Sustainable Neighborhoods
Program, March 14, 6:30-8:30pm, Central Park Rec Center
The Stapleton Sustainable Neighborhoods Program team will be hosting its first project planning meeting on March 14 from 6:30– 8:30pm. The workshop will be held at Central Park Rec Center. The Sustainable Neighborhoods Program is a certification program that offers resources and support to neighborhoods seeking to organize workshops, projects, and events that enhance the livability of their neighborhood and reduce residents’ ecological footprint. Participating neighborhoods earn program credits for their efforts while the city provides in-kind resources, such as printing, venue and catering fees, and staff time to support projects.
Please contact Geoff Horsfall at with questions.
SUN Outreach Meeting, Tuesday March 20, 6:30pm-7:30pm Central Park Rec Center
The hour will begin with updates from our Denver Police Department Community Resource Officer.
The SUN Outreach Meeting for March will focus on topics of sustainability. The action items from the Sustainable Neighborhoods Program kick-off (2/28) and initial project planning meeting (3/14) will be reviewed and organizers will detail opportunities for community members to participate in upcoming projects.
Recruiting SUN Board Members
Each year at the annual community forum (in 2018: May 15 6–8pm, The Cube) a slate of candidates comprising half of the 15 seats on the SUN board are voted on by the community. A nominating committee of the SUN board selects the candidates who will appear on the slate, these members will serve a 2 year term. A resident interested in participating should please attend SUN’s third Tuesday meetings in-person, and send a short description of background, interests in the community, and how those would combine through service on the SUN board SUN strongly supports the principles of diversity and equity. We encourage participation from women, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and all veterans.
SUN board members participate in the purpose and mission of SUN centered on addressing problems and building community in ways that improve the quality of life for the residents. The purpose is to provide a forum for residents to participate in fostering a vibrant urban community dedicated to social equity, environmental responsibility, and economic opportunity. The mission is threefold, 1) to facilitate problem discussion and solving for issues that arise among residents, 2) foster a network of communication, and 3) provide a means of acting on matters of importance to the community as a whole. SUN board members encourage and promote open communication between residents in the community, between residents and the City and County of Denver, and between residents and entities with a local presence on subjects of importance to the community at large.
Responsibilities of each board member include:
- Leading or facilitating the communication of information relevant to members of the our community or relevant governmental and non-governmental entities that impact the community,
- Clear and ongoing communication with the board and community members,
- Attendance at the board meeting each of 10 calendar months (up to two absences in a year with provide advance notice are accepted), and
- Contributing to the SUN mission through at least one area of responsibility beyond meeting attendance. Examples include serving on a committee, representing SUN in other meetings, writing the SUN Spot in the Front Porch newspaper, or leading the completion of an ad hoc project.
Community Day of Reflection Sat., Apr. 21, 12:30–4:30pm, Sam Gary Library
This day will bring an exploration of and a chance to think more deeply about our history, in particular the name Stapleton. Professors Albert Broussard (Texas A&M University), Robert Goldberg (University of Utah), and Geoffrey Hunt (Aurora Community College) will present, followed by discussion moderated by Professors Rebecca Hunt (University of Colorado at Denver) and Patty Limerick (State Historian). Principal learning objectives are: 1) a recognition of the distinctive features of the KKK in the 1920s and the American West; 2) a grounded understanding of the relationship between Benjamin Stapleton and the KKK; and 3) a chance to think carefully about the ways that citizens in a democratic republic can–with civility and openness–reflect on the wisest and most productive ways to respond to the complex stories we inherit from the past. This event is free and open to the public.
Community Vote on Change to SUN by-laws at Community Forum May 15, 2018 6–8pm, The Cube
At the annual forum (5/15), residents in attendance will vote via paper ballot on a proposed bylaw change to remove the word “Stapleton” from the organizational name Stapleton United Neighbors. The SUN board of directors will vote at the March 20 board meeting on the language that the community will vote on in May. That language will be posted in the April Front Porch SUN spot.
Block Party Pilot Concept
SUN is collaborating with the Department of Justice to encourage intentional community dialogues on race. If interested in helping to design a pilot program for neighbors on each block to embrace diversity and find a deeper connection on block party day, please contact SUN: