Front Porch Wins Ten 2023 Colorado Press Association Awards

10/01/2024  |  by

The Colorado Press Association held its annual awards ceremony on Aug. 24, and Front Porch won a total of 10 awards listed below in the order received. We would like to thank our staff, readers, and advertisers who make this local paper possible.

Best Breaking News/Deadline Reporting

First Place: Brian Heuberger—Rec Centers Are Pivotal to Denver’s Migrant Response

Second Place: Brian Heuberger—Monumental Gun Control Package Moves
Through the CO Capitol

Best Crime & Public Safety Reporting

First Place: Mary Jo Brooks—Before the Blue & Beyond the Badge
Second Place: Mary Jo Brooks—Parents and Students Demand School Safety

Best Feature Story

Second Place: Sarah Huber—StoryWalk Adorns East Colfax with Original Poetry

Best Headline Writing

Second Place: Mary Jo Brooks—Electric Bike Use Accelerates in Denver

Best Health Enterprise/Health Feature Story

Second Place: Sarah Huber—Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith for the Fellas

Best Series or Sustained Coverage

Second Place: Brian Heuberger & Martina Will—Community in Shock over McAuliffe Principal’s Firing and
New Developments Escalate Turmoil at McAuliffe
International School

Best Informational Graphic
Second Place: Christie Gosch—Tax Relief for High Valuations To Be on the Fall Ballot

Best Page Design
First Place: Christie Gosch—A Mission to Preserve Black History


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