Local Events March thru Early April

03/01/2025  |  by Christie Gosch

Please double check event dates and times using contact info provided.


Goat Events at The Shops at Northfield. Goatflix and chill, goat yoga, baby goat sound bath, and goatstatic dance. Registration at shopsatnorthfield.com

3/1 & 4/5—Sand Creek Greenway Volunteer Days. 10am–12pm. Specific location and sign-up info at sandcreekgreenway.org

3/1 & 4/5—Bluff Lake Bird Walks. One walk at 8am. 11255 E. MLK Jr Blvd. Must register but no limit on participants. blufflake.org/birdwatching

3/4 Tuesday—Mardi Gras Masquerade Party. Activities and live music. 6–8pm. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com

3/5 & 4/2—Qi Gong. All levels and abilities are welcome. 11am–12:15pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org

3/5, 3/19, & 4/2—Coffee on The Greenway. Learn about the Sand Creek Regional Greenway. 9:30–11am. Bluff Lake Nature Center, 11255 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. sandcreekgreenway.org

3/7 Friday—First Fridays. 60 local artists, music, and entertainment. 6–9pm. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com

3/8 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am– 2pm. Wings Over the Rockies Museum. 7711 East Academy Blvd. wingsmuseum.org

3/8 Saturday—Nepali Women’s History. Learn about Nepali women. 5–6pm. Aurora History Museum, 15051 East Alameda Pkwy. auroramuseum.org

3/8 Saturday—Science Riot. Scientists attempt to perform stand-up. 7pm. Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org

3/9 Sunday—Nature Wonder Walks. Bluff Lake Nature Center. 10:30am. 11255 E. MLK Jr Blvd. Free but must RSVP at blufflake.org

3/12 to 4/2—Learn to Paint with Acrylics. Build your painting skills with Tony Ortega during this 4-week series. Wednesdays, 1–2:30pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. Register at: denverlibrary.org

3/12 to 4/16—Powerful Tools for Caregivers. Learn to take better care of yourself as a caregiver. Wednesdays, 1–2:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. Registration required: denverlibrary.org

3/13 Thursday—Active Minds Presents: Syria. 1–2pm, Free. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. activeminds.com

3/15 Saturday—Film Screening and Discussion of Clara Sola. Free screening and discussion. Ages 17+. 1:45–4:15pm, Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org

3/15 Saturday—The History of Birthworkers:Doulas and Midwives. Presented by Karen Sandoval. 5–6pm. Aurora History Museum, 15051 East Alameda Pkwy. auroramuseum.org

3/15 to 4/5—Noir Nights. Saturday films: The Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, Strangers on a Train, and Sunset Boulevard. Hosted by The Indie Prof. 6:30pm. The Cube, 8371 Northfield Blvd. Tickets at mca80238.com

3/15 Saturday—Drag Queen Storytime and Bingo. Storytime at 7pm, bingo at 8pm. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com

3/23 Sunday—Central Park 5K. 8801 MLK Jr Blvd. central5k.com

3/24 Monday—Death Café. Normalize conversations around death…to make the most of life. 2–3:30pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org

3/27 Thursday—Active Minds: Harriet Tubman. 1–2pm, Free. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. activeminds.com


Historic Denver Walking Tours. 90 min walking tours in Lodo, Capital Hill, Five Points, and more. For specific dates, go to: historicdenver.org

3/7 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. On Santa Fe. 5:30– 9:30pm. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts

3/8 Saturday—Architecture Tour. Starts in the lobby of the Hamilton Building. 11am–12pm. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org

3/11 Tuesday—Truth about Brown Family Gold. Join the Molly Brown House Museum for a special behind-the-scenes experience. 6–7pm. 1340 Pennsylvania St. mollybrown.org

3/12 Wednesday—SPARK. For visitors with early-stage Alzheimer’s or dementia. 1–2pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org

3/13 Thursday—Art & About Tour. For visitors with early-stage Alzheimer’s or dementia. 1–2:45pm. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org

3/13 Thursday—Blaxplanation: Black Cowboys Unveiled. Learn about Black cowboys and their importance in CO history. 6:30–8pm. History Colorado Museum, 1200 N. Broadway. historycolorado.org

3/15 Saturday—St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Starts at 9:30am. Begins on Wynkoop at 19th, turns down 17th St. then turns NE down Blake St. proceeding all the way up to 27th. denverstpatricksdayparade.com

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

3/19 Wednesday—National Florist Workers Strike. A Rosenberry lecture series. 1pm & 7pm. 1200 N. Broadway. Register at historycolorado.org

3/21 to 3/23—49th Annual Denver March Pow Wow. Denver Coliseum. Tickets sold at the door. denvermarchpowwow.org

3/21 to 3/23—Denver Home Show. National Western Complex. For tickets and $2 off before 3/20, go to denverhomeshow.com

4/2 Wednesday—Preservation for a New Day and 2025 Stephen H. Hart Awards Celebration. 2:30–5pm and 5–8pm. Free. 1200 N. Broadway. Register at historycolorado.org


