Mayor Hancock talks to citizens at the Cabinet in the City at Johnson and Wales in late August
To keep pace with the growth and opportunity Denver is seeing, I hope you’ll join me and vote YES on measures 2A thru 2G on Nov. 7. Funds from the measures would go toward maintaining and repairing Denver’s infrastructure before it breaks down. The best part: we can do this and keep your tax rates the same.
Stapleton, Park Hill, Lowry, Mayfair, Montclair and East Colfax stand to benefit from the measures. A major focus would see improved transportation and mobility around the city, and that means less time sitting in traffic.
Rapid transit bus service along East Colfax, with a $55 million local match for an $135 million project, would ultimately service an estimated 50,000 riders per day and save travelers up to 15 minutes on their commute.
The measures would fund the planning, design and construction of this new bus service, including exclusive bus lanes to speed up the ride, new passenger stops, and related traffic and roadway improvements.
Another $20 million would go to provide East Colfax with new medians, curb extensions and enhanced crosswalks at key intersections.
To improve safety and relieve congestion, $27 million would be spent on 56th Ave. between Peoria St. and Peña Blvd., widening it from two lanes to four lanes, and would include a median.
The project would include new traffic signals at Uvalda St. and Crown Blvd., would upgrade the signals at Peoria St. and Chambers Rd. and would include additional street lighting.
Public safety funding is also on the ballot. District 5 police station, which serves Stapleton, would be rebuilt at 12025 E. 45th Ave. at a cost of $17.3 million. Less than 10 years ago, District 5 was the home of 57 officers and staff, and today it’s at 117.
This police district has seen some of Denver’s largest increases in new residents, which has required more officers for patrols, and the current location has insufficient space and doesn’t even have enough toilets.
The station would also have a new community room for public meetings and use by residents, a feature which is very popular in other district stations.
Please join with me and help get projects like East Colfax, 56th Ave., and District 5 the support they need. VOTE YES on Measures 2A thru 2G. We need them all, and to do it, Denver needs your support.