The Beeler Park water feature is fun for all ages, but the shallow stream of water is particularly inviting for young children. The park, located on Beeler St. just north of 56th Ave. (and just east of Dick’s Sporting Goods Park), is free and open to the public. It is maintained by the Stapleton Master Community Association and will have water until mid-October.
Visit our online calendar to view more events or submit events
FrontPorchNE.com > Events
*These events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using the contact info provided.
Free Flu Shots in October—Rose Stapleton ER every Monday and Friday in Oct 7:30am-12:30pm and Saturdays 10/13 and 10/27 8am-5pm. While supplies last. 4930 Wabash St 303.577.1500 www.rosestapletonER.com
10/1 to 12/7—Denver Leaf drop 2018. Weekday and weekend drop sites, prefer leaves in paper bags, Free 5 pack of 30 gallon leaf bags at Denver ACE Hardware stores. Dates times and locations at DenverGov.org or call 311.
To 10/7—Watching Night Falling. See your cityscape in a whole new way on a one-mile walk through the streets and greenways. $18-35. Tickets at www.watching-night.brownpapertickets.com 2501 Dallas St., Aurora/patrick@controlgroupproductions.org
To 10/8—Stapleton Food Drive. Presented by New Perspective Real Estate. To volunteer/donate, www.StapletonFoodDrive.com
Fridays to 10/10—The DeLaney Mobile Farm Stand at Stanley. The Plaza at Stanley Marketplace, Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30PM. www.stanleymarketplace.com
10/5 Friday—Bonfils Blood Drive. 11am-3pm, Stanley Marketplace south parking lot. www.stanleymarketplace.com
10/9 Tuesday—Tapas & Tempranillo – Cooking with Chef Maggie O’Toole. Learn to make classic Spanish Tapas in a fun environment. www.stanleymarketplace.com 2501 Dallas Street Aurora, CO 80010, Aurora/720-841-2545
10/11 Thursday—How to Talk So Kids Will Listen. 6:30pm. An interactive parenting and educator’s workshop by Joanna Faber, renowned parenting expert, author, speaker and educator. The Cube, 8371 Northfield Blvd. RSVP: JewishStapleton.com/Faber. $5/person online; $8/person at the door. Presented by The Jewish Life Center—Chabad Denver North.
10/11 Thursday—Knitting Circle. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace. Also on 10/25 at 5:30-7:30 pm www.denverlibrary.org/event/knitting-circle-20/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. , Denver/720-865-0325
10/11 Thursday—Active Minds: Colorado Ballot. Join Active Minds for an objective review of the current issues on the ballot this fall. We will review each proposal, presenting the arguments on both sides. www.denverlibrary.org Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. /720-865-0325
10/12 Friday—Reading Partners Colorado fundraiser: Road to Reading. Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 7 pm. For information and tickets call Amber at 720-409-9909 or email amber.matkowski@readingpartners.org.
10/13 Saturday—The Aging Workforce: ‘Seasoned’ Employees, Second Careers and the Coming Job Boom. Learn about jobs and second careers for older adults, and which fields need young professionals now as our society lives longer. The Connected & Creative Aging Series is in collaboration with AARP. No registration required. www.denverlibrary.org Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver 720-865-0325
10/15 Monday—League of Women Voters Denver Presents: Need Help Understanding the November Ballot Issues? 5:30 pm Coffee/networking, 6:00 pm presentation. http://LWVDenver.org/ Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St., McCollum Room, Denver
10/18 Thursday—Science in the News: Why We Haven’t Cured Cancer. www.denverlibrary.org/event/science-news-0/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver/720-865-0325