Tuesday–Friday—Local Library Storytime. Different age groups and locations. Info at denverlibrary.org

Wednesdays & Sundays—Storytime at Tattered Cover Kids. Wed.-11am, Sun.-2pm. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com

Wednesdays—Mornings at the Museum. Ages 3–6, 10:30–11:15am. Free. New programs weekly. Aurora History Museum,15051 East Alameda Pkwy.  auroragov.org

3/2, 3/9, & 3/16—Charlotte’s Web. Presented by Denver Children’s Theatre. Grades K–5. 10am. The Elaine Wolf Theatre, 350 S. Dahlia St. jccdenver.org

3/5 & 3/19—Kids Game Club. Play games in a fun, relaxed environment. Ages 5–12. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org

3/7 Friday—Girls and Science. Hands-on STEM activities. 4–8pm. Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. Free, register at dmns.org

3/8 Saturday—Low Sensory Morning. 8–10am. History Colorado Museum, 1200 N. Broadway. Free, must register at: historycolorado.org

3/8 Saturday—Playdate on the Greenway. This month’s family programming is at Star K Ranch, Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. 10am–12pm. sandcreekgreenway.org

3/8 Saturday—International Women’s Day Free Day. 10am–4pm. Center for Colorado Women’s History, 1310 Bannock St. historycolorado.org

3/8 Saturday—CSU Spur Family Programming. Theme is girls and science. Free. 10am–3pm. 4817 National Western Dr. csuspur.org

3/8 Saturday—Maker Mornings. Creating Collages. 15mo–8yrs. 10:30am–12:30pm. Clifford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org

Maker Morning at Clifford Still Museum

3/8 Saturday—Women’s Adventure Films. All ages. Girl Scout DreamLab, 63 N. Quebec St. Tickets at eventbrite.com/cc/girl-scoutdreamlab-1653829

3/8 & 3/9—Dog Man: The Musical. Recommended for ages 6–10. The Newman Center, 2344 E Iliff Ave., newmancenterpresents.com

3/9 Sunday—Foxy and Shmoxy: Art Detectives. Kid-friendly performance to experience art. 10:30am–12pm. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org

3/9 Sunday—The Last Dragon of Ireland. Irish dance, music, storytelling, and puppets. 3:30pm. Lakewood Cultural Center, 470 S. Allison Pkwy. lakewood.showare.com

3/10 Monday—Air & Space Museum Sensory Friendly Hours. 3–5pm. Wings Over the Rockies Museum. 7711 East Academy Blvd. Free, register at: wingsmuseum.org

3/14 to 3/16—Hades Town Teen Edition. Performed by the Mile High Youth Theatre. The People’s Building, 9995 E Colfax Ave., Aurora. thepeoplesbuilding.com

3/15 & 3/16—Children and Family Make and Take. Leprechaun Gardens. Ages 5+. 10–11am and 1–2pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org

3/20 Thursday—Create & Play. For families with children ages 0-5 and siblings. 10am– 12pm. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org

3/20 Thursday—Kids Book Club. A monthly book celebration for kids in K–5th grade. March’s theme is art. 4–5pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org

3/20 Thursday—Tween Game Club. Play Nintendo Switch and board games with friends. Ages 9–13. 4:30–5:30pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org

3/23 Sunday—The Wizard of Oz Escape Room. Solve puzzles, riddles, and clues. 10am– 4:30pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. Register at: denverlibrary.org

3/23 & 3/25—Savvy Seed Starters. Learn the basics of planting seeds for a successful garden. Ages 7+. 10–11:30am. 1007 York St. botanicgardens.org

3/23, 3/26, & 3/29—Art Crawl: Guardians of the Galleries. 10:30–11:15am. For infants–14 mos. 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org

3/25 Tuesday—Kids Lego Club. Ages 5–12, learn while having fun. 4:30–5:30pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org

3/29 Saturday—Natural Pigment Egg Dying. Dye eggs using natural pigments sourced from plants and fruits. 1–2:30pm. History Colorado Museum, 1200 N. Broadway. historycolorado.org

3/30 Sunday—An Afternoon with the Denver Zoo. Appearances by real animals from the Denver Zoo. Boettcher Concert Hall. coloradosymphony.org

4/3 Thursday—Visible Mending and Sashiko Workshop. Open to kids 4th grade and up. Girl Scout DreamLab, 63 N Quebec St. Tickets at eventbrite.com/cc/girl-scout-dreamlab-1653829

4/5 Saturday—Mini Música: The Three Little Pigs. Featuring the Colorado Symphony. 10am & 11:30am. 470 S. Allison Pkwy. lakewood.showare.com

4/5 Saturday—Color, Shape, and Sound. Create with Friends of Chamber Music. Free. 11:30am. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com


Listings at www.FrontPorchNE.com —> Events (tab) —> Ongoing Events

SCFD Free days at www.scfd.org


3/6 Thursday—Chamber Series. Benjamin Beilman and Steven Osborne. 7:30pm. Newman Center, 2344 E. Iliff Ave. friendsofchambermusic.com

