Sean Herman (pictured above, guess which one he is) and his brother loved Halloween as kids. As grown ups, they visit the epicenter of haunted homes (Los Angeles) together every year. And Herman regularly attends the annual house haunters convention in St. Louis where he gets ideas and buys materials. Herman’s dad was a carpenter and his grandfather a designer—Herman is both. For years he has designed and built elaborate Halloween displays in his front yard. This year his entire family is taking it a step further. Not long after putting away last year’s decor, he started making plans for a five-room haunted house in his garage this year. He’ll have many haunting features you’d commonly see in a professional haunted house. Some of the walls have all the detail of a grand Victorian home that’s now dilapidated. The entire family helps out during the Halloween season with Sean doing the building, Becki doing the painting and their two kids assisting with the decoration details. Their haunted house, to be entered from the alley, is at 9222 E 53rd Ave in Wicker Park, it will be open between 7-9pm on these dates. October 18, 19, 26, 31 and November 2,3. Admission is free but donations are accepted and will be given to NRDC.org, a non-profit fighting climate change. Find more info at: wickermanor.com or instagram.com/wickermanor.
Events were submitted online. Please double check dates and times using contact info provided.
10/5 Saturday—Lowry Foundation Silver Anniversary Celebration. 5:30–10pm. Adult event, live music, dancing, food, drink. Celebrating Lowry’s history and success. lowryfoundation.org. Wings Over the Rockies Museum, 7711 E. Academy Blvd.
10/5 Saturday—I Am Denver Storytelling Lab. 1–4pm. Free workshop with story-inspiring activities and the chance to write and record your I Am Denver story in photo, video or audio. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
To 10/7—Stapleton Food Drive. Presented by New Perspective Real Estate. To volunteer/donate, StapletonFoodDrive.com
10/9 Wednesday—“The Student Experience: Raising the Curtain on Race and Inequities in Public Education” Denver Public Schools Foundation and Denver Public Schools present the first and only showing of this documentary film followed by a panel discussion. Doors open 4pm at Sie FilmCenter, 2510 E. Colfax Ave. Tickets at dpsfoundation.org
10/9 Wednesday—The Big Quiet Denver: A Mass Meditation. Ticketed event. 6:30–9pm. In The Hanger at Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St, Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com
10/9 Wednesday—Community Sing-Along. 6:30–7:30pm. Intergenerational sing-along with a live band. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/10 Thursday—Active Minds: Ragtime & the Music of Scott Joplin. 1–2pm. A musical journey into the world of Ragtime and Scott Joplin. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/10 Thursday—Financial Empowerment: Social Security. 6:30–7:30pm Social Security is our country’s single largest federal program and the sole means of support for many retirees. Learn how you can optimize your retirement income needs with Social Security. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/10 and 10/24—Knitting Circle. 5:30–7:30pm Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/11 Friday—Vegas Night in Stapleton. Featuring 50 casino tables with professional dealers/regulation equipment, amazing prizes, music & dancing, full bar. Tickets at StapletonNightOut.com. Benefits Westerly Creek Elementary. Hangar at Stanley Marketplace, Aurora.
10/15 Tuesday—GSBA Monthly Meeting. 8am. Network, present your business, learn about other members’ businesses, or stuff Welcome Bags. stapletonbusiness.com. 7350 E 29th Ave #300.
10/16 Wednesday—Kindness Club. 4–5pm Meet new friends and neighbors and promote kindness through simple acts. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/19 Saturday—Symbols Past and Present. 3pm. Learn about symbols from cave painting to modern advertising, including the history of hate symbols. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/19 to 10/20—Park Hill Artists Open Studio Tour. Pick-up maps at The Art Garage – 6100 E. 23rd Ave or Koko fitclub – 6231 E. 14th Ave.
10/20 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary Book Club. 2pm. October Title: From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death, by Caitlin Doughty. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/22 Tuesday—Let’s Build It: Diwali Lanterns. 4pm Create a Diwali lantern to celebrate this popular festival of lights in India. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/24 Thursday—Active Minds: Colorado Ghost Stories. 6:30–7:30pm. Tiptoe through the haunted houses and ghoulish graveyards of the area. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
Additional events outside of Denver can be found at FrontPorchNE.com/events. Set filter for Seasonal/Holiday Events.
10/4 to 10/26— Enchanted Hollows: Bigfoot Festival. Weekends, 6–10pm. Denver Zoo’s Autumnal celebration. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Ages 8+. denverzoo.org
10/5 Saturday—Nick’s 10th Annual Great Pumpkin Weigh Off. Registration 9-10:45am, weigh-off 11am-2pm, live music 1-5pm. Family fun. nicksgardencenter.com. 2001 S. Chambers Rd, Aurora
10/5 Saturday—14th Annual Denver Zombie Crawl. 11am–4pm. Skyline Park. eyeheartbrains.com
10/5 to 10/6—Pumpkin Harvest Festival. Four Mile Historic Park. Horse-drawn wagon rides, pumpkin patch, build a scarecrow. 10am–4pm. 715 S. Forest St. fourmilepark.org
10/5 to 10/26—Pumpkin Palooza. Every Saturday and Sunday in October from 11am–5pm Free treats and activities for the whole family. punchbowlsocial.com. 3120 N. Uinta St.
10/6 Sunday—Harvest Festival. Pumpkins, hay rides, jump houses, games and more. 2–5pm. Benefits Isabella Bird Community School. Tickets at ibcscouncil.org/harvest-festival/. 1701 N. Lima St.
10/12 Saturday—3rd Annual Halloween Costume Swap. Recycle/swap/buy gently-used costumes. Plus games, candy and a prize drawing. 10am–6pm. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St, Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com
10/12 Saturday—Candy Crawl. Free, 3–5pm on Main Street. Hay rides, face paint, and more. NorthfieldStapleton.com. 8340 Northfield Blvd.
10/17 to 10/26— Victorian Horrors. Various dates/times. Molly Brown House Museum,1340 Pennsylvania St. Register at mollybrown.org
10/17 to 10/30— Cutting Room Floor. Join Control Group for an immersive ghost tour of the Aurora Fox – a world of spectral regrets and paths not taken. Aurora Fox Arts Center. controlgroupproductions.org
10/19 to 10/27—Boo at the Zoo. Both weekends. Trick/treat stations, animal demos, family-friendly entertainment. Free with admission. denverzoo.org
10/21 to 10/25—Glow at the Gardens. Select days, 5:30–9:30pm. A luminous, nighttime celebration of America’s favorite gourd. York St. location. botanicgardens.org
10/22 Tuesday—Día de los Muertos/Day of the Dead. Camp where kids can learn and do art themed around this meaningful Mexican celebration. Neighborhood Art Studio, 4890 Ironton St. neighborhoodartstudio.com
10/24 Thursday— Día de los Muertos fundraising event for the Mexican Cultural Center. Exquisite altars, excellent food. 6–9pm at the Museum of Nature and Science. mccdenver.org
10/25 to 10/26—Übergrippen’s Hauted Maze & Headlight Climbing Night. 6–10pm. It’s a night of Spooks, S’mores and Sends. Climbing is optional. Climbers must bring their own headlamp. 8610 E. 21st Ave. ugclimbing.com/boo
10/25 to 10/27—Trick or Treat Street, A 3-day Fall Festival. 9am–6pm each day. Free for members. The Children’s Museum. mychildsmuseum.org
10/26 Saturday—Boo on the Bluff. Trick or Treat trail at Bluff Lake Nature Center. 10am-1pm. blufflake.org.
10/26 Saturday—Hauntings at the Hangar. Halloween festivities at Wings Over the Rockies Museum. 10–2pm. Free with museum admission. wingsmuseum.org
10/26 Saturday—10th Annual Coloween. A frightfully fantastic and fun evening. 10am–6pm. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St, Aurora. 9pm–2am. Tickets at coloween.com
10/26 to 10/27—Colorado Railroad Museum’s Trick or Treat Train. Rides/activities. 10am-4pm. coloradorailroadmuseum.org
10/27 Sunday—Trick or Treating at Stanley Marketplace. Enjoy a zombie crawl and Thriller flash mob. 2:30–4pm. Stanley Marketplace, 2501 N. Dallas St, Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com
To 10/27—Botanic Gardens Corn Maze. Fri–Sun, 10am–6pm. Chatfield location, 8500 W. Deer Creek Canyon Rd. botanicgardens.org
10/27 Sunday—Neighborhood Trunk or Treat. Free and nominal charge for some activities. 1–3pm. Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E Alameda Ave. augustanadenver.org
10/30 Wednesday—Trick or Treat the Firehouse. 5–8pm. Come in costume for family fun. Denver Firefighters Museum, 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
11/1—Cultural First Friday: Día de los Muertos. 4–9pm. Museo de las Americas, 861 Santa Fe Dr. museo.org
11/2 Saturday—Día de los Muertos Celebration. Mexican celebration remembers deceased loved ones. 9am–3pm. Free with admission. Denver Botanic Gardens, York St. botanicgardens.org
To 11/9—13th Floor Haunted House. 13thfloorhauntedhouse.com
10/24 Thursday—DPS School Board Candidate Forum. DSST and McAuliffe International School are hosting a Candidate Forum for DPS School Board Candidates. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. 6pm at the Smiley Campus, 2540 Holly St. 720-425-9321.
10/29 Tuesday—Share Ideas and Concerns about the East Area Plan. South Park Hill, Montclair, Hale and E. Colfax. 6–8pm. Johnson & Wales, Univ. Academic Center, 1900 Olive St. – DenverGov.org/EastPlan
10/4 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North (RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District. denver.org/things-to-do/denver-arts-culture/denver-art-districts
10/4 to 10/6—Off-Grid Expo. The Premier Event for Outdoor Enthusiasts. Seminars, Activities, and Products for the Whole Family. Jefferson County Fairgrounds. offgridexpo.com
10/6 Sunday—17th Annual Balistreri Vineyards Harvest Party. Balistreri Vineyards, 1946 E. 66th Ave. Tickets: balistrerivineyards.com
10/7 to 12/6—Denver Leaf drop 2019. Weekday and weekend drop sites. 5 pack of 30 gallon leaf bags at Denver ACE Hardware stores. Dates times and locations at DenverGov.org or call 311.
10/10 to 10/12—Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild Annual Sale. Fiber arts sale and live textile demos. Kids welcome. Free admission/parking. Englewood Civic Center, 1000 Englewood Pkwy. rmweaversguild.org/fiber-arts-sale-2
10/11 Friday—The Women’s Foundation of Colorado Annual Luncheon. Speakers Noor Tagouri and Maysoon Zayid. 11:30am–1:30pm. Colorado Convention Center wfco.org/connect/annual-luncheon
To 10/12— Free composting classes. Wednesdays and Saturdays thru mid-Oct. At Denver Compost Demonstration Site, Gove Community Garden, 13th Ave. and Colorado Blvd. Sign up: 303.292.9900 or dug.org/compost.
10/19 Saturday—The Carousel Ball. Raising funds for the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Cocktails, silent & live auctions, dinner and musical performances featuring Reba McEntire. childrensdiabetesfoundation.org. 650 15th St.
10/19 to 10/20—Repticon 2019. Arapahoe County Fairgrounds. Vendors offer reptile pets, cages, merchandise, live animal seminars. repticon.com
10/26 to 10/27—Westernaires Annual Horsecapades Show. Performance of world’s largest precision drill team. National Western Complex. Tickets at door or online at westernaires.org
10/29 Tuesday—Space Exploration: From the Moon Landing to Today and Beyond. Reflect on the space race, the Apollo Mission, and the role NASA has played since the lunar landing. 10–11am. Free. activeminds.com. Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St.
