March & Early April Events

03/01/2018  |  by



3/1 to 4/16—Rugby – Stapleton/Park Hill Wolfpack. Spring season begins – 1st practice on Monday April 16th. Check website for more details:

3/1 to 3/29—Knitting Circle. Sam Gary Branch 2961 Roslyn St. 720.865.0325 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Bring your knitting or crochet project and join other crafters in conversation around the Sam Gary fireplace every Thursday.

3/1 to 3/31—Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge. See Website for March programming

3/3 Saturday—Denver School of the Arts, Visual Art Sale. The Visual Arts Department at Denver School of the Arts will host an art and collectables sale on Saturday, March 3 at the school on Montview and Quebec 8am to 2pm. Students and families will be selling original art as well as well as a variety of items to help raise money for their spring break trip to Italy. arts

3/4 Sunday—Colorado Children’s Chorale Concert, A Classical Afternoon. 3-5 pm. Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St. Tickets

3/1 to 3/29—Denver BAZAAR. Pop up market featuring curated food and craft beverage vendors. First Thursdays of the month from 5-10pm at Stanley Marketplace. Tickets $20-$50.

3/9 Friday—​​A Night At Hogwarts. Teens only event from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Guests will be sorted into houses, enjoy a grand feast, and then participate in a variety of magical activities. Come dressed as your favorite Harry Potter character and win prizes. Open to students grades 6-12. Signed permission slips are required as part of registration. Register at, 720.865.0325 x4,

3/10 Saturday. 16th Annual Collaborative Health and Wellness Fair by the Center for African American Health. 8:30am-3pm. Routine health screenings, education sessions, age appropriate health education move and learn for kids. Register at > Collaborative Health Fair. Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel, 3801 Quebec St. FREE.

3/24 Saturday—Neighborhood Music Grand Opening and Winter Tiny Tots. The Hangar at Stanley. Two Tiny Tots inside the orchestra programs at 9:30 and 10:45am as well as tons of fun with Neighborhood Music. Guests from Neighborhood Music, Twinkle Together, LLC, Kim Robards Dance, Central City Opera, and Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Kids will learn about how the orchestra works as a team to make music – with focus on individual instruments and how they work together.

3/24 Saturday—​​Kick Bullying out of Stapleton Workshop. Ages 4 and Up FREE event with four class times available: 4pm to 4:45pm, 4:45pm to 5:30pm, 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Our mission is to educate Stapleton children on how to deal with bullying before it destroys their confidence for life. Located in the Shops at Northfield. All families must RSVP due to limited space. RSVP by email: or RSVP by phone: 303.928.0043

3/26 Monday—Educational Forum & Expo: Symbolic Violence, Cultural Racism & Our Community. What is Symbolic violence, what is cultural racism, and why does it matter to the residents of Denver and their surrounding communities? What you might not give a second thought may mean a great deal to someone else in your community. How have your interactions with schools, law enforcement, neighborhood social networks and local businesses caused damage? Join us for this enlightening discussion and connect with local organizations at the Expo. Admission is free and everyone can attend by registering today at


3/1 to 3/17—Giant Woodcuts. National Exhibition curated by Gregory Santos, Printmaking Director, Art Gym. Opening Reception: Thursday, March 1, 5-8pm On Display: March 1-17, 2018 Gallery Hours: Tue – Sat 9-6pm Giant Woodcuts explores this age old traditional technique to present larger than life prints, some of them printed with a steamroller instead of a printmaking press from artists across the US. This exhibition is part of Mo’Print – a month long celebration of printmaking in Denver

To 3/4—Denver Restaurant Week. 200+ restaurants offer multicourse meals for special pricing. See website for menus and pricing.

To 3/4—Colorado Garden and Home Show. Colorado Convention Center, Downtown Denver. Flowering gardens, 1,400+ booths; spring landscaping, patio/outdoor projects. Tickets: $12 online, $10 at the door with a canned goods donation. See website for ticket specials.

To 4/8—Master Printers and Print Educators of Colorado. Presented by The Invisible Museum and Mo’Print, exhibit highlights Colorado printmakers. The original prints on display were created by master printers and print educators in the Denver regional area. Prints displayed represent a wide variety of printmaking techniques, mediums and unique styles. McNichols Civic Center Building. 3rd floor. 144 West Colfax Avenue Denver.

3/2 Friday—First Friday Art Walks. Santa Fe Arts District, Tennyson Art Walk, River North(RiNo) Art District, Golden Triangle Museum, Navajo Street Art District.

3/2 Friday—A Passion for Contemporary Art of Ballet. Dimensional wall art formed directly from posed Colorado Ballet dancers available for public view one night only during Art District on Santa Fe’s First Friday Art Walk.,

3/3 to 3/4—Rocky Mountain Train Show. Denver Mart, 10am-5pm Saturday, 10am-4pm Sunday. Adults and kids 12 and over $10. Under 12, scouts in uniform and active duty with military ID Free. Admission good for both days. 451 E 58th Ave Denver 80216.

3/7 to 3/11—Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. National Western Complex, tickets from $10.

3/11 Sunday—The Longing of the Spirit, A Celebration of Women Composers. Women composers will be the focus of the Colorado Chorale’s concert at Central Presbyterian Church 4pm. 1660 Sherman St, Denver. $20 for adults; $15 seniors; 21 and under free.

3/17 Saturday—Harlem Globetrotters. 12pm Pepsi Center, downtown Denver. Repeats 7pm 1st Bank Center, Broomfield.

3/17 Saturday—St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade West of the Mississippi. 9:30am LoDo.

3/23 to 3/25—Denver Home Show. National Western Complex. Friday and Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 10am-5pm. For tickets and pricing

3/23 to 3/25—44th Annual Denver March Pow Wow. Denver Coliseum

3/24 Saturday—Ink Mixer. After the MoPrint Studio Tours, stop by Ink Lounge for some adult beverages where you’re invited to continue to celebrate Denver’s Month of Printmaking. You’ll get the chance to meet many of the studio owners from the tours that day and poke around Ink Lounge’s screenprinting and workshop studio. Did we mention free adult beverages and snacks provided? #MoPrint2018

3/31 Saturday—Denver Collaboration Fest. 3-7pm, Hyatt Regency downtown. 50+ collaborative beer projects; limited edition, exclusive brews. For tickets

4/4 to 4/8—Denver Auto Show. Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St.


3/3 Saturday—Second Annual EPIC Diabetes Conference. Hosted by Barbara Davis Center and the Children’s Diabetes Foundation, EPIC (Empowering Patients for Individualized Care) Diabetes Conference brings the diabetes community in Denver and the larger Rocky Mountain region together to discuss the best ways to take care of diabetes both physically and emotionally.

3/4 Sunday—Fight for Air Stair Climb. Benefits American Lung Association. $35 entry fee and $100 minimum fundraising. Individual or team. Republic Plaza, 16th and Tremont Entrance.

3/4 Sunday—That Dam Run. 5K, 10K and half marathon, Cherry Creek Dam Rd. 9am.

3/10 Saturday—Lucky Charm 1M, 5K/10K. City Park, 8am.

3/11 Sunday—Running of the Green Lucky 7K and Walk. Benefits Volunteers of America, LoDo. Registration begins 7am, race 10:15.

3/11 Sunday—Special Olympics Denver Polar Plunge and Splash and Dash. 5K run/walk and polar plunge to benefit Special Olympics. Beer Garden, live music, contests. 1pm. Elitch Gardens.


To 3/31—Be the Astronaut. Interactive space exhibit, Wings Over the Rockies Museum.

3/6 to 3/27—Story time for Preschoolers. Tuesdays 10:30am. Meet other families from the community and stay afterwards to browse the shelves and play in our playhouse. Free. The Bookies bookstore, 4315 E. Mississippi Avenue (303) 759-1117

To 3/31—Cinderella. Denver Puppet Theater, 3156 W. 38th Ave

3/1 to 3/29—Star K Kids. Thursdays, 9:30 and 11am; kids 5 and under. Morrison Nature Center, 16002 E. Smith Rd., Aurora.

3/3 Saturday—Home Depot Kids Workshop. 9am-12pm. FREE how-to clinics first Sat. monthly, ages 5-12. Get Home Depot apron, wooden project and project pin. Metro-area Home Depot stores.

3/4 Sunday—Junior Rangers. age 6-12, 1:30-3pm. Learn about the plants and animals of Star K Ranch. RSVP required, 303.326.8650

3/6 to 3/27—Little Wings Club. Tuesdays in March, 11am-11:45 kids 11 and under. Activities, stories and crafts for kids and their adults. Free with admission.

