serious Play: Design in Midcentury America.” denverartmuseum.org. 100 W. 14th Ave. Pkwy.
7/18 Thursday—Active Minds presents: Eleanor Roosevelt. Her life and the impact it had on important causes such as human rights and the successful launch of the United Nations. 2–3pm. jccdenver.org. Jewish Community Center, 597 S Clinton St.
7/25 Thursday—Active Minds: Railroads. 6:30pm – 7:30pm We will bring the story all the way up to the present, discussing current freight and passenger train issues and opportunities. All aboard! denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
8/2 or 8/9—Women-only Self Defense Class. Learn practical techniques using effective strikes to defend yourself in close and mid-range attacks. These techniques will prepare you to recognize and prevent potentially dangerous situations. 6–8pm. $55. buytickets.at/rep. The Bar Method, 8370 Northfield Blvd. Ste. 1760.
8/4 Sunday—Mother & Daughter Self Defense Class. Learn practical techniques using effective strikes to defend themselves in close and mid-range attacks. 4–6pm. Recommended ages for daughters 8+. $40/person. buytickets.at/rep. Aviator Park East, 8054 E. 28th Ave.
To 8/4—Our Senses: Creating Your Reality. Free with general admission. Denver Museum of Nature and Science. dmns.org
To 8/9—Beer Here! Brewing the New West. More than just a tale of ale, this is a story of Colorado—told over a few beers. History Colorado, 1200 Broadway. historycolorado.org
To Labor Day—Kids Free Summer! Kids 18 and under get free admission. History Colorado Center, 1200 Broadway. historycolorado.org
To 8/25—Serious Play at the Denver Art Museum. Presenting the concept of playfulness in postwar American design as a catalyst for creativity and innovation. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org/exhibitions/serious-play
7/5 Friday—Cultural First Fridays – Cultural First Friday: Life con Frida. 5-9pm. Museo de las Americas. museo.org
7/6 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am–2pm, Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
7/16 Tuesday—Mindful Looking at the Denver Art Museum. An installation of 10,005 tiny paintings, drawings and sculptures in Eyes On: Jonathan Saiz. denverartmuseum.org. 100 W. 14th Ave. Pkwy.
7/18 Thurssday— Margaret Brown’s Birthday Party. Casual garden party will include live music, lawn games, punch, and cake. 6-8pm. Admission: $20, must be 21+. Molly Brown House Museum,1340 Pennsylvania St. Register at mollybrown.org
8/1 Thursday—Colorado Day at History Colorado Center. Celebrate Colorado’s birthday with music, dancing, food and free admission. historycolorado.org
Monday–Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday–Sunday—Aurora History Museum. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
7/2 Tuesday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science SCFD Free Evening. From 5–10pm. 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
7/2 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum Free Day. mychildsmuseum.org
7/2 Tuesday—Chatfield Farms SCFD Free Day. 8500 W Deer Creek Canyon Rd., Littleton. botanicgardens.org
7/6 & 8/3 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free SCFD First Saturday. Free general admission tickets are available on-site starting at 10am. Free for kids 18 and younger every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
7/10 Wednesday—Botanic Gardens SCFD Free Day. Free until 9pm. 1007 York St. botanicgardens.org
7/18 Thursday—Plains Conservation Center SCFD Free Day. Noon–4:30pm. 21901 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora. botanicgardens.org
8/3 Saturday—Urban Farm SCFD Free Day. Open to the public for self-guided tours. 10am–1pm. theurbanfarm.org. 10200 Smith Rd.
7/5 to 7/14—The Acro-Cats. Real cats doing real tricks. Bug Theater, 3654 Navajo St. circuscats.com
7/6 to 7/27—Building the Wall. In a dystopian tale that harkens George Orwell’s 1984 and the Nazi regime, Building the Wall is a terrifying and gripping exploration of what happens if we let fear win. curioustheatre.org. Curious Theatre,1080 Acoma St.
7/11— Colorado Symphony presents Mozart Under Moonlight. 7:30pm, outdoor amphitheater: covered and lawn tickets. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. arvadacenter.org
7/12 to 8/18—Emma. A romantic comedy. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora. vintagetheatre.org
To 7/13—Cinderella Eats Rice and Beans: A Salsa Fairy Tale. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave, Aurora. aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 7/20—well, by Lisa Kron. Friday/Saturday 7:30pm, Sunday 2pm. John Hand Theater, 7653 E. 1st Pl. firehousetheatercompany.com, 303-562-3232
7/26 Friday—Realities and Fictions: An Evening of Magic with Max Davidson & Scotty Wiese. Realities and Fictions will challenge you to redefine your paradigms concerning what is real. ticketfly.com/event/1843677. Soiled Dove Underground, 7401 E. 1st Ave.
7/26 to 8/17—William Shakespeare’s Richard III. By Lost and Found Productions, at the John Hand Theater, 7653 E 1st Pl. facebook.com/LostnFoundProductions/
8/4 Sunday—Law and Disorder. One Night Stand Theater, 7pm at Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St. in Aurora. onenightstandtheater.org
To 8/4—Crowns. A gospel musical. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora. vintagetheatre.org
8/3—Sand Creek Greenway Volunteer Work Days. For more info, email cgarwood@sandcreekgreenway.org or to to sandcreekgreenway.org/upcoming-volunteer-opportunities/
Mentoring high-performing, low-income students. Minds Matter is recruiting our next class of college access mentors to help high-performing, low-income high school. mindsmatterdenver.org
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1609 Havana St., St. 720-460-1393