10/13 Sunday—Denver Walk to Defeat ALS. Join the movement at the Colorado Walk to Defeat ALS. Sloan’s Lake, N Sheridan Blvd. alsa.org
10/13 Sunday—AWAKE Day of Mindfulness. Mindful meditation, gentle asana, dharma talks, a mindful lunch, qi gong/ti chi, music, chant, yoga nidra and more. awakeexperience.com. 1195 Newport St.
10/13 Sunday—The bRUNch Run. Enjoy a fast, flat timed run around Stapleton followed by the ultimate brunch festival. brunchrunning.com. Central Park, 8801 Martin Luther King Blvd.
10/26 Saturday—MonsterDASH 10k, 5k, Kids Run. 9am start. Sloan’s Lake Park – South end. monsterdashrun.com
10/27 Sunday—Walk for 1 in 100. A festive, Halloween walk for Adult Congenital Heart Association at City Park Pavilion. achaheart.org
11/3 Sunday—Fall Fest 5k (Bolder Boulder qualifying event) presented by The Goddard School. 5k Charity run is a Bolder Boulder qualifying race/walk in memory of Luke Wyatt Morin. All proceeds go to Children’s Hospital Colorado to support research for DIPG. Central Park, 9651 E. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. runsignup.com/Race/CO/Denver/GoddardFallFest5k
To 12/31—Yoga en Español- Yoga, delivered in Spanish. All levels Vinyasa class, entirely instructed in Spanish. Meets weekly on Saturdays at 1:15pm, $15 drop in, Free for CorePower Yoga Members, 7485 E 29th St. corepoweryoga.com.
Every Tuesday—Tattered Tales Storytime. 30 minutes of stories, activities and snacks. 10:30am, 2526 East Colfax Ave. tatteredcover.com
Every Thursday—Star K Kids. 9:30 and 11am; kids 5 and under. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. auroragov.org
Storytimes! At Bookies. Every Tues. 10:30am, Sat. at 4pm. Free. The Bookies Bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Ave. 303.759.1117, thebookies.com
10/2 Wednesday—Firehouse Tales for Tots. Free with general admission. 11am–12pm. Denver Firefighters Museum, 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
10/3 to 12/1— Denver Puppet Theater. Hansel and Gretel. 3156 W. 38th Ave. denverpuppettheater.com
10/5 Friday—Hallowteen for Middle Schoolers. Teens take over the museum at this totally free, uniquely teen night. 7–9pm. 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
10/5 and 11/2 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores. homedepot.com
10/6 Sunday—Family of Four: Free Family Concert with the Ivalas Quartet. 2pm. Refreshments and hands-on activities in the lobby following the program. friendsofchambermusic.com. Denver School of the Arts, 7111 Montview Blvd.
10/9 Wednesday—Create Playdate : Drop-in Artmaking Program for Kids 3-5. Meet up with other tots and their grownups for story time, art making, and more. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy. denverartmuseum.org
10/13 Sunday—Jr. Rangers. 1:30–3pm; kids 6–12. Spooky Creatures of the Night. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora. auroragov.org
10/15 Tuesday—Little Wings: Let’s be Robots. 9–10am. Ages 2–4 with one adult. $1 off admission. Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, 7711 East Academy Blvd. wingsmuseum.org.
10/17 to 10/31—Fall Break Camps. Art-themed camps while school is out. Neighborhood Art Studio, 4890 Ironton St. Unit 6A. neighborhoodartstudio.com
10/18 and 10/21—SPREE Holiday Camps. Friday: Tracts & Scat. Monday: Macroinvertebrates. thegreenwayfoundation.org. 610 S Jason St.
10/21 Monday—Hallowteen for High Schoolers. Teens take over the museum at this totally free, uniquely teen night. 7–9pm. 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
10/23 Wednesday—Inside The Orchestra’s Tiny Tots Concerts. Kids get inside the orchestra as they are seated on the floor and surrounded by a 30+ piece orchestra. insidetheorchestra.org. 3509 S. Glencoe St.