3/6 to 3/27—Tuesdays in March Four Mile Historic Park Small Settlers. Ages 2-5 accompanied by parent/caregiver. 9-10am. $5/child adults free, members free. 715 S. Forest St. Advance register: 720.865.0814 or

3/9 Friday—Four Mile Historic Park Hay Bales and Tall Tales. 12-1pm free with admission. 715 S. Forest St.

3/10 Saturday—Cockpit Demo Day. Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Lowry

3/10 Saturday—Inside the Orchestra’s Tiny Tots Performances at History Colorado. Tiny Tots gets children truly inside the orchestra by seating the audience on the floor and surrounding them with a 30+ piece orchestra. Designed for children six and under, this 45-minute program gives young ones the chance to interact with the music and learn about the instruments.

3/17 Saturday—Young Eagles Flight Experience. 3rd Saturday of the month, experience the thrill of flight with a Colorado pilot at the Centennial airport 8am-12 pm. ages 8-17 register at


3/1 Thursday—Attention Gardeners! Developing a Plan for Planting and Growing. Maximize your garden space with a variety of planting techniques, season extension, and companion planting with an eye to sustainability and organic gardening. Develop your garden plan and planting calendar. Recommended varieties for Colorado. $20 3/1, 4/19 6pm The Urban Farm 10200 Smith Road

3/1 to 3/31—Tech Help Appointments at Sam Gary Branch. Sam Gary Branch Library 2961 Roslyn St. 720.865.0325 Get personalized technology assistance and instruction from one of our experts on your own device or a public computer. Call for available times and to schedule your appointment. Topics include: computer basics (Mac or PC), email, eMedia, resumes, Android OS, Microsoft Excel, iOS, job search, music download, PowerPoint, social media, Microsoft Word.

3/6 Tuesday—Active Minds (Free)–Saudi Arabia. 10-11am. Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St. 303.316.6359.

3/8 Thursday—Active Minds (Free)–Cowboys. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720.865.0325.

3/8 Thursday—What Gardeners Need to Know: Diseases and Pests in the Garden. Identify beneficial and wicked bugs in the garden; learn how to manage pests and protect beneficial bugs. Identifying, preventing and treating common plant diseases. $20 per person at The Urban Farm 10200 Smith Road, 6pm.

3/10 Saturday—America’s Nuclear Arsenal. What is the Nuclear Triad? What is the capability of the US Military’s Nuclear Enterprise? What is the role of ICBMs in the arsenal? How are our nuclear weapons managed and protected? Michael Ulrich, Capt. USAF, 320th Missile Squadron, will answer these questions and more. His presentation will include a brief Air Force video. Secular Hub 3100 Downing St., Unit C. FREE, RSVP required.,

3/11 Sunday—Sam Gary Literary. Book club meeting at Sam Gary once a month on Sundays. Club will rotate between fiction, nonfiction, and reader’s choice selections. Sam Gary Branch Meeting Room at 2 p.m. The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone, by Olivia Laing

3/13 Tuesday—Active Minds (Free)–Origins of the Blues. 12:30-1:30 pm. Tattered Cover 2526 E. Colfax 303.322.7727

3/15 Thursday—Attention Gardeners! Let’s Get Dirty! Learn the dos and don’ts of soil amendments, NPK, and using fertilizers effectively. $20 6pm The Urban Farm 10200 Smith Road

3/15 Thursday—Blueprint Denver. 5:30pm. DSST Stapleton high School 2000 Valentia St. Community workshop meeting to discuss development and land use in Denver and proposed changes to classification system.

3/22 Thursday—Active Minds (Free)–India: A Story of Contrast. 6:45-7:45pm. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St. 720.865.0325.

3/23 Friday—Active Minds (Free)–Women of Denver History. 1:30-2:30 pm. Hiawatha Davis Rec Center, 3334 Holly St. 720.865.0590

3/27 Tuesday—Active Minds (Free)–North Korea. 5-6pm. Tattered Cover 2526 E. Colfax 303.322.7727

4/3 Tuesday—Active Minds (Free)–Take a Bite of the Big Apple. 10-11am. Jewish Community Center, 350 S Dahlia St. 303.316.6359.

