Residents Pack Northfield High School on Super Tuesday

03/02/2016  |  by John Fernandez

caucus edited

Democrats in the Stapleton area turned out in overwhelming numbers for Tuesday’s caucuses. Voters from 13 precincts gathered at Northfield High School, too many to fit in the 390 capacity cafeteria, spilling out into the lobby and lawn on an unusually warm March evening.  The restive crowd listened patiently as party leaders read the complicated caucus rules, then spilled out of the large room and headed to rooms in other campus buildings where the individual precincts met to conduct a presidential straw poll and select delegates to the county assembly and convention. Denver County and statewide Democrats went with Bernie Sanders while Hillary Clinton, on this Super Tuesday, strengthened her grip as the party’s presumptive nominee with a strong showing in the south. Republican caucuses were much less attended, at least partly because state leaders chose to not conduct a presidential straw poll.


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