Living the Ideal Life

10/28/2013  |  by Madeline Schroeder

Stacey Vicari

Stacey Vicari leads a workshop about how to live the ideal life. Photo courtesy of Stacey Vicari.

Stacey Vicari is living her best life and wants to help others do the same.

For two decades, Vicari has been a self-trained life coach, and recently she brought her business, Ideal Life, to Stapleton. She helps people evaluate their lives and get excited to make changes, an excitement she says most people lack because of focusing on the negative.

“I can stand for your greatness and be someone who is excited for you and your life,” she says. She likes to think of life as a playground. “We are going to roll up your sleeves and play with your life. We’re going to make you great.”

Her gusto for life is contagious. She says she wakes up every day feeling joyful and gracious. She eats a raw vegan diet that makes her feel healthy and vibrant. She does yoga daily, has a beautiful relationship and great friends, she travels and loves her job.

But, she says, this happiness didn’t happen overnight. “It’s not like some magical pill you can take for your life to be fixed.” She says it’s a constant journey, and people need to dedicate time to think about what works and what doesn’t work in their lives. Then, they need to create a plan to achieve the ideal life. This is where she comes in.

Vicari talks with clients for 30 minutes over the phone and sometimes in person. Once a month she hosts a free event called JumpStart. She guides exercises that help people focus on what they want most in life. They identify obstacles and evaluate life balance. Her goal for the one-hour-and-15-minute session is for everyone to leave feeling motivated and inspired to make immediate positive changes.

Vicari lives part-time in Stapleton and part-time in Louisville where she is a regular guest on a radio show.

The next JumpStart is 7–8:15pm on Monday, Nov. 4 at the Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club, 5801 S. Quebec St. To learn more about Stacey Vicari or to register for JumpStart, visit or call 303.321.0783.



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