Kids take advantage of official snow day with no school to go sledding in Stapleton’s Central Park.
For Summer camp offerings, search our online calendar under the category Summer Camp Guide (or any secondary categories: arts, sports, etc.) at Upcoming Events or check out our February camp guide: frontporchne.com/article/2019-front-porch-guide-summer-camps/
Events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using contact info provided.
3/26 Tuesday—Denver Mayoral Candidate Forum. The Mayor of Denver is arguably the most powerful city official. This office sets the city budget, establishing funding priorities for things like affordable housing, transportation and public health. Please join us to hear some of the Candidates for Denver Mayor. Election will be May 7 (mail ballots go out 4/15/19). This will be an exciting opportunity to hear Candidates Lisa Calderon, Penfield Tate, Jamie Giellis and Michael Hancock. https://www.facebook.com/events/2064975303588855// 3:30–5pm at the Sam Gary Library Community Meeting Room, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/1 Friday—Family Classics Film Series is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. No kid will want to miss a trip to see this chocolate factory on the big screen. Dr. Vincent Piturro will provide viewers with a new perspective and exclusive industry insights relating to the film. 7pm, tickets at stapletoncommunity.com. The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd.
3/1 Friday—Call for Entries – Stapleton’s Got Talent Entry Deadline. Exciting opportunity for all amateur performers in Denver to showcase their unique abilities. We encourage all ages/talents to apply! Finalists, selected from video auditions, will be invited to compete in the live finals on Sat, Apr. 27. The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd, 303.388.0724
3/5 and 4/2—Kindness Club. 4-5:30pm Inter-generational, all-ages club denverlibrary.org/event/kindness-club. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/6 Wednesday—Photography Seminar: Storytelling through Photographs. Photographer Mike Holtby leads a seminar that will easily appeal to photographers, travelers and adventure seekers alike. 7pm at The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd, 303.388.0724, stapletoncommunity.com
3/7 Thursday —Whiskey Education Night. Sit-down tasting led by a Leopold Bros. whiskey expert. Tickets are $20, $40 day of event. Purchase tickets at stapletoncommunity.com. You must be 21+ to attend and no refunds will be permitted. 7pm at The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd, 303.388.0724
3/7 Thursday—Aurora Sister Cities International’s 2nd Annual Winter Celebration. Come enjoy good company, great global food & beverages, and bid on fantastic silent auction items. Family friendly event! business.aurorachamber.org/events/details/aurora-sister-cities-international-winter-celebration-fundraiser-98495. Aurora History Museum, 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora
3/9 Saturday—This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism, with author Ashton Applewhite. 10–11:30am. Author and blogger Ashton Applewhite is catalyzing a movement to make discrimination on the basis of age as unacceptable as any other kind. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/14 to 3/28—Knitting Circle. 5:30-7:30pm. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace. Sam Gary Library 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/19 Tuesday—GSBA Monthly Meeting. We are an Association of businesses in the Stapleton area whose purpose is to support each other and our neighbors with local goods and services. 7350 E. 29th Ave. Ste 300 in the MCA Offices. stapletonbusiness.com
3/24 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. 2–3pm. March Title: Me Talk Pretty One Day, by David Sedaris. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/30 Friday—Photography Walk. Join photographers Cari Nichols and Jason Cross as they guide participants on a journey to discover the best techniques for capturing Stapleton’s rich scenery. Participants must bring their own photography equipment in order to participate. 2pm at The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd, 303.388.0724, stapletoncommunity.com
To 3/3—Denver Restaurant Week. 200+ restaurants offer multicourse meals for special pricing. Menus/pricing: denverrestaurantweek.com
3/1 Friday—A Classical Jazz Evening with the Colorado Children’s Chorale. Featuring Concert Choir and Tour Choir singing in the grand tradition of the European cathedral. 7:30-8:15pm, St. John’s Cathedral, 1350 Washington St. Tickets $19-24. sing.childrenschorale.org
3/1 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North(RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. www.denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
3/1 to 3/3—Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. National Western Complex, tickets from $10. Free tickets for youth and active military and veterans at coloradohorsecouncil.com
3/2 Saturday—Up with People 2019 Gala. 8th annual Gala: Turning Hope into Action. Hyatt Regency at the Colorado Convention Center. upwithpeople.org/give/annual-gala. 650 15th St, mluebke@upwithpeople.org
3/2 to 3/3—Rocky Mountain Train Show. Denver Mart, 10am-5pm Sat., 10am-4pm Sun. Adults/kids 12 and over $10. Under 12, scouts in uniform and active duty with military ID Free. Admission good both days. 451 E 58th Ave. rockymountaintrainshow.com
3/6 Wednesday—Women Powering Change. Bringing together more than 1,000 community members, leaders, activists, volunteers and philanthropists with more than 100 Colorado-based organizations to showcase what women are doing to catalyze social change. www.eventbrite.com/e/women-powering-change-2019-tickets-53017438586. 1399 35th St.
