On sunny winter days, the Stapleton Skateboard Park at 26th and Xanthia attracts boarders of all ages.
Events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using contact info provided.
3/1 Sunday—Author Visit: Mona Siegel on Women’s Rights and the Suffrage Movement. 2–3pm. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/4 to 4/1—Generations at Play. Designed for seniors but everyone welcome. Different programming on Wednesdays from 12:30–1:30pm. Details at denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/8 Sunday—Creative Aging: The Basics of Printmaking. For ages 50 and up, registration required. denverlibrary.org/event/basics-printmaking. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/12 Thursday—Star & Planet Viewing. Join Bluff Lake staff any time between 7:30 and 9pm to look closely at the wonders in the sky. 3400 Havana Way. maggie@blufflake.org
3/12 & 3/26—Knitting Circle. 5:30–6:30pm. Join other crafters in conversation around the fireplace. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/13 Friday—City of Aurora’s 65th Annual Awards Dinner. 5–9pm. The Chamber’s annual awards dinner and silent auction. DoubleTree, 3203 Quebec St. business.aurorachamber.org
3/15 Sunday—Sunday Showtime. This month’s genre will be film noir and we will screen Naked Kiss. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/17 Tuesday—Greater Stapleton Business Association Monthly Meeting. 8–9am. Monthly meeting to network, present your business, learn about other members businesses or stuff welcome bags. stapletonbusiness.com. MCA Offices, 7350 E. 29th Ave. Ste 300
3/18 Wednesday—Community Sing-Along. An intergenerational sing-along with a live band. 6:30–7:30pm. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/18 Wednesday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. 2–3pm. March Title: Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/24 Tuesday—Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America monthly meeting. 7pm. First Mennonite Church of Denver, 430 W 9th Ave. momsdemandaction.org
3/25 Wednesday—Kindness Club. 4–5pm. Make a “kindness gumball machine” full of kind ideas. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/26 Thursday—Neighborhood Watch Meeting: Block Captain. 6:30-7:30pm denvergov.org. The Cube, 8371 E Northfield Blvd.
3/27 Friday—Family Film Series: Hugo. 6pm. Free event at The Cube, 8371 E. Northfield Blvd. stapletoncommunity.com
3/28 Saturday—Ukulele Workshop. 2–3:30pm. Grab your ukulele or borrow one of ours to join us in an accessible, beginner level workshop. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
4/2 Thursday—Fireside Chat at Bluff Lake Nature Center: Moon Viewing. Join Bluff Lake staff any time 7:30–9pm to look closely at this wonder in the sky. Free. 3400 Havana Way. maggie@blufflake.org
3/6 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
3/7 to 3/8—Rocky Mountain Train Show. Denver Mart, 10am-5pm Sat., 10am-4pm Sun. Adults/kids 12 and over $10. Under 12, scouts in uniform and active duty with military ID Free. Admission good both days. 451 E 58th Ave. rockymountaintrainshow.com
3/10 Tuesday—Women Powering Change. Free expo to inspire and connect women to create change. 1,000+ community members, leaders, activists and philanthropists + 100 CO organizations doing work to catalyze social change. 1399 35th St. 303-347-3449
3/14 Saturday—St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade West of the Mississippi. 9:30am. Starts in the Coors Field parking lot. denverstpatricksdayparade.com
3/20 to 3/22—46th Annual Denver March Pow Wow. Denver Coliseum. denvermarchpowwow.org
3/20 to 3/22—Denver Home Show. National Western Complex. For tickets and $2 off, go to homeshowdenver.com
3/28 Saturday—Art Students League of Denver Pop Up Art Show and Studio Tour. Presented in conjunction with MoPrint 2020. 200 Grant St. asld.org
3/30 Monday—Building Bridges: How to Be an Antiracist. The Mizel Museum & The Denver Post for an incredible night featuring Ibram X. Kendi, NY Times bestselling author of How to Be an Antiracist. mizelmuseum.org. 2344 E Iliff Ave.