10/23 Wednesday—Write & Talk for Teens with Lighthouse Writers Workshop. 4–6pm. Interested in exploring the world of creative writing? Registration Required. denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/27—Fourth Sundays at Four Mile Historic Park. Explore and enjoy story time and a craft for the youngsters. Adults $7, youth (7-17) $5, under 6 free. Get here early! 715 S Forest St. fourmilepark.org
10/5 Saturday—2019 CIRCLE Café | Equity Out Loud. Speakers will focus on how to improve our education system to promote diversity and inclusiveness. 8:30am–2pmat History Colorado Center, 1200 N. Broadway. circlestamp.org
10/7 Monday—Bold Women. Change History. Lecture Series. Former US Ambassador to the United Nations and Professor of the Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, Samantha Power. historycolorado.org
10/13 Sunday—Little Rock Nine Student/Author. Carlotta Wallis Lanier shares her story of perseverance in the face of racial injustice and how the journey still continues today. 10am. Peoples Presbyterian Church, 2780 York St. 303-297-9071
10/13 Sunday—Love Your Neighbor – Equity in Denver Public Schools. 9:30am. Discussion on efforts to make sure all Park Hill children receive a good education, no matter the income levels of the families in their school. montview.org. Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St.
10/20 Sunday—How Adams County is Meeting the Challenge of Poverty. The forum meets at 9:30am in the McCollum Room of Montview Church. montview.org. 1980 Dahlia St.
10/26 Saturday—Ukulele Workshop. 2–3:30pm. Grab your ukulele or borrow one of ours to join us in an accessible, beginner level workshop denverlibrary.org. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St.
10/29 Tuesday—Lowry Speaker Series Presents: “Eating Recovery Center: Why Now?” A look at the increasing diagnoses of anxiety and depression of adolescents and young adults.. 7–8:30pm. Eisenhower Chapel at Lowry, 293 Roslyn St. lowryspeakerseries@gmail.com
10/18 to 10/22— Fall Break Family Fun at the Denver Art Museum. Free general admission for kids every day includes hands-on artmaking and more. denverartmuseum.org. 100 W. 14th Ave. Pkwy.
10/19 Saturday— Celebrate 110 years of Old Station 1. Jazz Age Bal1 fundraiser with music, food, drink, and a silent auction. Dress in your best 1920s garb. 6–11pm. Denver Firefighters Museum,1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
10/26 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. 10am–2pm, Wings over the Rockies Museum, Lowry. wingsmuseum.org
To 1/12/20—Still: Elemental. Exhibition features multisensory experiences to engage visitors’ emotions. Clifford Still Museum, 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
Monday–Friday—The Money Museum. Closed weekends and bank holidays. 1020 16th St. kansascityfed.org
Tuesday–Sunday—Aurora History Museum. 15051 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, auroragov.org
10/1 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum Free Evening. 4–8pm. mychildsmuseum.org
10/5—Denver Art Museum Free SCFD Saturday. Free for kids 18 and younger every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
10/5—Denver Art Museum Free SCFD Saturday. Free for kids 18 and younger every day. Denver Art Museum, 100 W 14 Ave Pkwy. 720-865-5000, denverartmuseum.org
10/8 Saturday—Denver Firefighters Museum SCFD Free Day. 1326 Tremont Pl. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
10/11 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park SCFD Free Day. 715 S. Forest St. fourmilepark.org
10/14 Monday—Denver Museum of Nature & Science SCFD Free Day. 2001 Colorado Blvd. dmns.org
10/15 Tuesday—Clifford Still Museum SCFD Free Day. 10am–5pm. 1250 Bannock St. clyffordstillmuseum.org
11/1 to 11/9—Denver Arts Week. 9 day celebration of all things art in The Mile High City, featuring more than 300 events at a wide variety of art galleries, museums, theaters and concert halls, many of which are deeply discounted. More info at denver.org/denver-arts-week/
11/5 Tuesday—The Children’s Museum Free Evening. 4–8pm. mychildsmuseum.org
10/3 to 11/23—The Necromancer’s Stone. When a boy’s uncle goes missing, he begs the Voodoo queen for her help. bitsystage.com. The Bitsy Stage, 1137 S. Huron.