3/6 Wednesday—East-West Coffee House with the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Trio Arabica. Explore the rich musical history of 18th-century Leipzig and Damascus, reimagining the coffeehouses where the finest musicians of the time played. 7:30pm, Newman Center for the Performing Arts. 2344 E. Iliff Ave, 303-388-9839, friendsofchambermusic.com
3/16 Saturday—Waffles for Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish® Colorado. Delicious buffet with waffle bar, mimosas, bloody marys and beer. Raised funds help grant wishes to children with critical illnesses. 1325 Glenarm Pl. wafflesforwishes.org
3/16 Saturday—St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade West of the Mississippi. 9:30am LoDo. denverstpatricksdayparade.com
3/16 Saturday—Denver Collaboration Beer Fest. Hyatt Regency downtown. 50+ collaborative beer projects; limited edition, exclusive brews. For tickets collaborationfest.com
3/22 to 3/24—45th Annual Denver March Pow Wow. Denver Coliseum. denvermarchpowwow.org
3/22 to 3/24—Denver Home Show. National Western Complex. Friday and Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 10am-5pm. For tickets and $2 off, go to homeshowdenver.com
3/24 Sunday—The League of Women Voters of Denver Honors Women to Watch. The Women to Watch program will once again honor an amazing group of women. The fifteen women to be honored have inspiring stories of barriers faced and successes achieved. Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St., McCollum Room. info@LWVDenver.org, wvdenver.org
3/27 to 3/31—Denver Auto Show. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. denverautoshow.com
4/4 Thursday—2019 Spring Brass Ring Luncheon & Fashion Show. Join the Children’s Diabetes Foundation as we honor our type 1 heroes at the Spring Brass Ring Luncheon and Fashion Show at the Hilton Denver City Center. childrensdiabetesfoundation.org/event/2019-spring-brass-ring-luncheon-fashion-show// 1701 California St.
4/4 Thursday—Inside the Orchestra for Adults, Calling All Superheros. Food, drinks, and fun 6–9:30pm. McNichols Civic Center, 144 W Colfax Ave. insidetheorchestra.org
3/3 Sunday—Fight for Air Stair Climb. Benefits American Lung Assoc. $35 entry fee; $100 minimum fundraising. Individual or team. Republic Plaza, 16th and Tremont Entrance. lung.org
3/3 Sunday—That Dam Run. 5K, 10K and half marathon, Cherry Creek Dam Rd. 9am. rundenverseries.com
3/9 Saturday—Effective Weight Loss, Intermittent Fasting and Your Body. Mom’s Night Out Productions welcomes Dr. Jason Fung for a 2-hour special talk with Q&A session. Dr. Fung is a Canadian nephrologist and world-leading expert on intermittent fasting and LCHF (low carb, high fat). Bigsby’s Folly Craft Winery, 3516 Wazee St. 720-841-2545, jasonfungmd.eventbrite.com
3/9 Saturday—17th Annual Collaborative Health Fair by The Center for African American Health. Routine health screenings, education sessions, age appropriate health education for kids. 8:30am–3:30pm. Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel, 3801 Quebec St. Free. 303-355-3423, caahealth.org
3/9 Saturday—Lucky Charm 1M, 5K/10K. City Park, 8am. featonthestreet.com
3/10 Sunday—Special Olympics Denver Polar Plunge and Splash and Dash. 5K run/walk and polar plunge to benefit Special Olympics. 9:30am–3pm. Washington Park. specialolympicsco.org
3/14 Thursday—Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s 2019 National Educating America Tour Comes to Denver. Learn about Alzheimer’s disease, brain health, and dementia caregiving, and get a free memory screening at this free educational conference. alzfdn.org/event/educating-america-tour-colorado. Hilton Denver City Center, 1701 California St. 866-232-8484
3/16 Saturday—Lucky Laces 5K/10K, Run/Walk. City Park, 8am. www.featonthestreet.com
3/17 Sunday—Running of the Green Lucky 7K and Walk. Benefits Volunteers of America, LoDo. Registration begins 7am, race 10:15. rotg.org
4/2 Tuesday—Let’s Talk About Lady Business. Rose Medical Center invites you to join our experts in gynecologic health – aka, lady business – for an evening of education and empathy. JCC Mizel Arts and Culture Center, 350 S. Dahlia St., The Elaine Wolf Theatre 6–7:30pm. RSVP: 303-320-ROSE (7673) or visit RoseMed.com/calendar
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. 30 minutes of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
Every Tuesday—Storytimes! At Bookies. Every Tues. 10:30am, Sat. at 4pm. Free. The Bookies Bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Ave. 303.759.1117, thebookies.com
3/2 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
To 3/3— Denver Puppet Theater. Two folktales, the Fisherman and His Wife and The Three Wishes. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