10/20 Saturday—Creative and Connected Aging: Resource Open House. Learn about an empowered vision of getting older, and connect with community organizations and programs to help you stay engaged and fulfilled. www.denverlibrary.org/event/creative-and-connected-aging-resource-open-house/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver 720-865-0325
10/21 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary. Monthly book club, October title is Language of Secrets. 2pm. www.denverlibrary.org/event/sam-gary-literary-9/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325
10/23 to 11/29—Adult Art Classes at Denver School of the Arts. Beginning Drawing: 5 weeks, Tuesdays, 6 – 8:00 p.m.; Introduction to Watercolor: 4 weeks, Wednesdays, 6 – 8, Printmaking Sampler: 5 weeks, Thursdays, 6 – 8 p.m. Detailed information and registration forms debrosenbaum.com http://debrosenbaum.com/ DSA, 7111 Montview Blvd, Denver
10/24 Wednesday—Full Moon Hike. Morrison Nature Center, Star K Ranch. 6:15-7:15pm. www.auroragov.org/nature
10/26 Friday—In Stitches Quilting Meeting. A “Grands” sewing, quilting and friendship group that makes quilts for Children’s Hospital, University Hospital and the community. 4th Fridays, January through October, 9:30 a.m. at 5273 N. Beeler Street. Contact: Cheryl at 720-498-3823
10/31 to 11/11—Denver International Film Festival. 200+ films, panels, workshops and more. www.denverfilmfestival.denverfilm.org
11/1 Thursday—Quick Suppers: 5-Ingredient Chowders. Instant comfort food that comes together in a flash. Dinner? Done! www.denverlibrary.org/event/quick-suppers-5-ingredient-chowders/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. , Denver/720-865-0325
11/2 Friday—Vegas Night in Stapleton. Evening of entertainment featuring casino games with professional dealers and regulation equipment, prizes, DJ music/dancing, hors d’oeuvres and a full bar. Open to all adults 21+ in the Stapleton community and beyond. Benefits Westerly Creek Elementary. Purchase tickets online by 11/1/18 at www.StapletonNightOut.com. The Hangar at Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St #135, Aurora. For info email: casinonight@thewcepta.com
11/4 Sunday—Fall Fest 5k (Bolder Boulder qualifying event) presented by The Goddard School. Inaugural 5k Charity run (by The Goddard School) is a Bolder Boulder qualifying race/walk in memory of Luke Wyatt Morin. All proceeds go to Children’s Hospital Colorado to support research for DIPG. Central Park, 9651 E. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Stapleton. https://runsignup.com/Race/CO/Denver/GoddardFallFest5k
Additional events outside of Denver can be found at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Set filter for Seasonal/Holiday Events.
10/7 Sunday—Harvest Festival and Pumpkin Patch. Benefit Isabella Bird Community School, pumpkins, music, games, cider, chili, inflatables, kids climbing wall and Horse-Drawn Hayrides. Tickets $20. www.ibcscouncil.org/harvest-festival/ 1701 N. Lima St., Denver
10/13 Saturday—Candy Crawl at Northfield. 3-5pm, trick or treating, hay rides, contests and more. www.NorthfieldStapleton.com
Sat. & Sun. Oct 13–14 —Park Hill Open Studio Tour. Free self-guided tour of local artists’ studios featuring handmade art, refreshments and unique locations. Begin at 6100 E. 23rd St., Denver to pick up a map. 303-377-2353. www.artgaragedenver.com
10/14 Sunday—FarmFest at The Urban Farm. Pumpkin patch, pumpkin painting, animal viewing, family-friendly activities and crafts, music and food. Tickets at TheUrbanFarm.org (See story on page 10.)
10/21 Sunday—Bike Shop Girl Fall Festival & Kidical Mass Denver Bike Ride. 10 am. Family-Friendly Bike Ride. 1.5-3 miles, all welcome, helmets required. www.bikeshopgirl.com/ 10255 E 25th Ave, Unit A1, Aurora, Aurora/hello@bikeshopgirl.com
10/27 Sunday—Boo on the Bluff–Trick or Treat Trail at Bluff Lake Nature Center. 10am-1pm. Games, activities, fall themed photo booth, for tickets and info: www.blufflake.org.
