Featuring a book by Tina Fey, Mean Girls tells the story of a naïve newbie who falls prey to a...
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Life of Pi
Based on the novel that sold more than 15 million copies and became a worldwide phenomenon, Life...
The Wiz
THE WIZ returns “home” to stages across America in an all-new Broadway tour, the first one in 40...
Funny Girl
Featuring one of the greatest musical scores of all time, this love letter to the theatre is the...
Back to the Future: The Musical
When Marty McFly finds himself transported back to 1955 in a time machine built by the eccentric...
DCPA Education Summer Session
For fun-loving children 3+ to professional actors looking to polish their craft, DCPA Education...
The Hot Wing King
On the eve of the annual “Hot Wang Festival” in Memphis, Cordell thinks he has finally found a...
The Suffragette’s Murder
On the morning of July 5, 1857, an eclectic group of tenants bustle about their Manhattan boarding...
Little Shop of Horrors
Feast on a beloved sci-fi musical that has rocked the globe for generations! Unforgettable musical...
A Christmas Carol
Essential to the holiday season in Denver, A Christmas Carol is a joyous and opulent musical...
The Reservoir
Josh’s life is a mess. He’s come home to Denver from NYU to get his life together but can’t manage...
DCPA Education Spring Session
For fun-loving children 3+ to professional actors looking to polish their craft, DCPA Education...