Recent and Upcoming Stapleton Land Transfers

10/01/2015  |  by Carol Roberts

Stapleton’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) ends in 2025—and the more development in place by that time, the more revenue TIF will generate before it ends. A look at recent and upcoming land transfers from DIA for Stapleton parks and development shows the rapid pace of construction that’s anticipated in the near future. Tom Gleason, Forest City VP, stresses that these are projections.

Over 57 acres were transferred in September including:
  • 39 acres for residential development south of the high school
  • 18 acres of trunk open space south of the high school that need to be graded and seeded as part of the drainage plan for the adjoining residential development, but with no funding currently designated to develop that open space.
  • .053 acres for neighborhood retail on Montview (Jiffy Lube)
Land transfers projected by end of year, barring complications (including some from the 640-acre parcel called Section 10, north of 56th Ave.):
  • 118 acres (approximately) in the southwest portion of Section 10 for residential
  • 18 acres on the north and west edges of Section 10 for a waterline to the National Wildlife Refuge
  • 36 acres of land in Aurora for 322 residences
  • 9 acres of land in Aurora for a park to be maintained by the Stapleton Master Community Association
  • 4.4 acres (approx) King Soopers grocery
  • 2.3 acres Evergreen Development, Eastbridge
  • 0.8 acre King Soopers gas station
  • 3.5 (approximately acres of roadway near the CPB rail station
  • 2 acres (approximately) near the tower for Punch Bowl


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