10/27 Sunday—Hauntings at the Hangar. Halloween festivities at Wings Over the Rockies Museum. 12-4pm. Free with museum admission. www.wingsmuseum.org
10/28 Sunday—Free Morrison Nature Center Trick or Treat Trail. Star K Ranch. Booths, scavenger hunt. 1-4pm. 16002 E. Smith Rd. www.auroragov.org/nature
10/28—Botanic Gardens Corn Maze. Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield, 8500 W. Deer Creek Canyon Rd. www.botanicgardens.org
To 10/31—Nick’s Fall Festival. Daily family fun activities. Great Pumpkin weigh-off 10/6. Nick’s Garden Center, 2001 S. Chambers Rd, Aurora. 303.696.6657, www.nicksgardencenter.com
To 11/10—13th Floor Haunted House. www.13thfloorhauntedhouse.com
10/5 to 10/27— Enchanted Hollows. Weekends, 6-9:30pm. Tickets required, purchase in advance only. Recommended for ages 8+, costumes welcome, immersive night walk, animal demonstrations, Jack O Lantern sculptures and more. www.denverzoo.org
10/6 Saturday—12th Annual Denver Zombie Crawl. 11am-5pm. Skyline Park. www.eyeheartbrains.com
10/6 to 10/7—Pumpkin Harvest Festival. Four Mile Historic Park. Horse-drawn wagon rides, pumpkin patch, build a scarecrow. 10am-4pm. 715 S. Forest St. www.fourmilepark.org
10/12 to 10/27—Victorian Horrors at the Molly Brown House. Fri./Sat. evenings, 6-8:45pm. $20. Reservations required. Ages 12 and up. www.mollybrown.org
10/17 to 10/25—Glow at the Gardens. Select Wednesdays/Thursdays. 5:30-9:30pm. Denver Botanic Gardens lights up night with jack-o-lanterns, luminarias, storytellers, scavenger hunts. Ticket prices: www.botanicgardens.org
10/19 Friday—Scream Scram 5K. Benefits Boys and Girls Clubs of Denver. Washington Park. 6:30pm. Prizes for costumes, Trick or Treat Street, 100-meter kids dash. www.screamscram.org
10/20 to 10/28—Boo at the Zoo. Both weekends. Trick/treat stations, animal demos, family-friendly entertainment. Free with admission. www.denverzoo.org
10/21 Sunday—Good Vibrations: Free Family Concert with the Lamont Percussion Ensemble. Sunday, Oct. 21, 2:00 p.m. at Denver School of the Arts. Call 303-388-9839 or email tickets@friendsofchambermusic.com. www.friendsofchambermusic
10/26 to 10/28—Trick or Treat Street at The Children’s Museum. 9am-7:30pm. Trick/treat stations, Halloween activities included in admission. www.mychildsmuseum.org
10/27 to 10/28—Colorado Railroad Museum’s Trick or Treat Train. Rides/activities. 10am-4pm. Ticket prices: www.coloradorailroadmuseum.org
10/28 Sunday—Neighborhood Trunk or Treat at Augustana Lutheran Church. Decorated Cars, games, costumes encouraged, pumpkin carving and snacks. FREE. Nominal charge for some activities. 5000 E Alameda Ave. 303.388.4678
10/12 –11/1 City of Longmont Family-Friendly Celebration. Events, include sugar skull-making, storytelling and gallery talks. www.longmontcolorado.gov/departments/departments-e-m/museum/education/day-of-the-dead
11/1 – 11/23 Art Gym Gallery Exhibition of Local Latino Artists. Opening reception 11/1, 5-8pm. 1460 Leyden St, Denver. www.artgymdenver.com. 303.320.8347
11/1 Thursday—City of Aurora and Mexican Cultural Center Celebration. Food, beverages, altars and workshops. 3:30-7:30pm at the City of Aurora People’s Building. www.mccdenver.org/mccwp/program/dia-de-los-muertos-in-aurora/
11/2 Friday—Mexican Cultural Center Celebration. Art, music and more. 5-7pm. 303.321.2443. 5350 Leetsdale Dr #200w, Denver. www.mccdenver.org/mccwp/
11/2—First Friday Art Walk Parade in Santa Fe Art District.
11/2 Friday—Art Workshop at Museo de las Americas. Decorate a “nicho” from 6-8pm.Ages 16+ Tickets $25. 861 Santa Fe Dr, Denver. museo.org/event/dia-de-los-muertos-nichos-workshop/
11/3 Saturday—Dîa de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Celebration. Mexican celebration remembers deceased loved ones. Traditional Aztec dancing, crafts, face painting. 9am-3pm. Free with admission. Denver Botanic Gardens. www.botanicgardens.org
Wednesdays and Saturdays to 10/13—Free composting classes. Wed. and Sat. thru mid-Oct. Denver Compost Demonstration Site, Gove Community Garden, 13th Ave. and Colo. Blvd. Sign up: 303.292.9900 or www.dug.org/compost.