3/9 Saturday—Snowshoeing in RMNP with GLC for high schoolers! GLC will be driving to RMNP for an afternoon of snowshoeing, providing snowshoes for the day. No experience is required. This event is free. Space is limited and registration is required. thegreenwayfoundation.org/greenway-leadership-corps.html. 610 S Jason St. glc@greenwayfoundation.org
3/12 to 3/13—STEAM: Birds of a Feather. 4pm Registration required. Grades 1-3. Tues & Wed sessions. Birds are everywhere! In the sky, on the ground, on water! Where do they live and what do they eat? We’ll get into the real nitty-gritty of this question by dissecting owl pellets. Sam Gary Branch Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
3/16 Saturday— Kidsfest 2019, Dinoroar! 12:30–2:30pm. Free admission. DJ, face painting, bouncy castles, crafts, activities, snacks, community vendor, soccer and more. Bladium, 2400 Central Park Blvd. kidsfest.bladiumdenver.com
3/19 Tuesday—Let’s Build It – Lego Party. 4pm Try your hand at paper Lego-themed crafts and use your imagination to build with the blocks. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/25 to 3/29—A River at Work: SPREE Spring Break Camp. The South Platte River flows through the heart of Denver. It has provided many goods and services to the city since early in its history. Learn with SPREE all the ways humans interact, experience, and work on the River! 610 S Jason St. thegreenwayfoundation.org
3/25 to 3/29—Spring Break Musical Spanish Immersion Camp. 8am–noon (drop off anytime before 9) for ages 5–8. $230 includes all take home materials to help your child learn through music and art. Nut free snacks. Montview Church in Park Hill, musiclingua.com
3/25 to 3/29—Übergrippen 7 Summits Spring Break Camp. Fun for your kids this spring break at ÜG for our “7 Summits Camp.” Spend a week rock climbing and exploring! Camps are 9am–4:30pm, pickup and dropoff up to 30 minutes before/after camp. 8610 E. 21st Ave. ugclimbing.com/camps
3/27 Wednesday—Write & Talk for Teens with Lighthouse Writers. 4–6pm Are you interested in exploring the world of creative writing? Join local author Whitney Gaines to try a new genre or topic each month. Registration required. Ideal for ages 13– 18. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/29 Friday—One-Day Critter Camp. The Dumb Friends League offers seasonal camps for kids and teens in support of our goal to teach children and young adults the importance of treating animals in a humane way. 2080 S Quebec St. 303.751.5772, ddfl.org/youth-camps
To 11/24—Let’s Roam Denver Scavenger Hunt. There’s one place in Colorado where hip meets history. On today’s epic scavenger hunt of Denver, we make a loop around LoDo and the Business District in search of storied buildings, public art and ballparks! letsroam.com/scavenger_hunt/LoDo_Denver_Scavenger_Hunt/Union Station, 833-202-7626
3/4 Monday—League of Women Voters Denver Presents: The Health of Denver Residents Now and in the Future. A look at the current and future health of Denver residents through the eyes of an epidemiologist and two environmental health scientists. Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St., McCollum Room. 303-321-7571, lwvdenver.org
3/5 Tuesday—Active Minds presents Aviation: From Kitty Hawk to Today. A review of aviation in the United States. This program is sponsored by JFS Senior Solutions. 10–11am. Free, RSVP: Not required; for info, call Lil Shaw: 303-316-6359. Jewish Community Center, 350 Dahlia St. 303-316-6359, activeminds.com
3/5 Tuesday—Denverite + GoodCinema Collaboration – Art, DIY, & Gentrification. Join Denverite & GoodCinema for a movie and thoughtful conversation about the current state and future of DIY art venues in Denver as the city grows. 4255 W. Colfax Ave. goodcinema.co
3/14 Thursday—Active Minds: Italy. 1–2pm. Review the rich history of Italy and its current turmoil. Sam Gary Branch Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
3/21 Thursday—Science in the News: Optogenetics. 6:30–7:45pm. A groundbreaking technology that allows scientists to control cells and proteins in real time with light. Join three scientists from the University of Colorado as we explore the exciting world of optogenetics. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
3/26 Tuesday—Drop-In Writing at the Denver Art Museum. Explore your creativity through the written word at the Denver Art Museum in our informal writing sessions led by Michael Henry, executive director of Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Bring your own writing projects or get started on something new. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, denverartmuseum.org
