Letter: Where are the farms at Stapleton Farmers Market?

08/01/2019  |  by Anthony Gerber

Stapleton is the ideal community to support a robust farmer’s market featuring Colorado-sourced produce, which is abundant and spectacular from mid-July though October.  Peaches, peas, peppers, plums, apples, scapes, corn, melons, squash, and heirloom tomatoes are all grown in Colorado and are delicious!

Sadly, the Sunday market in Stapleton, despite an ideal location, seems unable to provide a quorum of farmers that adequately reflect this bounty.  While there are a few excellent farms that sell their Colorado produce at the market, the major focus of this “farmer’s” market is prepared food. Dozens of food trucks and stands surround the green, in many cases blocking foot traffic, while peddling interesting but frequently unhealthy and non-locally sourced products and wares.  It can be difficult to even find the produce amongst the other vendors. Moreover, this July, there have only been three stands that actually sell fresh produce.  I am not opposed to food trucks or other prepared foods, but when the market is branded as a “Farmer’s Market” and there are almost no farms, it seems to me there is a problem.  The company behind the Stapleton “Farmer’s”  Market, Colorado Fresh Markets, has a good reputation, but they are off the ball with this market.  There is more produce available outside Stanley Marketplace in a tiny space on Fridays than at the signature Market for our community.  If you agree with these thoughts, please help persuade the MCA or Colorado Fresh to make some changes for the better.

Anthony Gerber



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