WCMD to Hold First Meeting of New Strategic Planning Committee

11/01/2016  |  by John Fernandez

The board of the Westerly Creek Metropolitan District (WCMD) has issued an invitation to Stapleton-related organizations to participate in a newly formed Strategic Planning Committee. The intent of the committee is to “fully understand the future process for the Stapleton redevelopment and how the various entities impact and guide the remaining years of the process. We hope to establish a framework for completing the redevelopment, the roles and responsibilities of each entity involved, and a timeline.” The invitation was sent to the Stapleton Citizens Advisory Board (CAB), City and County of Denver, Forest City, Park Creek Metro District (PCMD), Stapleton Development Corporation (SDC), the Stapleton Foundation and Stapleton United Neighborhoods (SUN). The first meeting of the committee will be at 9am, Wednesday, Nov. 16 at the SDC offices, 7350 E. 29th Ave. The committee is expected to hold a maximum of four meetings. WCMD Board Member David Ungemah chairs the new committee.
The WCMD collects the special district tax that funds Stapleton’s local infrastructure.


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