1) Bicycle Shop Owner Asking for Help from the Community
After a series of thefts and break-ins, Hardt Family Cyclery is taking action and asking customers and neighbors to help. The popular cyclery, which specializes in commuter and cargo electric bikes, opened in northwest Aurora in 2020. There have been five break-ins since early June and owner Mackenzie Hardt says one or multiple bikes were stolen each time. Damage has also been done to his property. Front Porch reported on the theft of one of Hardt’s bicycles, a $20,000 custom bike to be used as a mobile visitor center for Visit Aurora. That bike has not been found.

A series of break-ins at the northwest Aurora neighborhood bicycle shop included a truck that was driven through the garage door of the business, leaving a lot of damage behind. Neighbors and nearby businesses helped fix the damaged door. Photo courtesy of Hardt Cyclery
After a mid-August garage break-in, Hardt asked the community to contact local Aurora officials asking for more support to stop crime in the area. Details are listed on the store’s social media accounts. He says they are “doing their best to stay open for the community, but this means balancing increased safety and security measures with continued accessibility and a welcoming space.”
For now, the store will be open for appointments only.
2) Copper Thefts Create Slowdowns and Noise Along Train Lines
The theft of copper wiring created travel issues for commuters along the Regional Transportation District’s (RTD) rail lines and caused trains to sound their horns near Central Park and other parts of the city.

During the summer, some RTD trains were slowed down due to the theft of copper wire which is part of the train crossing function. Train horns were also sounded, which could be heard in northeast Denver. Front Porch file photo by Steve Larson
In late July, RTD reported five thefts over one week near track signals, switches, and rail crossings. The copper wire connects to a low-voltage system that powers the signals at rail crossings. RTD says most of the thefts have happened overnight at different locations.
The thefts continued to be an issue across the entire system in August, disrupting rail operations and creating noise for neighbors along the rail lines.
In some cases, RTD says the thefts caused issues with the Positive Train Control (PTC) system, which meant trains ran on an Automatic Train Control (ATC) system. Federal regulations require drivers to sound a horn at each crossing when the train is using ATC. The copper wire has been replaced and repaired so trains could run under PTC.
RTD is asking for the public’s help in stopping the thefts. If someone sees something suspicious near rail tracks, contact Transit Police through the Transit Watch app or call 303-299-1911.
RTD has also created a webpage to provide the latest information on train horns: www.rtd-denver.com/trainhorns.
3) A Pilot Program to Provide Technology Services to Seniors
When seniors act, they get things done. A group of Denver seniors has been asking for a center of their own for eight years. They are finally getting that center, a tech center, located in the Arie P. Taylor Municipal Center at 4685 Peoria St., the same building where the office of Denver City Councilwoman Shontel Lewis is located.
Lewis says the center is designed to be a “comfortable environment for seniors,” so they’ll be the ones designing the room that will house computers and printers and access to technology and technical services. The Denver Office of Economic Development and Opportunity funded the project, which Lewis and the seniors hope is a successful model for other districts in the city.
The senior center is scheduled to open on September 24
4) New Pickleball Courts in Lowry
Pickleball courts are coming to Lowry. The courts will be located off Lowry Blvd. just east of the hockey rink in the Lowry Sports Park.
The District 5 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is currently in the process of awarding a design contract. More details should be coming soon about the design and construction of the court. Installation is expected in 2025 with the courts opening in 2025 or 2026.