4/2 to 4/5—Denver Auto Show. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. denverautoshow.com
3/12 Thursday—Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s 2020 National Educating America Tour. Featuring AFA’s free Concepts in Care educational conference, free memory screenings and more. alzfdn.org. University of Denver, Craig Hall, 1745 S. High St. ssilverstein@alzfdn.org
3/13 & 3/14—Sand Creek Greenway Walk Series. 8:45am.3–4 miles. Free public walk of the Sand Creek Greenway with Walk2Connect. walk2connect.com. Wetland Park Trailhead on Sand Creek Greenway, 6198 E 52nd Ave., Commerce City.
3/14 Saturday—Lucky Charm 1M, 5K, 10K & Doubles. 8am. City Park, Denver. featonthestreet.com
3/17 Tuesday—Runnin’ of the Green Lucky 7K. 6–11am. 1685 S Colorado Blvd. racethread.com
3/20 & 3/21—Sand Creek Greenway Walk Series. 8:45am.3–4 miles. Free public walk of the Sand Creek Greenway with Walk2Connect. walk2connect.com. Star K Ranch, 16002 E Smith Rd., Aurora.
3/21 Saturday—Lucky Laces 1M, 5K, 10K & Doubles. 8am. City Park, Denver. featonthestreet.com
3/22 Sunday—Central Park 5K. 9:30am. Central Park, 8801 M.L.K. Jr Blvd. central5k.com
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. 30 minutes of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
Every Thursday—Star K Kids. 9:30 and 11am; kids 5 and under. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. auroragov.org
Every Saturday—Little University. 10:30–11am. Various kids’ programming; changes weekly. Schlessman Library, 100 Poplar St. denverlibrary.org
Baby, Toddler & Preschool Storytime. Denver Library. Various locations, times and days. Details at denverlibrary.org/events.
3/5 to 4/26—Denver Puppet Theater. The Frog Prince. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
3/7 Saturday—Sixth Annual Girls & Science Event. 9am–5pm. Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. General info at dmns.org/girlsandscience
3/7 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
3/8 Sunday—Ballet Ariel’s Fairy Tale Suite & Tea Party. The perfect one act ballet for young audiences. Performance followed by a Fairy Tale Tea Party. balletariel.org. Cleo Parker Robinson Theatre, 119 Park Ave. West.
3/10 Tuesday—3-D Watercolor Fish. 4–5pm. Create a serene underwater scene. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/11 Wednesday—Create Playdate. Drop-in artmaking program for kids 3-5. 10am–1pm. Tots and their grownups enjoy story time, art making and more. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy.vdenverartmuseum.org
3/12 Thursday—College Admissions 101. 6–7:30pm Let a former college admissions director answer all your questions. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/15 Sunday—Carnival of the Animals Introducing little ones to the joys of the orchestra. 2:30pm. Boettcher Concert Hall. coloradosymphony.org
3/16 Monday—Nature Kids: Spring. 4–5pm. Spring related crafts. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/18 Wednesday—Write & Talk for Teens. 4:30–6:30pm. Join local author and Lighthouse Writers Workshop instructor Whitney Gaines. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/22—Fourth Sundays at Four Mile Historic Park. Story time and free wagon rides and hot cocoa & cider. Adults $7, youth (7-17) $5, under 6 free. Get here early! 715 S Forest St. fourmilepark.org
3/24 Tuesday—Let’s Build It – Superhero Scene. 4–5pm. Create a cave that’s perfect for a dragon. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/25 & 4/1—Clyfford Still Museum Family Tour. Designed especially for children ages 5–10 and their caregivers. clyffordstillmuseum.org. Clyfford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St.
