New HAWK Lights Bring Safe Pedestrian Access to Eastbridge Town Center

05/01/2017  |  by John Fernandez

Jose Cornejo, Denver Public Works Manager, strides across westbound Martin Luther King Blvd. on April 19 in the first test of the pedestrian activated crossing light—the warning lights flashed as programmed and cars stopped.

A HAWK signal is a pedestrian activated light, designed specifically for mid-block pedestrian crossings, not traffic control at intersections. HAWK stands for High-Intensity Activated CrossWalk. The beacons are off until activated by a pedestrian. Once activated, they flash yellow, then become solid yellow before turning solid red, allowing pedestrians to cross while traffic is stopped. The solid red light then turns to a flashing red light, and drivers may proceed after the pedestrian has safely crossed. The beacons then return to the off mode. HAWKS cost about $150,000 where a traditional traffic signal costs upwards of $300,000.


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