10/5 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. www.denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
10/7 Sunday—16th Annual Balistreri Vineyards Harvest Party. Balistreri Vineyards, 1946 E. 66th Ave. 12-5pm. Tickets: www.balistrerivineyards.com
10/10 Wednesday—The Women’s Foundation of Colorado Annual Luncheon. www.wfco.org/connect/annual-luncheon
10/13 to 10/14—Maker Faire Denver. All ages. Inspires, educates. 100+ exhibitors with hands-on activities in arts, technology, fabrication of all kinds. National Western Complex. www.Denver.makerfaire.com
10/20 to 10/21—Reception 2018. Arapahoe County Fairgrounds vendors offer reptile pets, cages, merchandise, live animal seminars. www.repticon.com
10/11 to 10/13—Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild Annual Sale. Unique handwoven, hand-dyed, knitted/crocheted, felted, cast paper home décor, ornaments. Live textile demos. Kids welcome. Free admission/parking. Englewood Civic Center, 1000 Englewood Pkwy. www.rmweaversguild.org/fiber-arts-sale-2
10/27 to 10/28—Westernaires Annual Horsecapades Show. Performance of world’s largest precision drill team. National Western Complex. Tickets at door or from Westernaires members. www.westernaires.org
11/2 to 11/10 Denver Arts Week. 9 day celebration of all things art in Denver, more than 300 free events. www.denver.org
10/2 to 10/30—October Tuesdays Four Mile Historic Park Small Settlers. Ages 2-5 with parent/caregiver. 9-10am. $5/child, adults and members free. 715 S. Forest St. Advance register: 720.865.0814 or education@fourmilepark.org. www.fourmilepark.org
10/2 to 10/30—Storytime for Preschoolers. Tuesdays at 10:30am, Free. The Bookies bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Avenue (303) 759-1117 info@thebookies.com, www.thebookies.com
10/3 Wednesday—Write & Talk for Teens with Lighthouse Writers. Explore creative writing through fiction, poetry, screenwriting, and graphic novels. www.denverlibrary.org/event/teen-creative-writing-lab-0/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver/720-865-0325
10/12 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Hay Bales and Tall Tales. 12-1pm. Free with admission. 715 S. Forest St. www.fourmilepark.org
10/12 Friday—Star Wars Reads Day. Celebrate all things Star Wars at the library. www.denverlibrary.org/event/star-wars/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver/720-865-0325
10/15 Monday—Let’s Build It – Pasta and Marshmallows. Let’s get together once a month and build stuff. How tall of a structure do you think you can build with spaghetti and marshmallows? https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/let%27s-build-it-tbd/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. , Denver/720-865-0325
10/20 Tuesday—Inside the Orchestra Tiny Tots Concert. McNichols Building Civic Center, 144 W. Colfax. 9:30am and 10:45am. Repeats 10/24, Temple Sinai. Tickets. www.insidetheorchestra.com
10/22 to 10/23—STEAM: Identified Flying Objects!. Blast off with rockets and learn about meteors as we explore impact and take-off! There will be flying, crashing, and everything in-between as we learn about objects that fly through space. www.denverlibrary.org/event/steam-2/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. , Denver/720-865-0325
10/23 Wednesday and 10/24 Thursday—Disney in Concert: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. Colorado Symphony, Boettcher Concert Hall. 7:00pm. www.coloradosymphony.org
10/28 Sunday—Colorado Symphony: Halloween Spooktacular! Boettcher Concert Hall 2:30pm. Featuring the music of Harry Potter, costumes encouraged. www.coloradosymphony.org
10/26 Friday—Teen Murder Mystery Event. Registration required. www.denverlibrary.org/event/teen-murder-mystery-event/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720-865-0325
10/19 Friday to 10/23 Tuesday—SPREE’s Fall Break Camps. SPREE at Johnson Habitat Park for fun and educational days filled with games, crafts, adventures. http://www.thegreenwayfoundation.org/holiday-camps.html/ 610 S Jason St, Denver/camp@greenwayfoundation.org
10/3 Wednesday—“In the Image,” film followed by a discussion. “In the Image” explores the daily lives of Palestinian women living in the occupied West Bank. Discussion following. Park Hill Branch Library, 4705 Montview Blvd. Denver/720-933-3395 or 303-321-0765
10/6 Saturday—Aging in (the Right) Place. Sam Gary Branch, 2961 Roslyn St. Saturday, October 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m www.denverlibrary.org/event/aging-right-place-0/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St, Denver/720-865-0325
10/18 Thursday—Active Minds presents: Hillbilly Records & Early Country Music. www.activeminds.com//Windsor Gardens, 597 S Clinton St, Denver