3/27 Friday—Baby Welcome Party. 11:15am–12:30pm. Baby Storytime with a twist! Meet other new parents, learn about early literacy and get baby a library card. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/28 Saturday—Family Day at Bluff Lake Nature Center: Animal Tracking. Learn about the tracks and signs animals leave behind. Stop by any time 9am–12pm. Free. 3400 Havana Way. maggie@blufflake.org
3/30 to 4/3—Staycation Camp. Register for one, some, or all days. Each day we will have different activities. neighborhoodartstudio.com. 4890 Ironton St., Unit 6A.
3/30 to 4/3—Super Animal Senses: Spring Break Camp. SPREE= South Platte River Environmental Education. thegreenwayfoundation.org. 610 S Jason St.
3/31 Tuesday—One Day Critter Camp. Third–fifth graders explore the amazing world of animals. Dumb Friends League. ddfl.org/youth-camps. 2080 S Quebec St.
3/31 to 4/3—College Application Essay Bootcamp. 2–5pm. Work on your ideas for a personal statement with a former admissions director. Register at tinyurl.com/sgbcollege, Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
4/4 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
To 5/8—LEGO Brick Building Contest. For youth 3-18. Winning creations will be displayed. Required theme is nature and science. Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
3/3 Tuesday—Active Minds: California. Reflect on the space race, the Apollo Mission and NASA since the lunar landing. Free. 10–11am. activeminds.com. The Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St.
3/5 Thursday—The New Faces of Representation. 6:30–7:30pm. Discover what the new faces of representation mean for American politics moving forward. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/5 Thursday—Free Community Talk: 3 Key Steps to Prevent or Reverse Prediabetes. Learn prevention and reversal to avoid diabetes. cheatdiabetes.com. Central Park Recreation Center, 9651 MLK Jr. Blvd.
3/12 Thursday—Active Minds: The Discovery of the South Pole. We discuss the discovery of the South Pole by Roald Amundsen, “the last of the Vikings.” Free. 1–2pm. activeminds.com. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/11 Wednesday—Bold Women. Change History. Lecture Series. Liette Gidlow, Post-Suffrage Politics. Complimentary childcare. 1200 Broadway. H-co.org/BoldWomen
3/19 Thursday—The Green Amendment with Maya van Rossum. 6:30–7:30pm. A grassroots nonprofit organization inspiring a nationwide movement to secure constitutional recognition and protection of environmental rights Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. denverlibrary.org
3/19 Thursday—Active Minds: Leonardo Da Vinci. We review his life, work and lasting impact. Free. 2–3pm. activeminds.com. Windsor Gardens, 597 S Clinton St.
3/26 Thursday—Active Minds: Ukraine. Review the history, present issues and future challenges of this former Soviet satellite country. Free. 6:30–7:30pm. activeminds.com. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
3/8 Sunday—Music in the Galleries: 300 Days. 1–3pm. Free with general admission. Clifford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
3/14 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am–2pm, Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
3/15 to 6/7—Natural Forces: Winslow Homer and Frederic Remington. Features 60 artworks. denverartmuseum.org. Denver Art Museum, 100 W. 14th Avenue Pkwy.
3/18 Wednesday—Mindful Looking at the Denver Art Museum. This month is a visual exploration of a traditional religious altarpiece created by Keith Haring. denverartmuseum.org. 100 W. 14th Avenue Pkwy.
3/20 Friday—Diego Rivera in El Pedregal at the Denver Art Museum. Focus on one of Diego Rivera’s works: the Anahucalli museum of archaeology (1940-1957). denverartmuseum.org. 100 W. 14th Avenue Pkwy.
