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Your Vote Will Impact Future Generations of Coloradans
Former Colorado Chief Justice Michael Bender reminds voters of what it means to change the state’s constitution: “The constitution represents “Super Law,” setting forth fundamental values and rights that guide us and provide the framework for the operation of our state government. Legislated laws may not contradict the overriding principles expressed in the constitution. To solve problems facing Colorado, legislators must be nimble and responsive to the state’s immediate needs; but to change core values and principles stated in our constitution, change should come about only after a long, deliberative process with future generations foremost in our minds.”
Voting & Registration Information
Who can register?
–Must be a citizen of the United States
–A resident of a Colorado for at least 22 days
–Must be at least 16 years old, with the under
standing that you must be 18 years of age to
be eligible to vote
Must provide a valid Colorado Driver’s License or Colorado ID card OR present one of the acceptable forms of identification for voting (acceptable ID forms include: valid Colorado driver’s license, valid Colorado identification card, valid U.S. passport, valid U.S. military card, copy of current utility bill, bank statement, cable or phone bill, paycheck or government check showing name and current address).
Dates/Drop off Locations:
The upcoming election is an all mail ballot. It is the responsibility of all voters to verify their voter registration record at
The county clerk will start sending ballots to every registered voter on October 17. Early voting starts October 24 at Voter Service and Polling Centers except on Sunday. Ballots must be returned by 7pm November 8.
NE Denver drop off locations, opening Oct. 24, include:
–Central Park Rec Center
–Hiawatha Davis Rec Center
–Montclair Rec Center
–Denver Museum of Nature & Science
–Christ Church United Methodist Church
Registration & Address Change
New to Colorado, moved, or not yet registered?
Update your registration online at If you have a Colorado driver’s license or ID card, you can register here until October 31, 2016 to receive a ballot by mail. For registrations received from October 24 to October 31, ballots will be mailed 72 hours after receipt of registration.
Up to 22 days before the election register by mail, at a driver’s license exam facility, or through a voter registration drive. Find a link to the registration form at
Up to 8 days prior to the election, including election day, register in person any time voter registration is permitted at a County Clerk’s Office or at a Voter Service Center. For a full list of service center locations and hours, download “2016_GeneralElection_KeyDatesandLocations” at
Helpful Information:
–Denver Elections Div.: 720-913-8683
–Voter registration inquiries:
–Mail ballot inquiries:
League of Women Voters’ site. Enter address to build your ballot, register
to vote and get other information.