3/28 Thursday—Active Minds: Chicago: Biography of a City. 6:30–7:30pm. The story of the Windy City. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325, denverlibrary.org
3/1 to 8/25—Leonardo da Vinci: 500 Years of Genius. The ultimate Renaissance man remains an inspiration for the ages! Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
3/2—Fifth Annual Girls & Science Event. Oriented to children ages 8–13. Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. Organized youth groups receive free admission with advance reservations at 303-370-6000. General info at dmns.org/girlsandscience
To 3/3—“Dior: From Paris to World” at the Denver Art Museum. Showcasing 70 years of the House of Dior’s enduring legacy and its global influence. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
3/9 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry www.wingsmuseum.org
3/23 Saturday—Low-Sensory Morning at the Denver Art Museum. For neuro-diverse adults and children who prefer a quiet, sensory-inclusive environment, the Denver Art Museum offers regular Low-Sensory Events that enable you to visit the museum at your own pace. 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, denverartmuseum.org
To 8/18—Denver Art Museum Presents Jordan Casteel: Returning the Gaze. Featuring nearly 30 paintings by Denver-born artist Jordan Casteel, who is now based in Harlem, New York. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
Monday–Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday–Sunday—Aurora History Museum. Closed January 1. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
3/2 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free First Saturday. Free general admission tickets are available on-site starting at 10am. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
3/5 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum of Denver Free Day. mychildsmuseum.org
3/8 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Free Day. 12-4pm. fourmilepark.org
3/20 Wednesday—The Urban Farm at Stapleton Free Day. Open to the public for self-guided tours. from 10am–1pm. 10200 Smith Rd, theurbanfarm.org
3/22 Friday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. botanicgardens.org 3/26 Tuesday—Clyfford Still Museum Free Day. clyffordstillmuseum.org
4/3 Monday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day. Evening hours only in April, 5-10pm. dmns.org
3/8 to 3/10—Colorado Ballet – Tour de Force. This innovative collaboration features Colorado Ballet alongside Cleo Parker Robinson Dance and Wonderbound. Ellie Caulkins Opera House, 303-837-8888, coloradoballet.org
3/9 to 4/13—Skeleton Crew. 1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org/event/skeleton-crew/
To 3/10—The Whistleblower. Space Theatre, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Speer Blvd & Arapahoe St. denvercenter.org
To 3/16—Rock of Aging Revival. The John Hand Theatre 7653 E. 1st Pl. FirehouseTheaterCompany.com
To 3/17— Life Sucks. Aurora Fox Theater, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. www.aurorafoxartscenter.org
3/23 Saturday—Cindy and Friends- In Concert. Greatly-admired organist Cindy Lindeen-Martin and several of her friends come together for an evening of music extolling the assorted sonorities of the pipe organ in combination with various instruments for a captivating collage of sound. 5000 E. Alameda Ave. augustanaarts.org
3/23 to 3/24—Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back- Live in Concert with the Colorado Symphony. 1st Bank Center, Broomfield. Tickets $46-85. coloradosymphony.org
To 3/24—A Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St. vintagetheatre.org
4/5 to 4/14—Colorado Ballet – Ballet Masterworks. George Balanchine’s Serenade, and the second half will include a performance of Carmina Burana for the first time in nearly 20 years. Ellie Caulkins Opera House, 14th Curtis St. 303-837-8888, coloradoballet.org
To 5/17— The Diary of Anne Frank. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. arvadacenter.org
To 5/18— The Moors. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. arvadacenter.org
3/2 Saturday—Sand Creek Greenway Volunteer Work Day at Wetland Park/Commerce City. Removing invasive species and general park clean up projects. Jim Dorsch of Metro Wastewater will give a brief “Nature Notes” talk about creek systems and water quality. 10am–noon. sandcreekgreenway.org/upcoming-volunteer-opportunities. Go to the intersection of E. 52nd Ave and Ivy St in Commerce City. Turn onto E. 52nd Ave, this will dead-end into a parking lot.
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. www.ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1609 Havana St., St. 720-460-1393