10/23 Tuesday—Active Minds presents 1968: Chaos, Conflict & Change. www.activeminds.com Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St, Denver
10/27 Saturday—Caregiving Choices and Challenges. Learn ways to care for older loved ones and yourself, and how and when to ask for help. www.denverlibrary.org/event/caregiving-choices-and-challenges-0/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. , Denver/720-865-0325
11/3 Saturday—Community Conversation on Aging. Take part in a conversation with DPL about opportunities, challenges and issues surrounding aging. https://www.denverlibrary.org/event/community-conversation-aging/ Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. Denver/720-865-0325
To 1/20—“Eyes On: Shimabuku” at the Denver Art Museum. https://denverartmuseum.org/exhibitions/eyes-shimabuku
To 1/6—“Rembrandt: Painter as Printmaker” at the Denver Art Museum. Special exhibit showcasing aprox 100 prints from Rembrandt van Rijn’s career spanning from 1625 to 1665. www.denverartmuseum.org. 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy Denver/info@denverartmuseum.org
10/18 Thursday—Science Lounge. Denver Museum of Nature and Science Cocktails/entertainment 3rd Thurs. monthly. 6:30-9:30pm. $8/members; $10/nonmembers. www.dmns.org
10/11 Thursday—Drop-in Drawing at the Denver Art Museum. Join artist Anna Kaye in our informal creative art sessions. Bring a drawing or start something new. All welcome! www.denverartmuseum.org. 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy
10/13 Saturday—Art and About Tour at the Denver Art Museum. Tours designed for visitors with early-stage Alzheimer’s or dementia and their care partners. Experience and discuss art together on a tour led by a specially trained guide. www.denverartmuseum.org. 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy, Denver/access@denverartmuseum.org
10/26 Friday—DAM Untitled Final Friday. 6pm-10pm, Cash bar, DJ, light munchies. Members free, nonmembers $8-$13.
11/3 Saturday—Night at the Museums. More than 20 Denver museums open extended hours at no charge, free shuttle between select museums. www.denver.org
SCFD/Target Free Days
10/2 Tuesday—Children’s Museum Free Target Tuesday. 4-8pm. www.cmdenver.org
10/6 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. www.denverartmuseum.org
10/12 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Free Day. 2nd Friday, 12-4pm. www.fourmilepark.org
10/14 Monday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science Free Day. www.dmns.org
10/18 Thursday—Mizel Museum Free Day. 9am-4pm. www.mizelmuseum.org
10/26 Friday—Clyfford Still Museum. Free admission last Friday monthly all day and every Friday 5-8pm. 1250 Bannock St. www.clyffordstillmuseum.org
11/3 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. SCFD Free day. www.denverartmuseum.org
To 10/15—The Oldest Boy. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
To 10/29—The Little Dog Laughed. Vintage Theatre. 1468 Dayton St., Aurora Cultural Arts District. www.vintagetheatre.org
To 10/7—The Mystery of Love and Sex. John Hand Theater, 7653 East 1st Pl., Lowry. www.firehousetheatercompany.com
To 10/1—A Chorus Line. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada. www.arvadacenter.org
To 10/22—Company- A Musical Comedy. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. www.aurorafoxartscenter.org
To 10/14—My Brilliant Divorce. Avenue Theater, 417 E. 17th Ave. www.avenuetheater.com
To 10/8—The Country Wife. By Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver Theatre Dept. Reservations/tickets: 303.556.2296
10/1 Monday—William Hagen, violin, and Orion Weiss, piano. 7:30 p.m. Gates Hall, Newman Center for the Performing Arts. www.friendsofchambermusic.com 2344 E. Iliff Ave., Denver, CO 80210, Denver/tickets@friendsofchambermusic.com
10/5 to 10/14—Colorado Ballet – Sleeping Beauty. www.coloradoballet.org/performances/sleeping-beauty/ Ellie Caulkins Opera House, Denver. 303-837-8888
10/6 to 10/7—Ballet Ariel- Tale of Molly Brown and La Vivandiere. Ballet Ariel opens its 20th anniversary season of performances with the original ballet, Tale of Molly Brown. www.balletariel.org. 119 Park Ave West, Denver/303-945-4388
10/13 to 11/10—Love Alone. Firehouse Theater Company at John Hand Theater. 7653 East Pl Lowry. www.firehousetheatercompany.com
11/1 to 12/22—The Humans. www.curioustheatre.org
11/5 Monday—Leeann & Michelle Think They’re Funny – The Denver Show. http://www.momsnightout.buzz
Through 10/31—Diaper Drive for Mango House. Drop off donations of diapers, wipes, and other hygiene products to help our refugee neighbors at Mango House in Aurora. www.1532galena.com. Central Park Recreation Center lobby
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. www.ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1532 Galena St., Ste. 380. 720.460.1393