When and Where is the SUN Block Party?

04/01/2015  |  by Amanda Allshouse

SUNSUN Block Party Day is a neighborhood tradition where each block (or a group of blocks) throws a party. The location of each party varies with the geography of each block. Block party locations range between closed-off streets, alleys, private courtyards and pocket parks.

SUN encourages neighbors to keep up the tradition, and sets the date in the fall in coordination with the MCA for a community-wide date of parties. This year, the day is the traditional block party date: the Saturday after Mother’s Day (May 16). The MCA sponsors block parties by waiving the fee for greenspace usage on that day. The City of Denver has waived fees and the insurance requirement for block parties (thrown on any date).

Denver Police is another organization who supports Block Party Day, by encouraging neighbors to get to know each other and what is “normal” around the block to better recognize unordinary activity. Individuals who know their neighbors are more likely to report suspicious behavior (e.g., using the Stapleton-area-only text a tip line to directly connect with a District 5 dispatcher: 720.723.8911). Also, conflicts can be avoided, as people are far less likely to have disputes with neighbors if they know them and have a community bond with them.

To answer the questions in the title: hopefully, there will be a block party on YOUR block, whether it is in a street, alley, courtyard or greenspace. In 2015, Block Party Day is Sat., May 16. Most block parties are in the late afternoon or evening; however, the timing is up to the people planning it. While the Stapleton Garage Sale was scheduled for the same weekend, its official hours end at noon so the overlap could be minimal. We will evaluate afterwards and adjust planning this fall if necessary.

Kickball. The 12th Annual Stapleton Kickball Tournament (Aug. 8, 10am) will raise funds to be donated to a charity or local nonprofit. Suggest a recipient to SUN via email or the website (below).

Connect in-person. SUN hosts monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of most months in the Central Park Rec Center. SUN block captains meet from 6:30-7:30pm, and the SUN board meets immediately afterwards from 7:30-9pm. The annual Community Forum and SUN board election will replace the May meeting and will take place during the 6:30-9pm time block on May 19.

Connect online. To sign up for community emails, submit an anonymous question, register your team for the kickball tournament, or learn more about SUN, visit www.StapletonUnitedNeighbors.org. If interested in finding out if your block has a block captain, email SUNoutreach@gmail.com. If interested in a seat on the SUN board, email StapletonUnitedNeighbors@gmail.com


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