Feeling “slightly burned out” after completing his new book of poetry for adults, north Park Hill author and resident Daniel Klawitter indulged in what he calls the liberating experience of creating children’s poems. Writing his first book of children’s poetry, Put On Your Silly Pants, “really returned me to a simpler state of mind,” he says. “And the poems appeal to the kid in all of us.”

Author and Park Hill resident, Daniel Klawitter
Featuring, humorous, light hearted, and wistful poetry, the subjects of Klawitter’s children’s poems range from “bullies to boogers.” The book won a Purple Dragonfly Award in the category of children’s poetry for children ages seven and up. The award recognizes and honors accomplished authors in the field of children’s literature, and introduces up-and-coming, newly published authors and younger published writers to readers.
The success of the book has prompted Klawitter to write a second book of children’s poetry. Currently in the manuscript phase, Klawitter plans to include illustrations in this book, possibly by a local artist.
Klawitter points out that studies have shown early exposure to poetry helps children with reading comprehension. “Kids love rhymes and humor,” he notes. “Hopefully, children who appreciate poetry early will become lifelong poetry lovers.”
Put On Your Silly Pants is available at www.amazon.com. For more information about the author, appearances and book signings, visit www.poetdanielklawitter.wordpress.com.