Pedestrian Signs to Come at CPB/I-70 Interchange

02/01/2017  |  by John Fernandez

Advocacy by Northeast Transportation Connections (NETC) has resulted in a city of Denver decision to install pedestrian and bicycle yield signs at the I-70 off-ramps’ intersection with Central Park Blvd. The signs will read “Right Turning Vehicles Yield to Peds & Bikes” and are intended to raise driver awareness of those walking and riding north and southbound across the CPB bridge over I-70.

Lacey Champion, NETC program assistant, said, “We heard many people saying that drivers coming off of I-70 would not be looking when they turned right on red, causing many people to feel unsafe and some to almost get hit.” NETC reached out to Denver Public Works and early last month received word that the work order is being finalized and that the installation should be complete within a few weeks, weather permitting.

NETC is the transportation management association for northeast Denver including Stapleton.



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