Keep No-Event Days for City Park

02/01/2015  |  by

I would like to comment on recent demands for more events in City Park. There are presently two weekend days each summer month during which day events are not scheduled in City Park. The Department of Parks and Recreation has been respecting this schedule for many years. This means that there are six weekend summer days when the park is unscheduled.

The advocates for more events are, in effect, demanding that these six days of passive park availability would no longer be permitted in City Park. I find this selfish, un-neighborly and a failure to recognize 100 years of City Park’s history.

Rather, I would like to see those two days of no events coordinated so that neighbors can know in advance the timing on these precious days. If the second weekend of every month would be made into a family use of the park for traditional park uses—picnics, bikes, roller skates, sun bathing, hide and seek, volley ball, etc.—we would have an opportunity to measure the need for park space as opposed to events.

—Tom Morris South, City Park resident

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