3/7 to 3/9—Music of The Americas. Featuring Copland Symphony No. 3. 7:30pm. Boettcher Concert Hall. coloradosymphony.org

3/7 to 3/16—Alice (in Wonderland). Infused with humor, whimsy, and athleticism. Ellie Caulkins, 1385 Curtis St. coloradoballet.org

3/7 to 3/29—The Menagerist. A satirical re-imagining of The Glass Menagerie. 717 Lipan St. buntport.com

Through 3/8—Garrett Ammon’s Agent Romeo. Shakespeare’s classic is upended. 3824 Dahlia St., wonderbound.com

Through 3/9—Chess: The Musical. Musical score by ABBA. The People’s Building, 9995 E Colfax Ave., Aurora. thepeoplesbuilding.com

Through 3/9—Blues for an Alabama Sky. It is the summer of 1930 in Harlem. The John Hand Theater, 7653 E. 1st Pl. firehousetheatercompany.com

Through 3/9—The Suffragette’s Murder. A farcical who-done-it. Kilstrom Theatre. denvercenter.org

3/12 Wednesday—Love! Ready? Set?…Not Yet! 7:30pm. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St. vintagetheatre.org

3/12 Wednesday—The Planets Side-by-Side. Colorado Symphony and the Denver Young Artists Orchestra. Free. 7:30pm. coloradosymphony.org

3/14 to 3/16—The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. City Theatre Company. The Bug Theatre, 3654 Navajo St. bugtheatre.org

3/15 Saturday—Gobs O’Phun Annual St. Pat’s Concert. 8–10:30pm, doors open at 7pm. 71 East Yale Ave. swallowhillmusic.org

3/15 to 4/13—Downstate. The story of four men, post-incarceration. Curious Theatre Company, 1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org

3/18 to 3/30—Life of Pi. Based on the novel. Buell Theatre. denvercenter.org

3/21 to 4/6—Ruby and Price Start a Cult. The People’s Building, 9995 E Colfax Ave., Aurora. thepeoplesbuilding.com

3/21 to 4/13—The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Aurora Fox Arts, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org

3/21 to 4/27—Grand Horizons. Set in the Grand Horizons senior living community. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St. vintagetheatre.org

Through 3/23—Guys and Dolls. Gamblers and Missionaries collide. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St. vintagetheatre.org

3/28 Friday—Crazy 4 You with the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus. A tribute to the Gershwin and Harlem Renaissance jazz era. Ellie Caulkins, 1385 Curtis St. coloradojazz.org

3/28 to 5/11—A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder. A musical about wrongfully getting what is rightfully yours. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. Arvada. arvadacenter.org

4/2 Wednesday—Säje. Grammy nominated vocal group. Gates Concert Hall, 2344 East Iliff Ave. newmancenterpresents.com


3/1 & 4/5—Lafayette Cars & Coffee. Learn about EVs or show off your own. 7–10am. 355 W South Boulder Rd., Lafayette. driveelectriccolorado.org

3/5 Wednesday—Short Films Focused on Community, Nature, and Curiosity. Denver Museum of Nature & Science and The Nature Conservancy present short films from the Colorado River basin to Zambezi River. 7pm. 2001 Colorado Blvd. Tickets $18 ($15 for members) at dmns.org

3/7 to 3/9—Just Between Friends Children’s Resale. Save 50–90% on everything your kids need. New location: Denver Sports Castle, 1000 Broadway. Free tickets at denver.jbfsale.com

3/8 Saturday—New Gardener Bootcamp. A full-day event, packed with answers to all those looming and mysterious gardening questions. 9am–4pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org

3/8 Saturday—Planning Your Garden. By the end of this workshop, you’ll have a personalized garden plan for the upcoming season. 9–11am. 1031 33rd St. dug.org

3/8 Saturday—Puzzle and Board Game Swap. Bring a puzzle or game, take a puzzle or game. No missing pieces, please. 11am–1pm. Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. denverlibrary.org

3/15 Saturday—Music Gear Swap. Bring music gear to swap with other artists. 11am–6pm. 2501 N. Dallas St., Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com

3/19 Wednesday—Knowing Your Home Basics. 5:30–8pm. 555 Santa Fe Dr. denvertoollibrary.org

3/23 Sunday—Cedar Planter Boxes Woodworking Class. No experience required. 11am & 4pm. 555 Santa Fe Dr. denvertoollibrary.org

3/25 Tuesday—Beginning Beekeeping. Learn the basics of beekeeping. 6:30–8:30pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org

3/27 Thursday—Backyard Chicken Keeping 101. Learn the basics of chicken keeping. 5:30–7:30pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org

3/31 to 4/11—Electronics Recycling Drop-off. M–F, 8am–4:30pm, Sat. 10am–2pm. Techno Rescue, 3251 Lewiston St. More info at auroragov.org/recycle

4/5 Saturday—How to Plant a Tree. Learn the proper way to plant a tree. 9:30am– 12pm. 1007 York St. Register at botanicgardens.org


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