To 5/8—Drones: Is The Sky The Limit? Explores the modern phenomenon of drones, their uses in history and the exciting possibilities of their future roles. Exhibit included with admission. Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
Monday–Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday–Sunday—Aurora History Museum. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
3/3 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum Free First Tuesday Nights. 4–8pm. mychildsmuseum.org
3/3 Tuesday—Chatfield Farms SCFD Free Day. 8500 W Deer Creek Canyon Road, Littleton. botanicgardens.org
3/7 & 4/4—Denver Art Museum Free SCFD 1st Saturdays. Free for all ages. Kids 18 and younger are free every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
3/7 Saturday—One Cent Saturdays at the MCA. For Colorado residents. 1485 Delgany St. mcadenver.org
3/13 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park SCFD 2nd Friday Free Day. 12–4pm. 715 S. Forest St. fourmilepark.org
3/19 Thursday—Plains Conservation Center SCFD Free Day. 10am–2pm. 21901 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora. botanicgardens.org
3/21 Saturday—The Urban Farm SCFD Free Day. 10am–1pm. The Urban Farm at Stapleton 10200 Smith Rd. theurbanfarm.org
3/22 Sunday—Botanic Gardens SCFD Free Day. 1007 York St. botanicgardens.org
3/23 Monday— Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum Free Day. 10am–5pm. Free general admission all day. 7711 East Academy Blvd. wingsmuseum.org.
3/6 to 3/8—Tour de Force. Innovative dance with dynamic and acclaimed contemporary works.. Ellie Caulkins Opera House. coloradoballet.org
3/7 Saturday—The Brilliance of Brahms: A Human Requiem. One of the most celebrated pieces ever composed and an evening of uplifting and gorgeous music. augustanaarts.org. Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E Alameda Ave.
3/10 to 3/22—The Spongebob Musical. Tickets start at $35. Ages 5+. denvercenter.org. The Buell Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
3/13 to 3/14—The Music of Queen. Boettcher Concert Hall, 1000 14th St. Tickets start at $15. coloradosymphony.org
3/13 to 4/5—For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday. 50 years later, Neverland calls again. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 3/14—Firehouse Theatre: When We Were Young and Unafraid. A powerful play which takes us inside an underground women’s shelter in the early 1970s. FirehouseTheaterCompany.com. 7653 E. 1st Pl.
3/14 to 4/19—Admissions. A no-holds-barred look at privilege, power, and the perils of whiteness.1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org
To 3/15—The Scottsboro Boys. Musical celebration is perfect for the whole family. vintagetheatre.org. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora.
To 3/15— Secrets of The Universe and other songs. Based on the true relationship between singer Marian Anderson and Albert Einstein. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org
3/18 Wednesday—Benjamin Grosvenor, Piano. Described as “one in a million…several million” by The Independent. Gates Hall, Newman Center for the Performing Arts, 2344 E. Iliff Ave. friendsofchambermusic.com
3/20 to 5/3—Until The Flood. The headlines only tell a piece of Ferguson’s story. This is the rest. Tickets start at $30. Ages 16+. denvercenter.org. The Jones Theatre, Speer Blvd & Arapahoe.
To 3/22—The Improvised Shakespeare Company. Based on one audience suggestion, a fully improvised Shakespearean masterpiece is created right before you. denvercenter.org. Garner Galleria Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
3/25 to 4/12—Mean Girls. Direct from Broadway, a hilarious hit musical. Tickets start at $45. Ages 10+. denvercenter.org. The Buell Theatre, 1385 Curtis St.
To 4/5—Marvin’s Room. A comedy by Scott McPherson. vintagetheatre.com. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora.
Denver Snow Buddy. Volunteers are paired with seniors within a 2-mile radius of one another, helping clear their walkways after two or more inches of snow has fallen. Application to volunteer at voacolorado.org/Volunteer/Snow-Buddies or call Tiffany Harris at 303-297-0408. Please note, there is a one-time fee of $25 for a background check.
Every third Saturday—Volunteering Orientation 9–10am. Urban Farm at Stapleton offers opportunities for individuals and families. RSVP: theurbanfarm.wufoo.com/forms/zia2rpb0ou3ew1. 10200 Smith Rd.
Mentoring high-performing, low-income students. Minds Matter is recruiting our next class of college access mentors to help high-performing, low-income high school. mindsmatterdenver.org
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1609 Havana St., 720-460-1393