Response to HOA ban on farmyard animals from outdoors

12/27/2013  |  by

Stapleton resident Caroline Vierow shares her thought on the December Front Porch article about HOA ban on farmyard animals outdoors

Corrections and clarifications:

We did have cockerels because we had purchased day old chicks and had no way of knowing if they were male or female, not until they started to crow, which was at 4 months. The neighbors contacted the City first when they heard crowing in our garage.

Our kids do not chase the chickens around the courtyard. Yes, I have taken the bunny to the courtyard so he could hop around but I don’t see how that is any worse than off-leash dogs that the home owners have in the courtyard.

Our family has never wanted a pig. This is a false statement by the board president, Mr. Dowdy.

Mr. Dowdy stated that “The majority gets to make the rules…”  5 out of 118 home owners is not the majority, 60 is. The board has not taken a poll of the association to support this.  If Mr. Dowdy is referring to the majority of the courtyard then the ban should be in this courtyard and not in the association. However, after talking to my neighbors I have found out that some of them have no issue with our chickens and rabbit being in our own yard.



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