(SUN) Board of Directors Annual Election

03/01/2014  |  by

Are you new to the neighborhood? Have you hoped that more voices from the community would be represented in development decisions? Want to help make Stapleton a better place to live and work? Do you have talents and skills that could be put to good use in planning future development in Stapleton? Are you a current resident who has been looking for an opportunity to get involved with neighborhood issues? If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, please consider running for a leadership position on the Stapleton United Neighbors Board of Directors.

The first SUN Board was elected in the spring of 2004. During the past 10 years, much has been accomplished. SUN supports a community participation block captain network of over 200 community leaders. SUN now hosts regular forums with Forest City representatives and officials from the Denver city government to help keep Stapleton residents up to date on the state of our neighborhood. SUN also organizes the annual Block Party Day (6/28/2014) and the Kickball Tournament (9/13/2014), to help bring new neighbors together, and build the bonds that are critical to strong communities. Now it is time to make plans for another year of progress with the election of members of the SUN Board of Directors. Of the 15 two-year seats on the SUN Board, seven are up for election this year. As Stapleton is always growing, SUN is committed to including on the board residents from all areas of our neighborhood.

Stapleton United Neighbors Board Election FAQs

What is SUN, and what role does it play in the neighborhood?

The mission of SUN is to work for the betterment of the Stapleton neighborhood and the City and County of Denver by providing: (i) a forum for residents living within the boundaries of SUN to discuss and resolve issues; (ii) a network of communication; (iii) a means of acting on matters of importance to the community as a whole. Check out the SUN website at www.stapletonunitedneighbors.com for more information.

What are the obligations?

SUN board members are responsible for helping bring the mission of SUN to life through work in the community. That includes monthly meetings (optional outreach meeting at 6:30pm followed by SUN board meeting at 7:30pm on the third Tues. of Jan. through Nov.). Chairing or serving on a SUN committee (transportation, education, outreach, safety and communication, kickball, fundraising and sustainability), serving as a SUN liaison on a Stapleton Citizens’ Advisory Board (CAB) or Stapleton Development Corporation (SDC) committee (parks advisory group (PAG), zoning and planning (ZAP), housing diversity, community communications and design review) or serving as a SUN liaison to Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC). Authoring one or more article(s) per year for the SUN Spot section of the Front Porch. Attending and helping out with SUN-sponsored community events and forums. Promoting the work of SUN and the ethos of SUN’s mission in the community.

What is the time commitment involved?

Monthly board meetings last an hour and a half, (2.5 hours in June). SUN, CAB and SDC committee meetings are usually once a month and run about an hour to an hour and a half and INC meetings are the second Sat. of the month for three hours. Beyond that, keeping up with voice mail, email, other events and meetings can add as little as a few minutes to as much as several hours per week. As a general rule, SUN will involve about 10–15 hours a month of time commitment, and potentially more depending on the calendar of events.

What do I need to do to run for the Board?

The application process entails submitting a 200-word statement of interest and bio to Sean Tierney (seantierney3@yahoo.com) by April 1, and attending the SUN Forum and Election on May 20. The statement of interest and bio will be posted on SUN’s website at www.StapletonUnitedNeighbors.com.


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