SUN Events and SUN Annual Community Forum Wrap-Up

06/01/2015  |  by

Two out of SUN’s three major annual initiatives occurred in May: Stapleton Block Party Day, and the Annual Community Forum, both of which are in partnership with the MCA, the latter also with SDC.

Block Party Day
At least 10 parties occurred across the community on Block Party Day this year (May 16), despite the weather and a full calendar of community options. New block captains asked how other blocks how they do their party. Below are a summary of SUN block captain responses about parties on reporting blocks:

Average number of blocks participating together: 2.5 (range: 1-5)
Average number of people attending: 60 (range 30-80)
Locations: street (20%), alley (30%), pocket park/muse (50%).
Cost: $0/potluck (70%), donations suggested (10%), $17-20/adult $9-10/kid (20%).
Start time: 1pm (20%), 2pm (10%), 3pm (20%), 4pm (40%), 5pm (10%).

For those that specified a stop time, parties starting at 3pm or later ended at 7 or 8pm, Parties starting at 1 or 2pm ended at 4 or 5pm.

Some blocks are opting to celebrate later in the summer. To learn whether your block has a block captain, email your street address to: (addresses in such queries are not retained, compiled or distributed).

SUN Board Elections

The Annual Community Forum, was held Tuesday evening May 19 in the Rec Center Multipurpose room. SUN board elections occurred first and the new slate was quickly approved by the community.  Updates from Denver Police Officer Sherikera Herrera included a summary of measures DPD is taking to better reach and interact with residents in Stapleton.  While Stapleton’s crime rate is low for Denver, most crime that occurs here is preventable through the closing/locking of doors, windows, cars, and garages.

Although the timing of the forum conflicted with a major retail event in Las Vegas, updates for 3 out of 4 major projects happening within Stapleton were available (full minutes available at

Shops at Conservatory Green

Shops at conservatory green had a detailed slide show from the project architect, showing how each of the anchor restaurants will be situated, and how parking will interface with nearby alleys.

Punch Bowl

Seasoned Development’s Punch Bowl project was represented by two staff members, including one newly hired team member who will be an executive vice president operating out of the control tower location. The team addressed concerns from nearby neighbors about access to the parking area, adequate on-site parking, and hours meshing with the community.

Eastbridge Retail

Evergreen sent a long description with exciting details about the western side of the Eastbridge Development via e-mail, which was read by Forest City’s Jim Chrisman.  Available details include two restaurant concepts from Stapleton resident/regional restaurateur Troy Guard.  The Eastern Eastbridge King Soopers Project did not have a representative, nor did they send a written update for the community. Forest City reported that King Soopers was currently responding to Stapleton Design Review Committee’s 15 pages of comments on the design.

Eastbridge Gas Station

Forest City did not have an updated concept plan showing how the King Soopers gas station would be situated on the northern parcel in Eastbridge, and whether pumps would be located on the northernmost side of the parcel at least 100 meters from the housing to the south.  Forest City could also not confirm whether the gas station would have 14 pumps as in the previous design.

SUN’s position as stated in late 2014 is that a gas station is not compatible with the walkability of the Eastbridge Towncenter, and that the placement of the pumps within 100 meters of housing places an undue adverse health burden on nearby residents.  Denver zoning includes no guidance about the closeness of gas stations and housing despite massive evidence that proximity to gas stations is associated with poorer health outcomes and increased health risks.

CAB Assessment of Forest City’s Performance in 2014

An abbreviated review of Forest City’s adherence to the Green Book was provided by the Citizen’s Advisory Board (CAB). Priorities for completion of green space south of I-70 was reported as a goal, including a connection of the east-west greenway to Fitzsimons via 26th Ave; and meeting goals for income-qualified housing.

Funding for MLK Expansion/ Quebec Widening

Bar Chadwick from the City of Denver described the timing, timeline and funding for the westerly creek north project, MLK extension, and Quebec Street projects.


A representative from Denver Environmental Health and the Stapleton Master Community Association (MCA) discussed mosquito mitigation. The MCA contracts with OtterTail for land that they manage.

New Phone Number for Councilman Herndon

Chris Herndon noted that his office phone number would be changing because of redistricting to 720-337-8888

SUN Kickball Tournament

The Kickball Tournament will be SUN’s last major event in 2015, scheduled for August 8 to coincide with Denver Days. To register your team or learn about sponsorship, visit, or email:


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