10/4 to 11/10—Plaza Suite. A comedy in three acts by Neil Simon. Black Box Theater. 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. Arvada. arvadacenter.org
10/4 to 2/16—Goodnight Moon. Tickets start at $16. Ages: PreK-2nd grade. The beloved bedtime story comes to life on stage for a whimsical musical adventure. denvercenter.org. Randy Weeks Conservatory Theatre, 1101 13th St.
10/5 Saturday—Intermezzo! Lighten it Up with Puccini & Mascagni. Ars Nova Singers and Stratus perform. augustanaarts.org. Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E. Alameda Ave.
10/6 Sunday—One Night Stand Theater presents “Villains”. 7pm. Performances and readings of plays and stories about bad guys, evil women, knaves and scoundrels. onenightstandtheater.org. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora.
To 10/6—Indecent. Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Space Theatre, Speer Blvd & Arapahoe St. denvercenter.org
10/12—Quiet No More: A Choral Celebration of Stonewall. Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Main Stage Theater. 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. Arvada. arvadacenter.org
To 10/12—Pass Over. Unflinchingly confronts the reality of young black men who hope only to survive yet dare to dream about a promise land.1080 Acoma St. curioustheatre.org
To 10/13—Miss You Like Hell. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. aurorafoxartscenter.org
10/16 Wednesday—Charlie Foxtrot: Comedy at Stanley. A new monthly comedy show every 3rd Wednesday at 8pm. Stanley Marketplace, stanleymarketplace.com
10/16 Wednesday—Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. Presenting “New World Spirit” at 7:30pm in Gates Hall, Newman Center for the Performing Arts. friendsofchambermusic.com. 2344 E. Iliff Ave.
10/19 to 10/27—Ballet Ariel presents ‘Peter and the Wolf’. Classical ballet of the story of a young boy, Peter, and his animal friends. balletariel.org. Cleo Parker Robinson Theatre, 119 Park Ave. West.
10/22 to 10/27—Blue Man Group. Tickets start at $40. Ages: 4+. The Speechless Tour. denvercenter.org. Buell Theatre, 1350 Curtis St.
10/26 Saturday—Comic Judy Gold. Emmy-winning writer/producer and stand up comedian Judy Gold. Tickets at jccdenver.org. Elaine Wolf Theatre, 350 S. Dahlia St.
10/26 to 10/27—Verdi Requiem – 35th Anniversary Celebration – Colorado Symphony Chorus. Boettcher Concert Hall. Tickets start at $15. coloradosymphony.org
To 10/27—The Addams Family. A Ghoulish Musical Comedy. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora. vintagetheatre.org
10/30 to 11/10—Denver International Film Festival. 200+ films, panels, workshops and more. denverfilmfestival.denverfilm.org
To 11/24—A Doll’s House Performed in repertory with A Doll’s House, Part 2. Tickets start at $30. Ages: 16+. Follow two acclaimed playwrights’ distinctive takes on one woman’s journey to self-discovery. denvercenter.org. Ricketson Theatre, 1050 13th St.
10/5 Saturday—Sand Creek Greenway Volunteer Work Days. 10am–noon, in Denver. Email Mo at mfair@sandcreekgreenway.org for details. sandcreekgreenway.org
Every third Saturday—Volunteering Orientation 9–10am. Urban Farm at Stapleton offers opportunities for individuals and families. RSVP: theurbanfarm.wufoo.com/forms/zia2rpb0ou3ew1. 10200 Smith Rd.
Mentoring high-performing, low-income students. Minds Matter is recruiting our next class of college access mentors to help high-performing, low-income high school. mindsmatterdenver.org
Volunteers Needed at Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital. Seeks volunteers for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. ronaldhouse.org under “How You Can Help” for info.
Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group to meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities. www.svgd.org
Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. julie@partnersinliteracy.org or 303.316.3944 ext. 241.
Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1609 Havana St., 720-460-1393