Submissions to the Front Porch

Submit Local Events to Our Online Calendar

Click here to submit an event online. Uploaded events are approved by Front Porch staff prior to final posting online. Submissions will be reviewed within two business days.

Press Releases & Story Ideas

Email press releases and story ideas to If sending a pdf or graphic file, please also include all information as a text file (so we can copy and paste information from submitted text).

Idea and Article Submissions

We appreciate suggestions for story ideas. Though most of our articles are done by our regular writers,  we will consider submitted articles that fit with our mission as a community paper (written by people who live in our distribution area and/or are about people, events and organizations in our distribution area). Articles should be sent to

Articles of interest to a broad range of readers that are well-written and informational or insightful are run based on space available, though they may be held until there is room in a future issue. Anything that is time sensitive must be sent by the 10th of the month to be considered for the upcoming issue. Articles should be concise and length may vary based on content, but we generally suggest articles shouldn’t exceed 700 words. Articles may be edited by Front Porch to fit space available. Nothing in the article can be written in a way that promotes a specific business, but the author should include a short “bio” statement at the end that lists his/her qualifications on the subject of the article and contact info if readers want further information.

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