4/10 to 5/17—Adult Art Classes at Denver School of the Arts: Introduction to Printmaking, Watercolor, and Photoshop; held once a week from 6-8pm. Cost $90 – $110. Class descriptions and registration forms are available on the Visual Arts web site: arts. Questions?


To 5/20—Degas: A Passion for Perfection. Special exhibit featuring more than 100 works of French artist Edgar Degas, separate ticket required. Denver Art Museum.

To 6/10—Creatures of Light. Special exhibit, included with museum admission.

3/3 Saturday—Girls and Science. 9-5pm. Be inspired by women in science; talk with women scientists, participate in activities, learn about opportunities in science, math, technology engineering and more.

3/10 Saturday—Move Closer: Looking at Chinese Painting at the Denver Art Museum. Art historian and critic Kealey Boyd will discuss the shared visual thinking of ancient Chinese calligraphy with Song and Yuan painting. Participants will gain a better understanding of compositional choices and painting techniques that influenced artists for centuries and became transnational. Doors open at 2 pm Members $18, nonmembers $23.

3/15 Thursday—Science Lounge- Luminous. Cocktails and entertainment third Thursday of the month for ages 21+. 6:30-9:30pm. $10/members; $12/nonmembers.

3/16 to 9/3—Dead Sea Scrolls. Special exhibit, Separate ticket required.

3/30 Friday—Denver Art Museum Untitled Final Fridays. 6-10pm. Adult evening out the final Friday of each month at the Denver Art Museum.


3/2 Friday—Museo de las Americas Free First Friday. SCFD Free day, 861 Santa Fe

3/2 to 3/30—Clyfford Still Museum Free Friday Evenings. SCFD Free Day. 5-8pm.

3/3 Saturday—Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab Free Day. SCFD Free day. 99 W. 12th Ave Denver.

3/3 Saturday—Denver Art Museum Free Day. SCFD Free day

3/3 Saturday—Denver Firefighters Museum. SCFD Free day

3/9 Friday—Four Mile Free Day. SCFD Free day 12-4pm.

3/19 Monday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. SCFD Free day

3/22 Thursday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. SCFD Free day

4/3 Tuesday—Denver Botanic Gardens Free Day. SCFD Free day


To 3/3—Spotlight Theatre Presents Neil Simon’s “Rumors”. John Hand Theater, Lowry.

To 3/11—Sleuth. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora 80010

To 3/17—Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde. The John Hand Theatre 7653 E. 1st Place

To 3/18—Real Women Have Curves. Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave, Aurora.

To 5/6—Sense and Sensibility. Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada.

3/1 to 3/31—Comedy Sports. Fridays and Saturdays in March. Avenue Theater, 417 East 17th Ave

3/2 to 3/11—Ring of Fire. The music of Johnny Cash. Vintage Theatre, 1468 Dayton St, Aurora Cultural Arts District

3/8 Thursday—Denver Young Artists Orchestra Presents 40th Anniversary Spectacular! Over 250 young musicians from all ensembles of the Denver Young Artists Association. 2:30pm. Boettcher Concert Hall.

3/16 to 3/18—Denver Brass: Brass, Bagpipes and Co: Off Kilt-er. Tickets $22-$44, Newman Center for Performing Arts, DU Campus

3/18 Sunday—Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Sleeping Beauty Suite. Presented by Ballet Ariel. 3:00pm, D.L. Parsons Theatre at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive, Northglenn. Tickets $10 children and seniors, $15 or call 303-945-4388.

3/22 to 3/24—Star Wars: A New Hope- Live in Concert with the Colorado Symphony. 1st Bank Center, Broomfield 7pm Thursday 3/22 and Saturday 3/24. Tickets $45-$85.

3/31 to 4/28—The Diary of Anne Frank. Spotlight Theatre Company at John Hand Theater


Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital for once-a-week commitment, 6-month minimum. under “How You Can Help” for info.

Reading Volunteers Needed. For students in K-8 grade. 1 hour, 1 student, 1x week. During school hours. or 303.316.3944 ext. 241

Project Worthmore. Nonprofit organization of committed community members give, volunteer, mentor, befriend refugee neighbors. 1532 Galena St., Ste. 380. 720.460.1393

Single Volunteers of Greater Denver. Volunteer, not-for-profit singles group, meet others and assist nonprofit organizations for events/activities.



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